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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. At least he had the courtesy to shut the hatch after blowing it open lol!
  2. AFAIK Pakistan is already upset with the Chinese as the Paks realized that the huge expensive projects the Chinese sucked them into put the Paks too deep in debt/are unaffordable and the Paks have to sign over rights to ports etc. The Chinese are basically using the same predatory lending methods of unscrupulous money lenders throughout history. (Probably learned from us.)
  3. Well of course that's what they say...
  4. You really need to read posts more carefully. Nowhere did I say we should abandon all our expensive toys. Was simply pointing out that using a steam hammer to crack a walnut is waste of resources and only benefits the steam hammer manufacturer - especially when the steam hammer is so sophisticated that it has to be completely and expensively renovated after each use.
  5. Have complete confidence that "welcome guests" will turn into hated enemy when they realize Chinese intentions to stay and exploit...
  6. One should always have hope...
  7. Not a bad idea actually. Altho' in recapturing Uhniv, I tried to rely mostly on area fire from the 3 US 1st Platoon Strykers and they are now down to 700-800 x 50 cal rounds each. (I think they start with 1500-1900 rounds?) The area fire tactic works to save lives however, as this time my US 1st Platoon has suffered only 3 casualties in the Uhniv assaults.
  8. Everything is about cost and logistics. If you add up the cost to develop, manufacture and maintain an incredibly expensive and sophisticated weapons system like the F35 just so it can drop a precision munition on a building with a couple uncons in it and compare it to the cost of a simple heavily armored tractor (that does not require all the bells and whistles of an Abrams) which is capable of safely delivering (say) a 300mm+ demo charge on the same target from a few dozen meters away... The argument that it's cost effective to use a javelin to kill each individual uncon armed with a sniper rifle x thousands is how empires get bankrupted. (And how defense contractors get very, very rich on our tax dollars.)
  9. Let us start chanting for CM3. CM1 was 7-8 years old when it was made obsolete by CM2 in 2007. CM2 is now 11 years old(!). 'Nuff said...
  10. It's almost as if we need a new type of AFV -designed not to fight other tanks with very sophisticated systems, but an inexpensive and more heavily armored "tractor" to move a large "demolition" weapon safely to where it's needed to blow up defensive positions. Seems ridiculous to create ever more sophisticated and expensive systems like MBT's and aircraft delivering JDAMS when one needs a simple and more heavily armored "bulldozer".
  11. One would still not be able to replay a RT game turn. Also, if you don't intend to pause a RT game all the time, then you may as well play WEGO.
  12. What one sees onscreen is often abstracted re processing speed issues. I dunno fer sure, but we may find that the system calculates each man separately exactly as you desire.
  13. Jeez... Even the official admission of 44% is terrible. Since the main reason for western intervention in Afghanistan over the centuries has been to stop the Russians (and now Chinese) outflanking Pakistan to acquire ports on the gulf, and to get access to oilfields in Central Asia, and given the west's history of success in this endeavor, maybe just let the Chinese in with our blessing and let them sort it out (heh). There is nothing like overstretching an empire that is more likely to degrade and implode it.
  14. What would be good is if BF announced a new game in which the Russians and Chinese joined forces to invade N. Korea and sort Kim out. If past history is anything to by, that would then happen in RL.
  15. It would be nice if they suddenly combined forces and headed off south to nearby N Korea, and sorted that mess out once and for all.
  16. Found it much easier to run out of BTR ammo due to its high rate of fire. The Mk19 fires in salvos, so uses less ammo in a 15 second firing cycle than the BTR. Also I agree with Ian, they can be very deadly and one often doesn't see the damage it causes to the enemy. I do often however, put the Mk 19 on restricted arc as it has the bad habit of ignoring nearby friendlies and hitting them as well. Perhaps the issue is picking the "right sort of target" for each weapons system.
  17. CM2 is better in this regard. In CM2 each team of a squad will attack separately but coordinated towards the end waypoint. However, as one gets more experienced one tends to split a squad manually and order each team separately.
  18. All CM2 games (except CMBS for some reason) have mods that give the caliber, range and even penetration data of all weapons (incl small arms). Hopefully found at CMMODS.
  19. Ah... Had forgotten about that. Always assumed that the unit would take a morale hit and be routed. But, as Baneman pointed out: "...as I pointed out here : http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118045-one-more-newbie-question-for-now-icon-explanation/ ), that is a historical belief from CMx1 where the Withdraw command ( same effect ) DID have a morale hit." So, using the CM2 WITHDRAW command can be very useful - esp for MOUT and other close quarters actions.
  20. As with most expensive weapons systems, it's to keep defense manufacturers earning massive profits. How is someone like me supposed to enjoy my villas in France, New Zealand and Hainan Island and pay for my collection of private jets???!! You a commie or something?!! Edit: Ooops. No offence intended to my Chinese overlords. I really like my Hainan Island place. Thank you...
  21. I predict that in the next decade, scientists and doctors will discover that the secret to keeping one's mind active thru extreme old age is playing complex wargames like CM. At that time, we here will have new careers as counselors and consultants as to how to select and effectively play these medically approved (and payed for by insurance) therapeutic aids. Our collections of cardboard wargames stored in our garages will be worth millions!
  22. close... Hey SS... Isn't it funny that the "Like" scores were created so that those who felt they were "more equal than others" and deserved more status, attention and respect on these forums would be identified and listened to while us "lesser mortals" would be shut down... And now we both have high scores LOL. Am waiting for someone to decide that these scores are meaningless and not such a great idea after all.
  23. Am puzzled. The Mk 19's can fire for a while with their ammo loadout as their rate of fire is not fast for more than a couple of seconds bursts. IIRC the BTR has about 360 rounds of HE but can fire the lot in under a minute. My best effort was to try and limit area fires to 5 seconds - quite tricky and hard to accomplish with waypoints and QUICK or REVERSE moves. The other issue with the BTR is that it can go through the MG ammo quite quickly as well when Area Firing. My SOP is now to never give MG ammo from the BTR to inf. Let the BTR keep it all for its own use.
  24. Maybe best article ever written on subject. Eg: "After initial testing of T-64 Army started to understand the scale of failure, how utterly unworkable this abomination was in majority of Soviet Fatherland. The engine had to be warmed before ignition like Italian supercar for rich Italian mafia members that oppress simple Italian workers and parasitize the working class!. ...if tank lost tracks in combat and Soviet army engineers tried to pull damaged T-64 out of the battle, those punny rollers just buried themselfs because how thin they were, working as a self-entranching knifes and by this completely jamming suspension and not allowing to pull tank from the battlefield, just to ensure that Westerners will win! Those Kharkovites know no shame for their traitor rollers!"
  25. Currently safe undisclosed very hot area.
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