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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Shouldn't you be in the kitchen? I'll bet Boo would like you to whip something up for a snack. I know how you like to dote on the kniggits.
  2. I believe the operative word here is 'try'. Boo could jump off a 10 story building and manage to miss the ground.
  3. But what about antics? Boo, you've been gone all day. Can't you continue to be? [ July 10, 2004, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  4. Yer gots that right. Lame, and make no mistake... {que flashback sequence}: It was back in ought-six, when the bugs came. Oh, bad times, those were. I was in Carter's Cutthroats, the meanest bunch to ever stand up to those space bugs. Heh, heh, made 'em pay fer what they did to Detroit. Took a round in the knee on Alpha Dominion 4, in the big invasion. Lucky, we just got those new Honda robot surgeons, or I'd be wearing a test-tube leg now.{/que flashback sequence} Okay, so I'm lame. I've made you laugh, so what does that say about your level of humor? Besides, Kobal2 (s.b.n.b.) says I make him deal with my antics. I've always wanted to have antics. [ July 10, 2004, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  5. Isn't that about the time he says, "Get your hands off me, you filthy ape!"?
  6. On the other hand, you could attempt to raise the bar, but drop it on your foot and trip over it, as Boo just did.
  7. You wanna try and raise the bar? Put up or shut up. Anyone can deride (except for Elvis, who is just an idjit). You gotta do it with style, or we'll just dismiss you like any other dufus. Make no mistake, we all consider you a dufus of the first order, but moreso when you just come in and lament the low-brow humor. Personally, I agree with George Carlin. Poo (fart) jokes are funny, else there wouldn't be so many of them. Edit to add yet another dig at Steve, and correct some spellink errars. [ July 07, 2004, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  8. If I had my way, I'd still be in them. Imagine the freedom; crapping anytime you want. Oh, and Nidan1, I was born in 1961, so you'd be wrong. Like you always are. I think you'd be used to it by now.
  9. Don't taunt me, Boo, or I'll pledge my support of you. You don't want that albatross hanging on your neck, do you?
  10. I now pledge my undying (at least for the present [and where is my present?] time) support of you and your thread. I only pulled out because Kitty told me not to make any more little ones. Just honoring the Ladies of the 'pool, donchaknow.
  11. Everything burns, if enough heat is applied. Thunderbolts? Pfffft. I have a newborn, and haven slept more than 3 hours straight in the past six days. You think mere thunderbolts are gonna scare me? Take away my coffee, now, that might get a reaction!
  12. Jamoomba is an ass. Powerless, yet with overly vocal supporters. Should there be a burning at the stake for one of them (I'm looking at you, Soddy), I may be persuaded to change my position. Like from sitting to more of a reclining one.
  13. Oh, come on. Are you just going to bend over and take it? Especially when he is one of the daft buggers who won't understand? I withdraw my support until an Olde One makes an executive decision. (i.e. pretty much for-ev-ver)
  14. Okay, Lars. I'll back you up with the O-fish-Al blessing as Abbot of the Drains (as bestowed by Mr. Mouthy the Bard). Kind of hard to make a choice, as your title is better (non-gag inspiring), but your rules are the same tired old ones. Kinda like most of the kniggits, I guess. Okay, you win. Maybe if we ignore that other, pretender thread, it will go away.
  15. Challenge, you dolt. You have to have it in the title, or it isn't O-fish-al. Sheesh, you'd think he was a newbie.
  16. Aren't you supposed to be passed out? Here, try this, it's got a heck of a kick: *hands Kitty a shot, and simultaneously whackes her in the back of the head with the brick* That oughta do it.
  17. dalem, you were in fine form over on the GF this afternoon. Got Broken and Frunze so worked up, that they've been frothing at the mouth for hours since you stoped trying to get your point across. Another "I just don't get it" thread. Are people really this dense, or is this some kind of alternate reality?
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