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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. You went where? Completely over the line separating normal people from manic obsessed modeling nerds? We all thought that happened years ago.
  2. Didn't I tell you I was slow sending turns? Didn't you listen? I was taught the ways of non-turn sending by our absent Bard himself. You think this is a wait? HA! I've kept Boo hanging on for over a year now, and that one has already gone past the allotted turns. A mere 10 days is but a eyeblink to procrastinators such as me. You sit there all smug, dreaming about your Tigers and Panthers against a handful of M-10's. Probably giggling like a schoolgirl. Oh, tee hee. Look at the big 'splosion. Boom! You think I'm gonna be a party to that farce you picked? That would make me an enabler. Well, it ain't gonna happen. At least not at the pace you'd like, Mister. Besides, I don't like to drink on a work night, and that's the only way I'm loading up that piece of crap again. {Note: the above is null and void if I manage to win}
  3. Stupidity is assured. Drunkenness takes some small effort on their part.
  4. If that truly were the case, I'd gladly stand in the middle of the NYS Thruway. At night. Wearing black. The sudden impact of the large steel bumper, chromed, but slightly pitted from too much road salt, on the deisel sucking truck carrying yet another load of unnecessary consumer goods to one of the multitudes of impersonal cookie-cutter discount chain stores, driven by a tired and somewhat careless driver just trying to make a buck, instantly turning my insides into my outsides would provide welcome relief from your ponderous discussion of your various devices for plugging bodily orifices. Sheesh.
  5. The phrase "fish in a very small bucket" comes to mind.
  6. It can't get any worse than the convulsive twitches that mental image is causing. Don't forget, oh hoof-ed one, that I have pictures of you from my visit last year. Do I have to send them along to Patch (evil mistress of the photoshop) for a bit of "enhancing"?
  7. Uh, Boo? We sent that one to Coventry, 'member? In your advanced state of decay, you must have forgetted. Forgotted. Or sumfink. MrSpkr, do I owe you a turn, or you me? It was your damn setup, so if you owe me, shame on you and your family for evermore (said the raven). If I am the one doing the owing, it's only a slight oversight, and means nought.
  8. Senility setting in so quickly? I sent you #006 on the 4th of this month. Almost ten days I've been waiting, nancy boy. Hop to it!
  9. Yes, but have you reached mididoctors level? Aspire, young one, aspire! And where the hell's my turn, slacker?
  10. "Captain Roger Vane Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You tend to blend into the background occasionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!" So, When are all you dunces going to follow my obvious lead?
  11. Consider me doing my part to waste bandwidth. Just to break the rules.
  12. Well put Leeo. Why do my taunts get such short shift? Turns are all out, where the heck are the replies? Not often I can say that (at least not without lying), so hop to it, boys.
  13. Don't you ever learn? Last time you asked that, it was me you were talking about. Maybe I'd better bite that hand again? (maybe not. You never know where it's been)
  14. Kee-rist. Harv, go boil your head. And change the damn sig file.
  15. Boo, you aren't the spelling and Grandma grog. Stick to your own department. You want me to patch CM:BB and send along the old file? Might as well make it an official victory for me. Lord knows I get few enough as it is, except against you. And just who was it that broke wind. It's posting on it's own.
  16. Redwolf, those are Jerry cans. Fuel or water.
  17. Squire to Seanachai himself. Even before you, dense one. Refused Kniggithood twice before he kicked me out, too. Also appointed Abbott of the Drains at the coronation of Qween YK2. But unlike some insecure types, I don't feel the need to tout my titles and honors in my sig line. BTW, I still have the files from that last game. I though you gave up?
  18. You think so? Drub away, you worthless Grandma Grog. Which is really icky, if you think about it. You pick something (not too large) and we'll see. Oh, yes, we will see.
  19. Very nice. Brought back a lot of fond memories.
  20. That goes for you, too, Leeo. Lamer. (Just 'cause we've never played doesn't count. Dork.)
  21. Oh, and before you brag about how any 13 week old is more tactically aware than I, note to all how you've never beaten me. Just for the record.
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