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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Oh, man. Just re-read the first 35 pages of the original. Some excellent sig lines scattered in there, and plenty of laughs. I think page 26 is my favorite so far: a wonderful vynyet..vignit...er, short story by The Bard, a Rant of the First Order by MrPeng, and a spectacular series of screenies from Aitken. Edit: even the first incidence of Coventry on page 29, although they didn't call it that. Might want to add that name to the list Joe, it's the first one. [ January 05, 2005, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  2. Just because he's your brother as well should be no cause for concern.
  3. Dyslexia is not a pretty sight. Typing it isn't all that fun, either. May a thousand cammels defecate in your beer.
  4. Joe, in the illustrious words of our immortal dalem: (Wait! Doesn't he mean "immortal words of our illustrious dalem? No! Not at all. The words are not immortal, as no one 30 years from now will remember them. Further, dalem is not dead, so (at least for now) I am correct in refering to him as immortal, and besides, none of us would actually think he's illustrious.) Rheeeeeeeeee!
  5. Joe, only you would agree this place was a cesspool, and then compliment the others on the "relatively high level of writing that one finds herein". You probably enjoy the smell, too. Have you always had to work this hard to be noticed, (much less accepted), as part of the group?
  6. And you are still a barbarian. Not the muscled hero Conan type, but the weasle coward sidekick type. He posts here. How much more of a nobody can he get?
  7. Ooooh, sombody has learned to use the search function. Congratulations! It isn't much, but apparently it's more than Old Foul Joe can accomplish. Now, memorize all the post in the threads you linked, and scream them at the top of your lungs out in public. Be sure to use proper bolding during your recitations.
  8. You barbarian! Every cultured person knows he is the most prolific writer of our time. Poetry, music, one-liners and quips are just a small part of the work this genius has turned out. His whole family have been in the business for ages, turning out some of the most respected work. The fact that you did not know this is further evidence of your failure as a scholar.
  9. Only some kinds of art. I suppose some modern art will cause nausea, but a classic like the Mona Lisa is simply a diversionary tactic. Sculpture, on the other hand, could be quite devastating; imagine the statue of David dropped from a decent height will cause all sorts of damage.
  10. And now the award for "what single post best brings a thread to a screeching halt". The envelope, please. *much tearing and rustling* The winnah is...our very own Boo Radley! Four hours without a single reply or change of topic! This in the most frequently posted thread of all, may it always be so. Congratulations, it takes a special kind of mind-numbing droning to induce sleee.... *snore*
  11. The guns are the only thing not weird about him, and probably serve to keep Seanachai in line. For that reason alone, they deserve a place of honor. Unlike dalem himself. Or the rest of this mangy crew, for that matter.
  12. I'm a contract worker; been laid off dozens of times. Just part of the cycle. Still, looking for a job is like one of Emrys' posts: always an annoying interuption. Joe, you dolt, you spelled my name wrong!
  13. You got that part right, sparky. First time for everything, I suppose.
  14. Obviously, you have not seen any post-holiday pictures. If you had, you would see there is far too much of me. What there is too little of is employment. As of 4:30 PM today, I join the ranks of bums sucking the gov't teat. Oh, damn, that makes me more like dalem. Just shoot me now.
  15. I've never been one to dabble in psychedelics, much. I'm far too warped to begin with; using them might change me from "slightly strange, but affable character sitting quietly" to "crazed gunman attacks crowd". You wouldn't want that on your conscience (I'd blame the MBT for all of it), would you?
  16. Which moon? You do realize that the Jupiter moon grogs will be all over you for this lack of specific detail? Great news, we can only hope for an early release.
  17. Mentions of children's show hosts is surreal enough with you lot. Acid would only spoil it.
  18. Seany babe! Oh, former mental mentor! Hey, you get rid of the crabs, yet? Er, oh, yeah, you were calling it gout. Right.
  19. Why do you have a small oriental man sucking the side of your head (not that there's anything wrong with that)?
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