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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. There are Miles of circuitry in this computer, and it still doesn't work worth a dalem. Shall I continue?
  2. I've walked for Miles and I still can't get all o' this dalem off my shoe!
  3. It was a '74, not a '77 Boo.. Cheap vinyl interior, slant 6, auto. Underpowered, crappy brakes, worn tires and lousy milage. Went from massive understeer to dangerous oversteer with no warning, and not enough power to get you out of trouble. The front drums were so warped that the whole car shook when you hit the brakes. Didn't even have a damn cigarette lighter in the dash, and I wouldn't take one as a gift. I'm still surprised I didn't kill myself in that one. But it was my first car, and it only cost 650 bucks.
  4. A MATADOR, you numbskull. A Javelin at least has styling, that is if you can see beyond the cancerous rust. A Hornet, well not so much. But I have fond memories of a night in the back of a clapped out, puke green one. So we'll just say that they aren't as butt ugly as a Pacer. Say, if Joe is a Matador, and Boo is the junior just-a-car, doesn't that make him the Pacer of the cesspool? He is kinda shaped like one...
  5. Good Lord (sorry, Berli, it's just an expression) I think you've finally hit on it! Let's examine the facts: F) He was conceived and "built" in the distant past. L) Those responsible for this atrocity are no longer around to punish. O) He's been obsolete for many years. A) Ugly as sin, and zero points for style. T) Completely unreliable. E) Underpowered, but still belches noxious fumes. R) Usually seen in those mod 70's colors. There you have it. Old Foul (Fowl) Joe is a damn AMC. Can we put him in the crusher now? Please?
  6. Uh, leave it outside where the weather is? And what the heck is 1/33 scale? Did you leave it in the dryer too long?
  7. Age Old Foul Joe? You'd have better luck trying to harden petrified wood. Lars, any luck this year? No, not getting your hunting boots on the right feet first try. Did ya get some meat on the hoof?
  8. Hate to break it to you smallboor, but Boo has always been a bit of the slack-jawed drooling type. In his own words: "a big doofussy looking guy in a baseball hat." Why do you think he was picked as deputy dog? Birds of a feather. The thuggishness is probably glandular, so we won't hold that against him, but we will point and laugh about it. If he were any more "enfeebled", he'd be soliciting advice from crustaceans.
  9. Quick is quicker, eh? They sure do make 'em more smarter down under! Not to mention completely WRONG. You do not want to stick the knife between the ribs. A)It might get stuck, and 2)it isn't done that way. Dolt. You start at the breastbone and cut once, just through the outer layers, down to below the belt. Or, if you think you're stylish (or just ass-backwards like all aussies), you can go bottom to top. You let the guts and organs spill out slowly, so the victim can see them all one by one as they slip out past bloodied, clutching fingers. Careful not to pierce the heart or lungs, as that leads to death too soon. Sheesh, doesn't anyone value a decent gutting anymore? No patience for the art of butchering. Always straight for the kill, with no thought to style or panache.
  10. Ix-nay on the ack-ray, bub; there are ladies present. Wouldn't want to be thought of as a typical male cretin, now would you? Besides, you 'shake that thang' come Monday morning, I've got a 12 gauge present for you, express mail.
  11. Got your fox pee ready, Leeo? It's that time of year again. No, you don't have a date. Hunting, oh doltish one. Legal killing of innocent (they aren't that innocent, did you see what that buck just did?) creatures. Gunning them down, and feasting on their flesh. Good times, to be sure. And, while I gut out my fallen prey, I will be reminded of all of you. Further, I will wish it were you laying on the ground with innards no longer in. May your innards be outards, one and all.
  12. Bren Tripods hasn't been hashed over in a while... EDIT: Man, talk about bad timing!
  13. Simple things for simple minds, Boo. Although your taste runs a bit on the kinky side.
  14. Don't you have a cold, lonely wilderness to be sitting in? Somewhere far, far away? This one has learned faster than most. Either that, or Old Foul Joe is more transparent that I thought. Has anyone noticed if Shaw casts a shadow?
  15. If you profer your hand, I will bite it. Turn your back, and I will stab it (with a twist at the end, for spite). Turn your face to me, and I will laugh in it and stomp on your toes. Attempt to dodge me, and I will continue to verbally punt you around like the worn, overstuffed dog chewtoy you have become. Acknowledge my status as worthy adversary, or I shall continue my assault on your fading self esteem. I will follow you around from thread to thread, making Tim the Enamored seem welcome by comparison. I demand to be named Mortal Enemy.
  16. Well, you certainly have the feeble part down pat. Hey, Sean (friend), the health insurance issues I had were not having any, you ponce. Mind explaining how that logically qualifies me to give some other, poor, under insured person advice? Would you recommend dalem for employment tips? How about Berli for nice gestures, or Old Foul Joe for bending the rules? I suppose OGSF is your choice for ennunciation lessons, too? You are the very definition of the word pillock. [ November 11, 2004, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  17. Where's my feeble taunt, slacker? It's been days since I've been mildly amused.
  18. Ah, but I do have power. The power to bring you back in here to verbally castigate me. (No, Boo, castigate. It means reprimand. Admonish. Uh, smaller words? Okay, it means to tell me I've been a bad boy. Like you, yes. No, Rose isn't going to spank me. (Usually have to pay extra for that!) No, no one is cutting off anything. Here's a piece of broken glass, go amuse yourself.) dalem may have to promise you alcoholic beverages and "let you play with the big boys", but all I do is scatter a few words, and you come running. So, at least you make a fairly passible dog. You, too? So far the "random monkeying" solution hasn't yielded a lot of positive results for me. I did manage to screw up the AutoCAD, which can be considered a step in the right direction.
  19. To you, turn is sent. Is there reason for broken Eeenglish? EDIT: Pardon, bad on me. Turn no sent. Computer is big fooked, CM no run. Reinstall no help. New OS is to be got. [ November 07, 2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  20. Not me; I'm a leftie. Left handed, that is. Politically, I make old Adolf look like a liberal pussie.
  21. Slacking again, Oh Foul One? Maybe we do need a new sheriff in these parts. Not to be confused with dalem's parts, which just need a good wire brushing...
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