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Everything posted by rleete

  1. You mean to tell me I'm Austrailian? That's just mean.
  2. Kitty: Midol. Take two. Wash down with a good stiff drink. Follow with about a pound of chocolate.
  3. Me, sycophant? Hardly. I only bite the hand that feeds. Since the Pengster will hardly notice my post, much less bestow any sort of favor, the point is invalid. Bedridden, in fact. Besides, what possible advantage can you gain from a pod? Warts?
  4. Buy drop bear repellent! Sheesh, newbies, have to sell them everything. Edit: MrPeng, that was spot on.
  5. Seanachai walks into a bar carring a turtle and a box of kleenex... How's that for a setup?
  6. Well, then, you can do what you always do with pimples, and BITE ME.
  7. Shhhhh. I'm trying to get him to go read all those threads. Don't let him know we just want him to go away. Sombody hit him in the arse with the door on the way out, just for grins.
  8. Kind of creepy? We're talking aboout dalem here, my boy. Cutlery that is usually reserved for active members of the Black Ops community is just the tip of the ol' iceberg.</font>
  9. Sir, that has got to be the lamest reply ever. Spending too much time in the maggot thread? Were you watching some "saved by the Bell" reruns? Trying to get in touch with your feminine side? Good, 'cause it's probably as close as any sane female will let you get. Sheesh, thugs these days. You just don't get quality thuggishness anymore.
  10. What? They're going to rename the Boo? Unthinkable. Like the Titanic.
  11. Tell me you doorknobs haven't got anything to blather on about? Have we got to resort to bumping this off the bottom? Sheesh, where's the Mouthy Gnome when you need him? Okay, you asked for it: So, what you're saying is that Papa Khann doesn't even know how to cut the cheese? How... ...painful. (Berli, Most Obvious Post Award?)
  12. If you don't want to help, just say so. I'm going to bed to dream of high explosives.
  13. Oh, Hell no. That is so gauche. Major gaffe. If you are going to do something, do it right (dammit)! If the police (or some over-acheiver type co-worker) don't do you in with either a head shot or by riddling your body with a hail of fire, you save the last round for yourself. Either you suck it up and let the corporate minions have their way with you, or not. There's no pleading insanity, or some other limp-wristed cop-out. There is style to be considered. p.s. Blue cammo is just too "urban coyboy".
  14. Calling all gun grogs (I'm looking at you, dalem): When "going postal", is it better to take an SKS assault rifle with folding stock and 3 30-round magazines, even though it sometimes stovepipes the casings, or a tried and true semi-auto shotgun, even though it has limited magazine capacity? Should one wear street clothes, or try to look more paramilitary (camo fatigues) when gunning down the evil corporate minions? Wouldn't want to commit a faux pas when going out in a blaze of glory. You only get one shot at this, and it ought to be done right.
  15. Hiram, I normally don't post condolences, as you don't know me from Adam, so it means little. However, recent circumstances have made me reconsider. There is nothing that can even come close to the pain of losing a loved one. May you take comfort in the little ways that you, and only you, knew your sister. Cherish the memories of the good times you shared, and she will be with you.
  16. Well, I was squire to Seanachai, so I do feel a bit cheated. edited to bold The Mean One's screen name [ August 27, 2004, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  17. What? Don't I get the lifetime achievment award? I've been very obvious with my responses all along. I demand a bigger prize!
  18. And the fact that you know that, is very, very disturbing. I don't want to know how you found out, either.
  19. He's not Oddstralian, he's a pommie. Sheesh, Texans. Can't teach 'em a thing.
  20. I don't think it counts if they are terminally brain dead. Like being hunted by Lars, there really isn't much to worry about. BTW, resend the last turn, it doesn't load right.
  21. Hey! Seanachai told us to knock it off with the butt jokes. Gets him too worked up, I suspect. {But below the height of the grass} See Mr. Donkey? He's bobbing. Stop before he gets really excited. Do you hear me? Bobbing! First off, I am no longer bearded. Haven't been for going on two years now. Get with the program. Isn't is just like some olde fogey to keep living in the past? And neither do I stomp. I'm one of those fairly quiet, soft-spoken types that they warn you about on TV crime dramas. And heavily armed. (good thing I can buy Guinness around here to calm my nerves). Yes, I have been in a lousy mood lately. The company where I have worked my ass off for two + years is "outsourcing" my job. Overseas, no less. So, all of you that buy Hefty brand products (they're crap anyway; buy Glad) are now supporting corporate greed and the East Indians. Lack of sleep and soon lack of job makes for one pissed off boy. So, make me laugh; not with some stupid song lyrics, either. You know, If I wasn't pretty sure I know who the Royal Bitc...er, lady who made the complaint is, I wouldn't put it past you to try something like that. Seems her bratty little kid is playing with toy guns (oh, how terrible), and happened to visit my site. As a loyal democrat, she is against guns (then again, she's in NYC, so probably thinks Hillary should be named queen), and by extension, all clankety things. Tried spamming me first, and when that didn't work, went right to my ISP. That's okay: since she so thoughtfully provided me with her e-mail address, I've been signing her up for everything from free porn to NRA newsletters.
  22. Lighten up, olde man. Whatsamatta, dalem beat you like a rented mule in some kiddie wargame?
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