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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Wow, I can't believe I got away with that. She must be getting soft in her dottering old age...
  2. Just who is/was this guy? Did he hunt? Did he use a Thompson? Did he kill trees? No bets. If you haven't managed (being the pillock you are) to get yourself horribly maimed (much less murdered outright) thus far, I don't see much random chance of our deliverance from your whining in here. Go find some suckers on the GF. I hear Andreas s posting again, try him. One can only hope. There's a safe bet. If you can email, the results were not satisfactory. In that case, just keep trying.
  3. The pub, recommended to me, was closed when we went. Don't count on it. The snack bar is best avoided. They know tanks, but evidently not much about food.
  4. I'll be the first to apologise once I have done something to warrant it. Well, somthing to warrant it, and getting caught. The exception? "Yes, Dear".
  5. You can't fool us, Boo. You're really making a thinly veiled "thingy" reference!
  6. As a "ferriner" that went to London 16 months ago, I'll tell you what I found. Imperial War Museum is worth about half a day, if you do it fairly quickly. If you want to study each piece, you'll need more time. Worth going to. Bovington is a possibility. A 45+ minute train ride each way costs about 26 pounds. You'll also need to take a taxi out to the museum and back (5 pounds each way), and the fee is another 10 pounds. If nothing else, London is expensive! You'll need most of a day to go through it. Take one of the earlier trains, so you have more time to spend gawking. It closes about 5, I think. I was like a kid in a candy store My wife even liked it, and she's usually not that interested in militaria. Well worth the trip. The HMS Belfast (pre WWII cruiser) anchored in the Thames is a good half day, and fun to poke around in. I'd highly recommend it. The guide book was worth buying as well. Never got to Portsmouth, wish I had. Not interested in the bunker enough, as time was short even being there two weeks. You could spend a month and not see all you wanted to. Do take the time to ride the London Eye (huge ferris wheel). The views are absolutely spectacular. Even if you are afraid of heights, it moves so slowly that there is no sensation of movement. Overlooks the Thames next to HMS Belfast. Only takes about an hour, depending on the lines. Also recommended is one of the hop-on/hop-off bus tours. Gives a good thumbnail history, and lets you get familiar with the city a bit. Gotta see the Tower Bridge. Really nice restored steam engine in the basement. Just a couple of hours, but worth a look. Take a good pair of well broken in walking shoes, you'll need them! Email one of the many forum Brits. Have them take you out for a pint or two! Flamingknives, Yeknodathon, Andreas, (former Londoner), Kip Anderson and several others whose names I've forgotton were all helpful, and it's nice to meet face-to-face.
  7. So, you want him to lie. Naughty (old) kaniggit, teaching the youngsters bad habits.
  8. Seanachai, don't pout. It isn't becomming. And, to tell the truth, if we didn't rebell against you, you'd not love us all so much. 37mm, nice AAR. Yeknodathon, you are beginning to frighten me.
  9. You being unemployed. The market has spoken. How's that for official, old man? Capitalism at its finest.
  10. Which is exactly why it will never happen. And stop fantasizing about it; it gives me the willies.
  11. You giggle while you type, don't you? And not a manly chuckle, but a little girly twitter. We know.
  12. I bow to no one. I kneel before no king. But if you pay me enough, I'll dance through hoops wearing thorns on my dangly bits. Lars, you dolt. No idea what you're doing, eh? I curse you: have kids! P.S. MrPeng, belated condolences on the loss of your friend.
  13. Messenger is for drooling types. And wimin, who are naturally chatty. I'm here, O loud drunken one. Now, just what the hell do you want?
  14. I couldn't have a date, the wife wouldn't let me. Thought she should be taken out. Women, huh?
  15. Shoot an email to Madmatt asking permission. He will probably grant it, but it is only polite to ask.
  16. Who's floor mod is that? And why is the airbag deployed? Has Andreas been driving it?
  17. Fix the title, dufus. You are messing with a time honored tradition, you dolt.
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