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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. I think you should change your username to flamingspammer. Or Mr. Pickyspam.
  2. HeeeeeHaaawwwww!!!!!!!!!!! May I have your permission to put it in my sig? </font>
  3. Heh, heh. As soon as I saw the topic, and the fact that Mr. Burningtableware had replied, I knew it was Kip's post. Well put, and agreed. Dorosh, If I were Kip, I would be very insulted. You, who have almost double the posts of the others combined. At least he is posting about the game, rather than your lame whining about your even more lame love life. If you have nothing to add or even an intelligent rebuttal, I suggest you learn that you do not need to post in each and every thread. I, too, submit my vote for a cold war game. Fulda Gap has always been a favorite "what if" scenario. I would also like to point out that WWII is "ancient history" to many of todays younger gamers. A more recent offering might entice some new blood into the hobby, rather than be lurred away by yet another FPS.
  4. No big deal - I'm a contract worker, and when the job ends, I go. Too bad, as this place is pretty nice to work for. I'm not sure, but it seem to me the project is almost done. So, out the door for me. I'll be back being a wage slave in no time, if it happens.
  5. Tough luck there, Steve. I may soon be joining you in the unemployment line. Again. Sucks to be us, eh?
  6. Oh, like you'd respond to it, if it was in comliance.
  7. I got a '64 Chevy? Cool. Does it run? Can I see it? Drive it? Damn, maybe I can sell it to pay for that halftrack I found in the UK!
  8. This is where stikkypixie says, "I told you so.".
  9. I'd say the selection of names is a pretty good indicator. The rest is just confirmation, friend.
  10. Ya'll wanna knock off with the confusin' eeeenglish type writin'? Much a-bliged.
  11. Heh, heh. Seems you don't have very good luck against the big kitties, do ya, Boo?
  12. And just who the hell is "out"? Is he/she/it a kniggit? Do they have posting privleges? Did they buy the game? More importantly, can I cop a feel?
  13. Shows what you know. My "assault" rifles all have chrome lined barrels. They don't rust, even with your nasty fluids on them. Some grog you are.
  14. Okay, stand still so I can get a clean shot. On second thought, move as much as you want; ammo is cheap
  15. And you're too damn old. Take your own advice, Mr. Bitter Olde Man. Then what's the point? If you can't shoot the fish in the barrel, you might as well toss in a grenade and be done with it all.
  16. Yes, we were playing a game, some terrible last-stand thing. In the rain. I hate scenarios with piss-poor visibility, unless it's "be as gamey as you can" and buy your own. Mensch and I used to play those all the time (flamethrowers in heavy fog), and had a rip roaring good time. This one sounds adequate, so if you wanna give the Brits another go, I'll do my best to demonstrate my "worse than the AI" style of attack. No x-wings, y-wings, or any other alphabet wings allowed. And I'll be sure to include a quote from CMPlayer each turn, as I know you love them so. Dearest.
  17. In a move designed to confuse all, I have reformatted my HD, and installed XP. In the process, I have wiped out any and all games in process. Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce default surrenders in each cesspool game. Wins go out to dalem, Mrspkr, OSGF and Nidan 1. I also finally give up trying to see just how long Boo will hold out waiting for a turn. Congratulations, you all win, and you still all suck.
  18. UBB 'tard. Fix your post. Okay, that's better. Now try adding some worthwhile content. [ April 16, 2005, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  19. That reminds me of the recent sinking of the Russian sub. When they were talking about it on the news, my wife said, "well, no wonder it sank, with a name like 'cursed'".
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