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Posts posted by grunt_GI

  1. I was driving around the new Scenario Depot..noticing the ongoing migration of CMSF content.  :D

    Couple of questions:

    1) Will the scenario have the ability to find the MOST DOWNLOADED, RECENTLY UPLOADED, etc, per title..I saw the MOST DOWNLOADED menu off to the right, but that appears to be a site top download...just wondering...

    2) It appears Campaigns and Scenarios are lumped together... I was reading the comments in TASK FORCE SPARTAN RESOLVE which is a campaign..there was apparently some confusion by a player who tried to stick the .cam file in his scenario folder...Long Term, is there going to be a separate tag or header like the [MAP] and [SCENARIO} or a [CAMPAIGN}

    Just some questions...the new site is awesome, and I think it's great that MODS have their own website.

    Thanks for all the hard work on this...


  2. WOW, I should have scrolled down to find some of this content...really excellent.

    One question about Recon...which is a horrible weakness of mine...how do you actually do it in the game...I get the basic idea of a bounding overwatch approach so all your scouting teams aren't moving at once, and I have become a big fan of recon by fire, but what COMMANDS do you give your recon units to give them the best change to 1) spot bad guys  or 2) react swiftly to minimize casualties and began the battle drill of reacting to enemy contact? Do you use HUNT?  Some sort of SLOW and COVER SECTOR combo?

    This is especially hard for me as I love to play a lot of town or city type scenarios and need a better way to spot ambushes, pesky MGs or even AT weapons other than screams of agony and heavy casualties.  

    Thanks for all the work on the blog...something to dig into an practice some battle drills...

  3. So, I guess there are three screens...I call them the SPLASH screen..where you select SCENARIO, CAMPAIGN or QB...I already have a mod loaded for that I would like to keep..then the QB screen where you select force/time/weather screen so I have no issues with the stock layout of that either..then the LOAD screen, where you watch the ol' % progress as it loads whatever you are playing...I don't mind "windowing" on those as I have a 1920 wide monitor...and they look fine.  But, as a minimalist approach, yours work just fine..the whole black/white thing threw me off a little...

    If you want my opinion, it doesn't really matter what font you use for the briefing...JUST make the damn thing bigger, ya know?  I have whined about briefing fonts in all the CM games..geez, make the damn things at least 10pt...I use a workaround of CMD-OPT-8 on my Mac which gets the job done, but wowza..10 or 12pt would be nice, especially for those novel length briefings, ya know? :D

    In any event, I love the UI itself...I have modded ALL of my CM games with better UIs..mostly JuJus and they have really made the game better...so I think yours will also be a big hit with the CMBS crowd

    If you can separate them, I would be the first to download your UI...for sure...I think you're really on to something here...thanks for your effort...




    Briefing...BIGGER FONT.jpg

  4. Hi, gave this a download and look.

    LOVE:  Order buttons and simple feel of UI.  Really nice job..I like that the whole button "lights" up so you know what you selected.  The UI is clean and well laid out.

    OK:  The mission briefing screens and load screens.

    NOT FOND OF:  Honestly, I like the current layout of the mission parameter screens (For QB) and the SPLASH Screen...your mod felt compressed on my screen...

    SO, once you refine it...maybe you could provide JUST the UI as  one mod and the full Interface as the another...I would definitely download the UI...but I have already modded my splash and screen and music and would like to keep them...however, if you could magically find a way to make that stinkin' briefing font bigger you would truly be my hero...:ph34r:

  5. Well, I guess the trick is whether to fight mounted or dismounted...something I have tangled with since CMSF.    If the infantry is mounted then the firepower of their IFV rules...however, as other commenters have noticed, US infantry with Javelins...or a good set of binoculars and a radio can be deadly.  That is part of the tactical challenge I suppose, at least for me...how to best use infantry on a highly lethal battlefield.  

    And that assumes a fully combined arms battle...in an infantry heavy scenario...with or without vehicles, that would be another challenge.

    I have never found infantry useless...just very soft targets dismounted. :rolleyes:

  6. @Euri

    Ok, gave this a go..I have to say that even though you are the king of nasty surprises :D I have really enjoyed playing your scenarios.  They are certainly innovative--the Seal Team Six map is like some weird step child of Alcatraz and the Guns of Navarone...and I have a love-hate relationship with the little quirks you throw in...like having 2 Javelins to kill three IFVs in that scenario (SPOILER)...but they will have a lot of re-playability as players try to solve the tactical puzzle...so to speak.

    This particular scenario ended badly for me quickly as I slogged my way up the dominating hill....perhaps more fire support and less sneakiness...

    Nice work...great to see CMBS players produce great content.


  7. Ok, this is a definite challenge..I am not sure exactly what benefit the night and rain gives the blue force.  




    I was able to sneak my platoon up on the village and get 2 of the BMPs..but then was out of Javelins..which left 1 to get on the other side of the crossroads...that was very tough and not doable given my casualties..SO, Strike 1

    The SEALs appeared...very cool concept..HOWEVER, once you breach the walls, the NVG advantage falls away as you must assault into those hardened bunkers where even green troops just hold the trigger down and spray and pray....I got nearly all my SEALs wiped out without securing any towers or freeing the prisoners...STRIKE 2.

    SO, at the end...to say I took a lot of casualties was an understatement..however, I like this scenario because it has a lot of moving parts and I REALLY am a glutton for punishment so I want to see if I can breach and assault the compound...SO no Strike 3 as this could prove to be a very addicting scenario...I hate to lose...perhaps more covering fire and use my troops to nail that closest BMP and use the Javelins on the other 2...lots of ways to try and figure this out.


  8. So, tried this again...managed a draw when I ordered a cease-fire...I was gonna lose, so figured I might as well stop.

    Better at the hide and seek...totally did not hid my 50cal Hummers well enough, got them schwacked early.....helos showed up but took a LONG damn time to make their gun runs...oyyyy

    Yea, I shoulda done more shot and scoot...the BTRs hammer the crap out of buildings...

    Liked this much better the 2nd time...may try it again and place my Hummers better...since the Russians dismount a lot of their infantry that should make some great targets.

  9. So, thanks for making this...I have done a little mucking around with the AI...for CMSF which is not nearly as sophisticated as the 3.0 engine and it still mystifies me.

    I like the idea of having another 50 cal...I am not always the most patient of players so using the Hide/Cover Arc command is a little new to me....AND I like having the helos show up a little early...15 minutes in I had a good idea how the attack was developing.

    Will try and give this another spin this week.


  10. Ok, gave this a spin using RT Veteran mode...and...it was a massacre.  The overwhelming Russian force, combined with a lack of any stand off AT weapons pretty much, in my opinion, guarantees the Blue player a butt whoopin'.  

    I managed to equip everyone with AT4s from the Hummers...which can stop the BTRs, but only at point blank range, which means the BTRs get a chance to pump hot lead into the buildings where my guys are hiding.  I used the Hide and Cover Arc commands to try and wait until I saw the whites of their eyes, but there were just too many BTRs and infantry to hold off. 

    In my opinion, an escape and evade twist might make this more interesting...having an exit point the blue player must get to with his limited force would at least give them a fighting chance...otherwise it's pretty much the Alamo for the Blue player.

    Thanks for the opportunity to play test...but as the Blue player, it was just a matter of waiting for the inevitable...

  11. Well, slysniper has a point.  Better to lose some scouts than a whole platoon.  

    Also very good point that snipers are also excellent for scouting and spotting. 

    Sometimes in CMBS I will combine scouts and forward observers..that way if you spot something you can bring down some arty on it. 

  12. I agree with Buzz 100%...start off with CMBN..I usually use a sort of bounding overwatch with scout teams...but I would practice that in CMBN as it's a little slower and there are a lot of fantastic tutorals....the spotting ability in CMBS is insane...especially with UAVs and the lethality and speed can be overwhelming for a new player...or an old player. :)

    Both are equally fun...but CMBN is definitely better for a beginner in my opinion.


  13. Thanks very much for the update.

    I know map markers are very fussy about their maps, and CM players are better for it.

    Appreciate the update. Thanks for all your hard work. I know I don't have enough time to play, much less create new content.

    Looking forward to the finished product...and hopefully a great campaign.


  14. Finally played the last mission..won a major victory.   :P


    Overall a very nice little mini campaign...I would recommend this as sort of a Task Force Raff sorta campaign....a nice follow on to the tutorial to demonstrate the variety of terrain and other features as well as allowing a player to juggle different types of units and missions.


    I found it challenging but not excessively hard and a very realistic demonstration of the combat encountered by the Germans during Operation Bagration...or as I like to say "HOLY CRAP, where did all those Russians come from!"

  15. Yea, that's my challenge, I am usually passing through, so it is hazardous and time consuming to dismount, clear, and remount to continue on.


    I was playing the German Campaign of CMSF and ran into just this situation, how to clear an obvious nest of infantry with ATGMs without losing too many Marders.


    I did not do well....but may tinker around with using dismounted infantry and a lot of overwatch firepower to suppress the buildings were bad guys likely are.

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