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Posts posted by grunt_GI

  1. Thanks for your input. You have some really good ideas. I am gonna comment later on them when i have time.

    I reviewed the MEUs OOB and i decided against adding more Javelins. Javelins are much rarer in the UMSC than they are in the US Army and the scenario should reflect that. I will give you some other nice toys instead :). The MEUs organic AT platoon has about 9 TOW Humvees as AT platforms and a mix of 50.cal and Mk-19 Humvees as escorts. I think they will nicely improve balance by giving Blue more AT capabilities without having to add 2 more of those almost invincible M1A1 death machines


    Ahhh, the ol' CAAT team...yes that might do the trick. Looking forward to trying this again.

  2. grunt_GI, on 30 May 2015 - 8:06 PM, said:


    The distances and mismatch of the forces make things tough for two reasons...1) if you're a knucklehead like me and get your LVTPs schwacked...which I did, cuz they're big fat mostly unarmored targets, your jarheads have to hoof it...and that takes a lot of time...even if they don't get shot up.  Second, I actually RAN OUT of tank ammo in 1 of my M1s...never had that happen to me, but he was so busy killing BMPs and T-72s that tank ran out of HEAT and APDS ammo.  NOT good.


    Hmm, i think loosing your transports is your own fault. Sorry. I dont think i could do anything about it. If you must, try to let your M1s catch the enemys ATGMS, they can take a lot of beating and still remain operational. Maybe i will put a note about that in the briefing.


    But regarding the tank ammo, i could add 2 more tanks, or maybe the dedicated AT platoon (Javs + TOW Humvees) of the MEU. I just dont want the scenario to get too easy. I will have to paly around and see what works best.




    Well, yes, I have a bad habit of getting my IFVs and APCs shot up :)

    However, you brought up a good point that didn't really occur to me...LVTPs, unlike Bradleys, only carry Javelin reloads and no launcher, so yes, having more Javelin teams might be helpful.  Not sure you need to add more time...if I had attacked the OBJ in a better order, I might have finished better...but I guess it won't hurt.  I do agree with your other ideas, and would be happy to give it another go.



  3. So, my take on this scenario:





    I more or less agree with sburke, but for a different reason.  This map is great, but it is REALLY big...and it is tough to cover all the objectives within the time (I don't play a lot of long scenarios, and  2:00 scenario seemed like it would take an eternity---it didn't but only because of the ENORMOUS distances your units have to cross.


    I actually got a bit more done during the recon period.  Established my sniper teams in the buildings just across the runway and went to town..knocked out 3 or 4 BMPs with artillery before the main force showed up.  One unit stayed in their building opposite OBJ Charlie and Xray and just rained down artillery and CAS on the forces in those locations.  Thank goodness you gave so much artillery and CAS or I would't have gotten far.  


    The distances and mismatch of the forces make things tough for two reasons...1) if you're a knucklehead like me and get your LVTPs schwacked...which I did, cuz they're big fat mostly unarmored targets, your jarheads have to hoof it...and that takes a lot of time...even if they don't get shot up.  Second, I actually RAN OUT of tank ammo in 1 of my M1s...never had that happen to me, but he was so busy killing BMPs and T-72s that tank ran out of HEAT and APDS ammo.  NOT good.


    That's a LOT of real estate to take with 3 (+) platoons.  Even those objectives I "captured" I only held with some beat up squads or teams and just ran out of steam before I could secure OBJ X-ray...scoring myself a tactical defeat.  I tried to roll up A, B, C in order, then roll over to X-ray, but I was almost out of tank ammo, infantry, and time.  So I ordered a cease-fire...wiped out most of the Syrian Mech Company and all the tanks, but just didn't have enough left to win.


    A pretty good scenario overall...I agree with sburke that a variation in terrain might be nice...of course, I understand that airfields are generally flat....MAYBE what you could do is "helicopter" in come infantry reinforcements or something to give the Blue Player a little final oomph for OBJ X-ray...that was likely to be a little Stalingrad and other than just flattening it with artillery, I don't think I was going to be able to secure it with my 3 beat up squads of infantry and 1 tank  I had by the last 15 minutes.  (I had a damaged tank that became pretty much immobilized with about 20 minutes left)


    I might give it another go, maybe roll from A to B to X to C...my theory is if you take those, there isn't much left at C, but that clump of enemy at X-ray is going to be one tough nut to crack.


    Great job...enjoyed it...and like I said, I almost never play LONG scenarios, but glad I made it through this one, even with a tactical defeat.

  4. Aured, hi,

    What you are after is:

    Handbook on USSR Military Forces.

    War Department Technical Manual TM 30 – 430.

    November 1945.

    Covers Red Army ’44 – ’45. Not surprisingly.

    It was produced using the archives of General Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of Foreign Armies East. He and his staff, and truckloads of documents surrendered en masse to the Americans at the end of WWII. The producers of the current German series of books covering WWII, Germany and the Second World War, describe all those memoirs from the East Front as “fiction...” even the best of them. But not the work of General Gehlen and his men.

    He faithfully recorded all that was learnt about the Red Army. All their manuals and how they behaved in practice. Tactics, organisations and such.

    All the best,


    Hmmm interesting stuff...here's a link I found




    Hey, Kohlenklau,

    A Combat Mission CONVENTION!!! What a great idea...at a pub...of course...I mean what better place to argue the merits of BTR vs BMP or T-34 vs Panther.



  5. There are a number of posts on this topic in this subforum...sometime around OS 10.9.5 Apple did something to the OpenGL drivers which dorked up CMSF.  It doesn't affect the other games as they have all been upgraded to the 3.0 engine.  


    Several of us have been politely lobbying to get a hot fix for this issue, which clearly carried over into 10.10.


    I don't know if your low VRAM is making things worse or not...most of us experience a CTD around the 36% load mark for large or huge games....some scenarios play, others don't.


    I am a big fan of CMSF and would like to get this fixed...this game still has a lot of life in it.

  6. First thing I do after downloading a patch/update from BFC is update Time Machine. Easy roll-back if there's something mis-applied by me, easy rollback if the patch/update is borked in general.

    On a Mac and not using Time Machine? Shame on you. It's really dirt easy.

    Jawohl Herr Oberst!

    I do have Time Machine now. But from a troubleshooting mode... Now that I have experienced the joy of the mismatched brz files.. Just wanted to know what to look for... Standing by for patch.

  7. So, just out of curiosity, since this happened to me on the whole CMBN 3.11 patch...will the CMBS patch include a 1.02 and 1.03 brz files?  I had a horrible time with the 3.11 patch because the MAC version did not correctly install the 3.10 brz file which was originally included in the vehicle pack...


    Fortunately the help desk figured out the problem and I manually installed the 3.10 brz along with the 3.11 brz to solve my problem.


    BUT, now I am always nervous about this...although I am really looking forward to this...thanks to everyone for the hard work.

  8. Just played my first CMBN since installing Aris terrain, Pat Tal buildings and the full colored button menu mods installed.


    WOW, is the game so much better looking.  


    Still ended up fighting to a draw, but darn it looked good!


    Thanks for all the hard work.



    Just finished Task Force Raff and almost done with Devil's Descent...the mods make these games so much better...almost like a movie...Juju's UI mod is the icing on the cake....thanks to all the modders...makes the game feel almost new!

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