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Posts posted by grunt_GI

  1. Totally agree. Having a blast with CMBS (literally). I have never played SF so this is my first CM title not in WWII. I dropped in some of the generic mods from CMRT such as sound and grass textures and they look & sound great.


    I also recently purchased a 30-day license for Steel Beasts Pro PE and I have to say CMBS is much more enjoyable. Of course you can't get in the turret in CMBS but outside the tank CMBS looks better and feels better and definitely plays better.


    Great job guys!

    So are you saying that some CMRT mods work on CMBS. Not really surprised..just hadn't heard anyone actually trying them.

  2. So, a strange question...is it just me or is there no music for the startup screen?  Not that I mind, but the silence kinda freaked me out at first..thought I had a sound problem....definitely sound...just no start up music


    Otherwise, just sneaking in some time with the training campaign...really excellent and polished graphics and soldier animation...ready to complete basic training and start a real campaign....very much looking forward to the mods and scenarios I am sure are cooking...

  3. I bought multiple copies of CMSF to give to some of my Lieutenants.  I am really at a loss why the Army doesn't at least look into Combat Mission as a low investment sort training.  Likely because it doesn't require a dedicated guy to show you how to do things, or a complicated infastructure to run.


    So really, I think if Steve just made a "Department of Defense edition" that was less user friendly, and required some retired Sergeant First Class to baby sit it, and made the graphics worse and introduced more bugs, CMDoDE would be the system of record in no time! 

    I agree..remember when Foreign Policy did an article using CMSF?




    I think the writer got a rude awaikening how ugly modern warfare is...for less than $50...


    Yea, too bad they don't use this for a quick and dirty tactics trainer.... 

  4. Love the PDF Scenario design manual from CMBN...I have been wanting to get that in a single file form for a long time...now I can read it all at once and really try and understand that whole AI thing.


    Sigh, haven't had a chance to play...BUT I do feel the 3.0 engine will be fantastic and the graphics I have seen so far are awesome...I am a big, big QB player so having 330 maps to choose from is truly awe inspiring.


    Sounds like my tricks from CMSF will get my butt handed to me here...looking forward to the new training campaign.

  5. So, Chris, apologies if someone has already asked this..do you play on a Mac or PC?


    Reason I ask is I ASSUME since CMBS is  based on the 3.0 engine from the CMRT environment, that it has none of the previous 36% load bugs of CMSF?  I have CMRT for Mac and it is rock solid and very, very visually well done.


    I apologize if someone has already asked this, but I have REALLY been enjoying your walkthroughs and demo movies and am very anxious to fire up my PixelTruppen on my shiny new iMac.


    Thanks in advance...and THANKS for all the awesome movies and narration...I am not sure I will be starting CMBS at ELITE, but enjoy watching you live and die at that level....



  6. Also, just so you know...if you haven't seen it in the forums...CMSF OS X has an occasional and annoying 36% load freeze for OS 10.9.3 and above...I believe it also carried over to Yosemite.  The freeze pretty much limits you to medium or smaller scenarios and freezes a LOT on NATO scenarios...it's a quirky bug...there has been a lot of discussion about it....


    BFC was going to put out a hot fix....soon...now that CMBS is almost done....CMSF is awesome and there is a LOT of content...but the 36% hang up prevents you from playing over half of it....

  7. Thanks...I was able to get the AI to work on a couple of different QB maps....I was clearly trying to be overly complicated and not watching the map placement of objective areas...AND, apparently I just need to ensure I delete all the AI plans...still trying to figure this out...I don't mind the opening artillery...although on the receiving end it can be a bear...however, my concern is if this opening artillery messes with my unit movements and timing...after all, moving under the screen of an artillery bombardment is ideal.


    Still learning...thanks for the help.


    Was able to play my own scenario, and had a great battle...only a tactical victory...ran out of time...

  8. Ok, back again...sorry for the FNG type questions, but I would really like to get the hang of this AI..so many possibilities...


    SO, now I think I have figured out one thing, but still have a question...i was loading a pre made QB map and I think the AI with it was messing me up...made a dirt simple map from scratch and Syrians behaved for my simple AI


    However, would still like to know how to control Syrian indirect fire timing and location...is that the fire plan menu of the Red Plan?  I am not a good map maker (yet) so would like to reuse all the wonderful maps available.


    Maybe a better question is how can I CLEAR the pre canned AI with a QB map so I can start over with my own?


    Thanks much.

  9. Ok, so I am seriously wrestling with making sense of the AI.  I can make the insurgents pretty much do what I want in terms of movements and actions...at least until initial contact, but the Syrians are a PITA.


    Big first question...do you have to paint a SETUP objective area or does the regular setup zone fulfill that...I.E. do I have to give some sort of setup command? I may be messing things up from the get-go...I am using pre-designed QB maps for now...figure I should master the AI before trying the arts and crafts of mapmaking.


    Second...what effect does an initial artillery bombardment have on your initial orders and HOW can I either suppress or delay that bombardment?  Every single scenario I am trying to design with Syrians starts with a huge 3-4 minute Syrian initial artillery barrage and I assume that no Syrian units move till that it done...big PITA, as my units don't appear to move at ALL when the artillery is done.


    I think I have the basic mechanics down...but the subtitles of making the pieces all work together is enormously frustrating...never mind if my moves are tactically sound...that's another problem, of course.


    I have read the Sheriff of Osterbeek tutorial and George MCs excellent tutorial, but I am clearly missing something....



  10. So, I was finally starting to get the hang of making scenarios and was wondering how you made a Red vs Red or Blue vs Blue or mixed scenario?  Like JOINT VENTURE?

    If I wanted to make some sort of Afghan scenario, how would I select Uncon or Syrian forces for the Blue side?  

    Maybe I'm dense but I don't see a way to do this from the basic unit selection menu on the editor?


    Is there a thread that covered this?



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