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Posts posted by grunt_GI

  1. So, one question...how do I get to see that resolution of combat?


    Once I enter my moves and hit the red button, it takes me straight to the save menu and then it goes back to the main menu and increments the turn....


    If I try and watch that turn in my outgoing email, it flips to the axis side and my password won't work?  Is Kuderian the only allied player that can watch the turn?


    I would like to see the flow of action...SOMEONE is shooting at my AT gun and I can't figure out who....I tried to watch the file I receive from Kuderian and it want me to enter moves...



  2. Well, I am still more or less playing them in order...Hill 289 would have followed my awesome victory at the FOB...


    Looking forward to Bear at the Gate...urban combat and waves of tanks...who could ask for more?


    I will say the initial setup on Hill 289 was very good...I think I could have knocked out a lot more armor and held them off...but that artillery was....just.....brutal....


    I would say that was a very realistic scenario...light infantry with a few ATGMs are going to have a tough time against a determined armor assault...but with the terrain advantage, it is possible.


    Cheers...enjoying these a lot...hopefully my Latvians will be more useful than they have been....

  3. Finished, if that's the right word, the Hill 289 Scenario






    DAMN, this scenario was pretty much over before it began with the monstrous Russian artillery barrage.  I probably had 30% casualties before the first Russians even approached the river.


    Marvelous suppressive fire...kudos to their FST.  However, as the American player, I was pretty much Custer watching the Indians coming  over the rise.  There isn't a whole lot of tactical finesse here...kinda like the FOB scenario, but with less room to maneuver and fewer options to contain potential breakthroughs.


    My guys did manage to recover somewhat and knock out a number of AFVs and I did call down one awesome 120mm mortar barrage on units crossing the bridge...but the nearly constant artillery, especially on Hill 289 itself pretty much ensured that once the first BTR reached my trench line with infantry support, I was toast.


    Not sure what to do here...turning down the artillery may give the American player more of a chance. The only other option, which I may try, is to move my guys back out of those trenches, which are obvious targets, but being out in the open with airburst artillery doesn't seem very smart either.  Beyond that, this should be pretty much a cakewalk for the Russians...use artillery and direct fire from the AFV to suppress the hill top and wooded area, and then flood the areas with infantry to mop up.


    Ouch, ouch, this was an ass kicking of galactic proportions...

  4. Ok, orders completed and file 004 is in folder.


    I am now assuming that  even numbered turns are Allies and odd numbered are Axis.


    For the MOMENT I am manually moving files just to give me some wiggle room to not screw things up...cutting and pasting means I leave the original file untouched, ya know?


    So far so good I think.


    Process question...I have a number of company level mortars....and I generally use point vice area target for artillery...is that allowed under the Campaign rules...those mortars are pretty short range so I find I get better accuracy with point vice area targeting.


    Looking forward to seeing how the Canadians fight...happy to say I have a pretty good opening setup...

  5. Welcome aboard...the YouTube videos by ChrisND and others are awesome.


    I think you will be very happy...I have been playing CM for almost 13 years and I still get my ass handed to me by the AI and sneaky PBEM players.


    All in a day's work for your Pixeltruppen.

  6. These are all fantastic...keep 'em coming


    Please, please keep using white text on the dark backgrounds...the black text on darker backgrounds drives me nuts.


    ANDDDDD,,,,pretty please, when you are all done, could you do a single link post for all the UI mods?


    Yea, I'm lazy and pathetic, that's why i said pretty please.



  7. Ok, I think I have it..I will wait for Kuderian to put turn 003 in the Allied folder...so if I understand you right..


    I will be receiving a SAVED PBEM game file that I open as a saved file, enter my orders for B COY play out, hit the go button to resolve combat, and then UPLOAD the resulting file into the Axis turn folder?


    OR after I resolve the combat does the usual CMH thing kick in if I tie the game to CMH? 

    Apologies, that is what is confusing me...if it's faster just to manually save and rename files in the Dropbox vice using CMH, then I can certainly do that.


    Thanks...looking forward to this..just don't want to goon things up by mechanics, ya know?


    I have lots of tactical deficiencies to screw things up>


  8. Hi Phil, I am trying to change the default folder for CMH in Dropbox from our Grunt-n-Kohl folder to the San Leonardo Slugfest.


    However, it is not letting me do that...I am getting the following string


    Adding game: San Leonardo Slugfest

    Checking if I can see the app: /Applications/CM Fortress Italy


    Checking folders for San Leonardo Slugfest

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder /Users/jerrylenaburg/Dropbox/San Leonardo Slugfest/San Leonardo Slugfest


    ... ok, is there's a game file folder pair?


    Ooops, individual game file folders have to be under your specified Dropbox root: /Users/jerrylenaburg/Dropbox/San Leonardo Slugfest

    Can't set game file folder to /Users/jerrylenaburg/Dropbox/San Leonardo Slugfest


    SO, in the San Leonardo Slugfest folder I have two folders labeled Allied Saves and Axis Saves, and a file labeled San Leonardo Slugfest 002.ema


    Apologies, it has been a while since our last PBEM...I need a different file than the ema to start right?  I am waiting on Kuderian to send me the file...right...that's when I can initiate using CMH?


    I did turn off the Tidy Dropbox feature.



  9. Hey Mark!


    It is basically all ready to be used but of course we will have vehicles stagger arrival.

    Way over at Hex (3,7) I now recall that Kuderian had been able to cross some 4PLDG 11 Troop tracked Brens across the Moro.

    So, I will have them start on map at T=0 slightly over the Moro down by A Coy. The wheeled vehicles of 11 Troops however will arrive a bit later on the southside and have to take the bridge.

    You can issue orders to whoever you want to control the 11 Troop brens. I guess Kuderian again?


    OK, names on the HQ teams! Please confirm

    Bn HQ is still ol' Chappy.

    2IC is now nobody as IanL has shifted to C Coy.

    A Coy is Kuderian

    B Coy is now Grunt_GI

    C Coy is IanL

    D Coy is snake_eye

    Carrier platoon is Bud_B

    Support Co was Grunt_GI but now deleted and is nobody.



    Kuderian will be player A and enter his moves and orders first AND THEN SAVE and upload to the inner folder with save at the end of the file name.

    Grunt_GI will be player B and keeps an eye for the save to arrive and loads the save, enters his moves and orders and then hits the big red button to process turn over to the axis.

    But when the filename comes up he has to backspace away everything from the word save and over. We'll walk it through slow the first few times.

    If we have a goof, let everybody know right away and we can stop the presses and recover from the goof, it might happen, not the end of the world.


    @Kuderian and @grunt_GI....any questions?


    This is gonna be cool!

    Um, so reading this very slowly...sorry catching up a bit...will need to read thread.


    BLUF, we are having 2 players use the same PBEM file?  I think I can handle that...it sounds like I will have to manualy rename the file and send to the other team?


    Yea, might need to take it slow the first couple turns.


    Standing by for instructions!


    I did receive and accept the shared folder.

  10. I will say the story is one of the best parts...and I do see how there is definitely something to be said for how you have branched the scenarios depending on how the player does.  Once you get if buffed up I will give it a go...I will say that when there is a good campaign I will play a scenario 4 or 5 times to win (sigh) just cuz it will get my dander up.  I know this will be one of those campaigns...


    Going to try and defend the FOB tonight...really looking forward to that.




    Just finished this...awesome...like Fuldska Gap or something...waves and waves of Russian tanks and BMPs just....keep.....coming.....


    Actually earned a total victory....which,  honestly tells me that this was  pretty straightforward shoot everything in front of you sort of battle.




    To be fair, the Russians still had a lot of infantry left it seemed to me...they had almost collapsed my left flank...I was doing a hasty retreat of the Latvian mortar teams and my trucks...although an M1 and M2 arrived in time to blunt their drive down the road...but I was REALLY worried that infantry was going to come shooting through those woods...


    The Russians also nearly collapsed my right flank...only a valiant stand by 2 Bradleys and their crews..who were wiped out, stopped the 7 or 8 Russian tanks rolling in that way.


    However, I was ready to push them back and try and counterattack on my left...how successful I would have been, I don't know.


    Some recommendations for the Russians...I would spread the air and artillery support around...they pounded the crap out of the center of my line, BUT didn't really do much suppression, to be honest.


    For a typically player like myself, I would use the ol' wave attack...sending everything at once made it pretty inevitable that I just fought things out until I figured out either 

    a) where an attack was going to break though or

    B) where an attack was stalled and I could shift forces to bolster a weak area.


    If the Russians attacked in echelon, like that pesky 1st scenario that gave everyone fits, it would have been a much harder battle, as I very likely would have overcommitted my forces to either flank as those were in severe jeopardy. 


    If you wanted to be REALLY sneaky, you could occupy the American forces on the base, and then send your second wave against the Latvians....that would have been ugly...


    Just a thought...I generally love huge tank battles like that...


  11. Howdy, to group units hold down the {fn} key...lower left next to control with the F1, F2, etc.....to unassign groups, just hold down the fn key and click again.


    You create a folder that starts with Z...I call mine Zmods and put it in the Data folder...use the SHOW PACKAGE CONTENTS command when you right click on the CMRT icon in your APPS folder.


    Then click down the contents folder till you find the Data folder...it has a bunch of files that end with brz...that's where you put your Zmod folder...


    The nice thing is you can group your mods in folders to keep the straight and then just drop those folders in the Zmod folder...that's all you have to do...when you don't want those mods anymore, just delete them. What I do is COPY mods into the Zmod folder from a master CM folder where I keep all my stuff...because it's easiest just to DELETE them when you are done..and if drag and drop then you might lose them.


    Easy cheesy.


    Have fun with scenario making.

  12. Howdy,

    Yes, I figured that might happen...CMx2_ScAn_CaDe also shows the campaign tree, which you clearly put some thought into as well!


    However, I have a lot of CM commitments I made that I mean to fulfill, so I will take the hit...so to speak...which just means when it's all buffed up I can play the new improved campaign from scratch!




    Ok Dragonwynn you sneaky bastard...:)


    BTW for testing purposes, I usually play RT Veteran, and consider myself a Major on the tactical scale of 2nd LT to General...I can usual eke out a tactical victory in most scenarios if I don't blunder...but other than the occasional QB, I rarely get MAJOR VICTORIES on well laid out user made scenarios...just as a point of comparison for other testers.


    Started the Spetsnaz scenario...and like Peter Rabbit hopping down the bunny trail ran right into your nasty surprises.....SPOILERS BELOW



    Like I said I love urban combat..and this was a nasty little fight.  I assumed, and you know what that means, I could just sneak up the left and right flanks of town..avoiding the obvious obstacles awaiting me up the road...OF course the Russians knew that too...and had those darn BTRs waiting for me..took out the ATGM ambush sites in the tree lines, ..started to pummel them, but they took a toll on my Strykers and command units, so may actually play this one again.


    I have to say, the terrain here is definitely a challenge...keeping your guys in cover and concealment in the trees is tough...that's why I think  I will try this again...move a little slower and use my scout teams to better effect.


    I think the force balance is good and you definitely have your Russians in a strong defensive position...will have to sneak up on those BTRs.


    Another good scenario...trying the FOB defense next...that looks like an absolute bloodbath...will need to be fresh for it...HUGE battles take a lot of work in RT.

  13. Ok, tried the second mission with dismounted infantry and Javelins...not a good plan as Russian artillery just hammered them.


    However, was well on my way to trying to salvage at least a draw, but over strengthened the forces guarding the bridge and didn't see that amphibious crossing above town...OOOPS, knocked out bridges don't mean anything to BTRs and BMPs...dang forgot that data point.  Suffered tactical defeat as the valiant M1 ran out of ammo and...well, you can guess the rest.


    Both of these were tough defensive scenarios against very long odds...well designed and challenging, but obviously winnable if you don't make a mistake...my plan was similar to Chudacabra and worked pretty well along the bridge...I just left my flank hanging...I hate it when that happens. :o


    OH, one Freudian slip I noticed...they aren't REALLY Soviets anymore...just Russians...You may be dating yourself a bit.  I just caught it on the third brief.....seemed very natural to me too!


    The briefings, backstory and overall concept are top notch...well thought out and really helps you immerse yourself into the tactical situation...which is very realistic I think for what a NATO force might face in the Baltics...it ain't a pretty picture.


    BTW...just so you know I used the awesome CMx2_ScAn_CaDe_v1 utility to unpack your scenarios...I figured rather than beat my head against a wall trying to chug through the campaign, I would just play the scenarios in order...my assumption is that each is pretty much stand alone with no transferring units....I don't have a lot of playing time so I figure I can at least give  you one pass through each.


    Hope these comments help...looking forward to mission 3 and some urban combat....

  14. Well, I play almost exclusively RT...and like MikeyD says, that is, at least to me, a feature of RT..sometimes you lose the bubble and your guys pay the price.  I usually play at a decent elevation so I can scan the battlefield and I keep a good unit rotation, but when the fur flies....it can get overwhelming.  


    My one concession to large or really intense battles is that I may <ahem> cheat a little and hit ESC to pause the game...especially if I need to do mundane things like have my infantry grab Javelins while mounted or to find a particular unit....then I resume.


    WeGO does have it's benefits...although I find it equally annoying to have to watch your guys die horrible deaths for 1 minute and not be able to do anything...so it's really a personal preference...I just find RT keeps the game moving...which is important for me as my CM time is often at a premium.


    Good luck and good hunting.

  15. WOW, I also just finished the first scenario with a tactical defeat as those 20 min Russian tanks completely wrecked my flanking attack.  There is a lot going on for this scenario...the Latvians are merely target practice as they clearly can't hit the broadside of a barn with those AT-7s and machine guns are useless against tanks...at least give the guys some RPGs, eh? :)


    Otherwise my US BCT was going through the Russians like a knife through butter...this is my first game on CMBS where I had to deploy Stingers and watch out for air attack...very, very scary...I was on the verge of sweeping the Russians back across their bridgehead when those follow on echelon tanks hit me like a sledgehammer. 


    Really looking forward to digging into this campaign...


    For using stock QB maps, this is a very good effort....

  16. Maybe a lack of feedback means that the scenario is of, well, just standard quality, that it doesnt stand out among the rest. I know from my own commenting behavior that i only give feedback at the BFC Repository or here at the forums if something really impressed me, positively or negatively.

    Another reason for why i dont often give feedback is because i often download lots of scenarios in one big 'Repository-looting-orgy' and then only play them months after downloading them. If something then doesnt turn out to be truely exceptional work, i dont really feel like i want to go look the Repository page up and leave a comment.

    I personally make scenarios only for myself (or mostly) and most import for me is the feedback of the people who volunteer for testing, and they often give me very helpful and accurate feedback. For all the others, if they like my scenariios, that is great, if they dont, well, life is cruel. Feedback from non-testers is welcome but not really necessary for me.

    Agusto also hit on a big point for me. I am also a binge downloader, especially when I get a new game or module and it may take me a long time to play all my loot, so to speak.

    If scenario makers want more and faster feedback, I would recommend using the forum here..I have play tested and provided feedback on a number of scenarios and campaigns and have found the give and take with a dedicated scenario maker to be quite rewarding, since the feedback is more timely and useful.

  17. How are things going? Were you able to finish the scenario? What are your thoughts, shall i release the current version? I already have an idea for a CMBS scenario, so i would like to finish this project within the next week or so. I dont want to put any of you under pressure though, i know you are doing this voluntarily.


    Ok, just finished...read...just quit cuz I was getting my butt kicked...


    However, here are my observations AND SOME SPOILERS:


    1)  New scenario is much better paced, more balanced for OOBs (more on that later) and the action picks up very quickly.  As I said, I like the sniper/recon platoon for the first period to try and reduce the enemy forces before my main body shows up.


    2) So I got cocky, quickly captured X-Ray and Bravo then sent my tanks off to capture Alpha thinking I could hold off the counter attack I knew was coming with my CAAT and Fire Support.  BIG BIG mistake.  The Mech Company/Tank Company, whatever, came hell for leather and overran my butt in no time, wiping out my CAAT and the infantry holding X-ray...stupid move, should have left my tanks there to absorb the counterattack...I even saw 'em coming from the control tower but couldn't get CAS and artillery on them fast enough...DAMN those T-72s can hurry.


    3)  I really like this scenario...gonna try a third time and not get so cocky...leave a good tank/infantry ambush to wipe out the counter attack...I know, not what the player trying this for the first time may do, but NOW of course honor demands I wipe these bastards out. :)


    Really well done...I think this is ready for prime time...to be fair your briefing does warn about a counter attack but DAMN when it comes, it's like a freakin' cavalry charge of T-72s....


    I would launch it...try and keep some interest in CMSF...I still play it at least as much as CMBS or any of the other titles.

  18. Yea, one minor nit I agree with..MAKE THE STINKIN briefing fonts bigger....oyyy, fortunately another old guy gave me the CMD-OPT 8 trick on the Mac to zoom into the briefing.




    There is so much detail in those briefings that I have to read everything and the ol 50 year old bifocal needin' peepers aint what the used to be.  Seriously 12 point font guys..add it to the new engine specs!


    Other than that CMBS is another awesome game from BFC.

  19. Agusto,

    Sorry I have taken so long to reply...started the updated scenario.  Going much better this time.  2:30 is a slog...oyyy...but think this version is much better paced and balanced.  


    Small spoiler...


    Used the sniper teams to good effect...took out 5-6 BMPs before main force showed up...love, love point arty.


    Decided to try and use the ol' central position COA...using my sniper teams to pin down OBJ Alpha and Charlie with arty and CAS while I use my main force to take X-ray and Bravo...then figure I can mop up the other two objectives...I am assuming the MAIN enemy force will be concentrated around X-ray...so far so good...except I can't keep my AAVs from getting shot...huge difference between having Bradleys and these huge targets...oyyy


    Will see how the CAAT works out....waiting for the arrival of the main enemy armor force...should be interesting...


    Will provide complete AAR as soon as i finish!


    Thanks for this.

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