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Everything posted by Dunnee

  1. Points well taken, especially Commissar, I was waiting for someone to say that. No, I haven't operated a tank, ever. I've been in one, but I've never seen combat in one. I HAVE been in life threatening situations. From being inside of one, I could see how terrifying it might be to be in that turret and get hit. However, My opinions were made in regards to "minor" hits. Hence the rear view mirror comment. I perfectly understand the dangers of being a tank crewman in WW2, and you're right. Experienced crews were more valuable than tanks during the Normandy campaign, so they would bail if being hit. My posts were based largely on near misses and being able to continue. If a shot takes off your antenna, sure it's scary, but would you bail? My main area of concern with this topic is the subject of tenacity. The confidence in yourself and your ability to get through difficult situations and not turn tail and run. If you read my posts, I never accused a single veteran of being a "wuss", I was just trying to raise an issue I thought was important. Would you bail if you could continue to fight? That's what I was trying to say. Now I think I'm through, but to all the 'grogs' out there, I have opinions, I'm gonna post em. Love me or hate me, I'm here so deal with it...
  2. To clear it up right now, I have the UTMOST respect to any tank vet, or any vet for that matter. My wuss comment was made in context of a minor hit. Everyone here is so concerned with being historical and kissing ass, I've got strong opinions and I say em. Calling me brave in front of a monitor is stupid, you know absolutely nothing about me, and I know nothing about you, so piss off. You got your opinion, I've got mine, but don't come in here trying to make me out to be this or that, you can't even begin to know me. You wanna judge after two responses in a thread? You're more of a loser than I would have thought in the first place...peace out, I got **** to do.
  3. Hey guess what....eat me. I wasn't talking about ricochets or immobilizations, I was talking about being able to fight on. It's not about being immobilized and waiting to die, then I would bail. It's about being hit and being able to carry on. As for non-essential crewmen or equipment, in every vehicle or machine made throughout time, there are pieces that the machine could still operate without. An assistant driver, by name, is only an assistant. Sucks for little johnny, but goose it Albers and let's bag some german tanks...Now, are you the sort to run and hide when the enemy is shooting at you? Personally, I want some payback. If I can do it with a slightly damaged tank, I will, if I have to get a new one, I will. People die, and things have to be done, if you have to use a tank that's a little busted up, so be it. But that's just me... [ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Dunnee ]
  4. To clear it up, I'm talking about a non-lethal penetration. Maybe minor damage to operating systems and one casualty, a non-essential crewman. I wouldn't want to face my Co. commander after bailing out because a shot took off my rear-view mirror. You get my point?
  5. I don't know, you get issued a tank, and that's your vehicle. Say you get hit, your assistant driver or whatever is killed. Your tank is still operational and combat effective with damage to the front and one casualty. Now you can do one of two things: bail out like a wuss, or try to do some damage with what you've got left. You don't abandon your assignment because they are shooting at you, being shot at is a given. I would think bailing out after a non lethal hit is shirking your duty. Think about that.
  6. I got a mac, and my CM is hooked up. No real problems with changing textures. The mac mod manager does sounds too...
  7. The history channel, where do I start? How bout here: I started watching it about 5 yrs ago, they still show the same damn footage on shows they put out now. Get some new material, the channel's like Kevin Meaney, been using the same act for a decade.
  8. How would you take out a WWII era tank without AT weapons? Hmmm, would activating a couple of grenades and allowing the tank to roll over them with its treads immobilize it? An explosion of two to three grenades directly between the tread and the ground might be enough to detrack it maybe, although I'm not positive...Cause after it's immobilized, the infantry boys can just bounce(leave)...Again, I have NO techinical proof of the above, so snotty "realists" back the F up, just offering suggestions...
  9. Panzy, I just finished it(I know, it's been weeks), let me just say, F you. This one sucked because of that hill and those damn guns. Great scenario if you like getting your ass kicked. BTW, was it me, or did the 240mm arty strike not do a damn thing. So, you've got my vote to distribute this baby, even if I do hate playing as the allies...
  10. Where I live, we call this "biting". Now everyone, notice the "no biting allowed" sign on the door. It's common courtesy to acknowledge the one whom you have borrowed from.
  11. Last time. In response to the latest comments...Yeah, I'm an irritating moron, but an irritating moron with a lesson in cause and effect. Cause: Dorosh gets all big-headed and snotty, and tries to diss a legitimate post. Effect: I become a child in order to teach him the value of considering all information. This is not a complaint form, I'm not crying, I'm trying to make a point. The funny thing is, in all of this, I 'm the moron and immature child, when it was YOU Mr. Dorosh, that STARTED it(that statement really makes me look 10 yrs old, but it's the truth). That's it, I'm done. When you're done being a hypocrite, maybe I'll consider valueing anything you have to say in the future. Because I USED to value your technical knowledge of the war.
  12. Now you're putting words in my mouth. I'm not some pimple faced 15 yr old who saw the NBC special on pearl harbor and thinks he knows the war. I've been posting in response to my FIRST post on the original smg thread. All subsequent posts have been in response to that and jibes aimed at one Mr. Dorosh. I didn't like his dismissal of my information, or the way he put it, so I'm trying to annoy him. Slapdragon, go apply that last statement to the UT forum or something. I'm well aware of the proper usage of smg's and military hardware...Sometimes I see somethings get ridiculous and I feel the need to be a pain. Got it? [ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Dunnee ]
  13. Mikey, did you, with your piercing reading comprehension skills, actually read my post? I mean really read it? An smg shoots BULLETS. Bullets are used in order that you may KILL the enemy. I was merely pointing out the one simple fact people aren't talking about, forget the firepower, forget the ratios, bullets kill people. As for me being a dog yeah, I"m an effing jersey pitbull canuck boy. I feel it's my duty to chop you off at the knees everytime you open your big, well-researched yapper. Heaven forbid anyone else has useful things to say on a subject mikey. If it didn't come from you, I guess it's not true huh? As for not getting Gyrene's post, I did, I just like annoying you because, frankly, I think your a little stiff. [ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Dunnee ]
  14. "What did SMGs do in action, really?" Kill people. But you knew that right?
  15. Mike, Mike, Mike...you gotta come harder than some "weakest link" ish...
  16. Somebody, I don't know who cause all I did was skim the post, said I shouldn't throw out information like the kind I had posted. Ok, then tell the VETERANS who said that cop to not post as well asshole. Thank you suckerduck for your time.
  17. In actuality, I believe a large number of guns were "scavenged" on all sides of the war. Picking up an smg that was lying on the ground was commonplace. The germans even envied spotting an unused soviet smg on the ground, they were highly valued finds for german troops in that meat grinder called stalingrad. Us troops were seen using mp38 and mp40 models. Us troops in the pacific especially would scrounge their own dead to get a bar, a colt .45 pistol, or a thompson.
  18. Perfect Symmetry?! You call watching every sherman you have burn in the road symmetry?! Well so do I, cause I always play germans...
  19. "It's also the 33rd. anniversary of a GREAT mescaline trip I took on Mount Tamalpais." Werd?!
  20. Wow, 24 hours, most of my fridge living beers have a life expectancy of about 30 min...
  21. What was wrong with Rob/1? I like it better than your current moniker...got a better ring. Like,"Who's there?" "Rob/1, Muther@#$*@r." You feel me?
  22. I posted because I wanted you ALL to know how stupid this whole thread was...satisfied?
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