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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Kids - they're so cute when they're little. Too bad most of them grow up to be such awful people, like Mike and Axe and mike_the_wino and Keke and MasterGoodale. Eeew, I'm getting nauseous. Anyway, Stikkypixie, I'll have to call Bill Gates and complain. My Microsoft Outlook shows that message in the "Sent" folder. Obviously a bug in the software. I'll forward it to you right now, so heads up! :eek:
  2. Are those the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso? They look more like Chippendales. No doubt they have achieved those physiques by playing far too much Combat Mission.
  3. Doesn't the idea of MasterGoodale playing a game titled "Day of Defeat" seem curiously appropriate? The fury maggot will probably respond by saying something like "I beat you the last two times we played." This is a true fact. On the other hand, both times his Soviets were assaulting my Germans in terrain poorly suited for the German defense. I felt like Field Marshal Paulus at Stalingrad. Grrrrrr!! :mad: :mad: So MasterGoodale, be prepared to take a whipping the next time we play. Will you be getting CMAK, or do you plan to stick with your Soviets?
  4. Did any of the rest of you feel that unseasonably warm air mass blowing in from Minnesota? No wonder our roses are still blooming in early November. Seanachai, good luck on your pursuit of godhood. Somehow I see you becoming, at best, one of the lesser lights of the pantheon. Something like the god of bass boats, or maybe the god of politicians. I don't think Zeus, Jupiter, Odin, or any of their other incarnations have much to worry about. YK2, we're glad to have you as a guest, but you'll have to be careful leaving your copies of Cosmo lying around. Some of the little boys who wander through may find themselves "confused" by some of the articles. Your subjects from the CMAK forum may tear off the covers. Once again I've borne the stigma of a MasterGoodale sig, and again I've survived the slings and arrows that come with it. My new sig is in honor of the new "Matrix Revolutions", which opens tomorrow. :cool:
  5. Stikkypixie, young maggots like you should be seen (rarely), but not heard (ever)! Actually, I checked my PBEM folder last night and the last move I found was 007, which I sent to you! If you sent me another move, I've either deleted it or ignored it - both of which seem completely appropriate. But if you've actually replied, could you try sending it again? I'm looking forward to firing all of my AP ammunition before your tanks spot me. Time to change my sig line. So long again, MasterGoodale, wherever you are!
  6. Does somebody raise cattle in Wales, too? :eek: I thought it was too mountainous. By "they eat anything", do you mean the dogs or the British Royals? And how do you know so much about the royal family's eating habits? Was that in one of the blizzard of biographies of Princess Di? Sure, the Windsors are poster children against inbreeding, but still, let's allow them to keep something in their lives private.
  7. You sure haven't been spending any time lately telling us how great the Vikings are this year. Why is that, mike_the_front-runner? :confused: I don't know anything about Australian Cattle Dogs. I didn't even know anybody raised cattle in Australia. How big do these dogs get? Cute puppies have a way of becoming dogs weighing over a hundred pounds, and eating huge amounts of food. How much land do you need for it to roam? Do they eat grapes?
  8. <h1>CONGRATULATIONS, MASTERGOODALE!!</H1> On this date one year ago you first appeared on this forum and began an unparalleled campaign of terror. To this day you are still the only member I'm aware of who has been given his own thread to control your pollution of the entire forum. A well deserved honor, I must say. <h1>GRRRRRRRR!!!</h1> :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. What's a prat? Is that good or bad? :confused: You're right. What have we already played, one whole turn, and still no massive firefights? I'll have my men run through the fog into the ruined town, where your Germans are obviously waiting with multiple light and heavy machine guns. I'll even have my tanks drive fast into the town, so you can use your panzershrecks and panzerfausts, not to mention your own tanks and/or AT guns. :eek: Yes, my Combat Mission men are made of electrons. So am I, and most likely so are you. What's your point?
  10. *ahem* This begs the obvious question -- exactly how did you find this out? Consider your answer carefully.</font>
  11. Prinz Eugen, thanks for letting us know you are at least alive and well. Personally I was concerned that Keke had been rehearsing his anti-tank tactics on your car. You'll know where to find us if you feel like dropping in again sometime. You are still be a maggot even if you never play Combat Mission. In fact, that probably makes you even more highly qualified to be a lifetime maggot! Good luck in England. If you happen to run into Soddball, please do it while driving a large bus going about 120 kilometers per hour. All your friends here will appreciate it greatly. YK2, congratulations on becoming the <big>Queen of the Peng thread!!</big> Remember that you can always come here to relax and be a maggot for a while. We will not hold your new title against you. One request: please don't allow the riff-raff from the other thread to follow you here. :mad: :mad: My Pz IIIs have opened fire on Stikkypixie's Valentines at about 1,500 meters. Maybe my Germans would be better off throwing rocks at him. Today I completed Soddball's infamous Cheery Waffle 2.0 versus _UXcva. Much blood was spilled, much property burned, much expensive hardware was reduced to scrap. Other than that, not much happened. The gamey maggot Becket has sneaked some Soviet uber-assault gun behind my StuHs and destroyed them all. Maybe we should have investigated that "meteor" that fell behind us a bit more closely. We suspect he used a huge slingshot to hurl it over our lines. It couldn't have been faulty tactics on my part. Axe is attacking my company of Soviet infantry with what looks like a reinforced battalion of Germans. They are as thick as MasterGoodale's renegade mice. Mike has my Soviets attacking a town which appears to have been flattened by bombers. Almost every building is now a pile of rubble. This looks like a battle to be approached slowly, but we only have 20+ turns, so we must rush. That will cost good men, which does not make me happy. THumpre is sending BDLRM turns very slowly. I think I'll go ahead and post the results of the six completed games. It won't affect our game.
  12. Good Friday morning, maggot-challenged Cheery Wafflers! Except for Mike, who may be in Wednesday or Sunday or something completely unknown. Also mike_the_impaired, who may not be aware of time passing at all. Now you know what the Cheery Waffle in the thread title is for. We have our own version of subtlety. I think cornstarch will help that. It will be at least 8 more hours before I can see what your Russo/British tankers are up to. Patience, young maggot! So Mike, when should I look for an e-mail? Tomorrow? Yesterday? In the spring? That pesky time difference really throws me. I think we should all adopt GMT as the standard, and if that means the sun is out from 9 PM to 9 AM, we'll get used to it.
  13. Okay, Mr. Stalin Mike's Organ, I'm afraid this latest slur calls for a challenge. Since you are from the bottom half of the Earth, let me explain to you in very short words what this means: <big>I will play you in a game of CM. CMBB or CMAK. One or the other or both. We will play CMBB now, or we will wait and play CMAK. I don't care. You choose. I will wait to hear from you. Don't take too long. If this is all too hard for you, let me know. I will draw a picture for you next time. You make me sick, you bad man. Bad, bad, bad! GRRRRRR!!!</big> :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. Just what we need, a picture of Soddball playing around. No, stukkypukky, it's the picture below the bear! Your setup is on its way. Let's see what havoc you can create.
  15. Good morning, fellow Cheery Waffle addicts! I see we have questions this fine morning, so let's get right to it. Four. All the other member names are duplicates. Not quite enough yet, maggot! That's MasterGoodale, pilgrim. He's some sort of exotic life form infesting a house in New England. He lives a life filled with his vomiting children, his mold, his ants, his mice, and his electricity. Seanachai is most likely a figment of the imagination. He's sort of like a leprechaun, minus the pot of gold. There have been reported sightings all over Minneapolis/St. Paul, but he has yet to be captured.
  16. Snarker, Axe, Becket - send turns <big>NOW!!</big> How many minutes does it take for you guys to get turns back? It's been what, an hour or two since I sent mine? What's the holdup? GRRRRR!!! :mad: Captain Wacky, while there are indeed superficial similarities between the thread you linked and the Cheery Waffle, there is also one difference which is of cosmic, mind-shattering proportions: The Anti-Cess thread was begun specifically as an alternative to the Peng thread. There was no reason for it to exist except to give members a thread of their own while avoiding running afoul of the Olde Ones lurking in the MBT. A nice effort, although ultimately futile. If you take the time to read Axe's excellent history of the Cheery Waffle threads, wherever he's left it lying around, you will discover this thread has an entirely different and noble purpose. It was not begun as some short-lived alternative to the Peng. No, the Cheery Waffle was created with a much higher mission, namely, to keep MasterGoodale from being the william amos/sgt. beavis of all the forums. All of us who post here regularly take our duty of containing MasterGoodale very seriously. We know we're providing a service, not only to the forum members and BFC, but to all mankind. Actually, we probably all deserve medals. Sorry, I'm getting all choked up here!
  17. Okay Cabron, what have you done with him? This is obviously not the work of Seanachai. Not a song, not a rhyme, not even a mention of drinking. It even makes sense. Clearly a forgery, and a poor one at that. :mad: Rudy, one of the true beauties of Combat Mission is the AI's willingness to completely ignore your orders. Anyone who feels frustrated by this has never been in a position where they had to try to get a group of people to work together for a common goal. Your digital soldiers, like real people, are looking out for themselves first. Sometimes this causes them to make fatal mistakes, like your tank commanders. Sometimes they save their necks when you have ordered them into a suicidal predicament. As someone masquerading as Seanachai said above, if you feel that you need total control of your soldiers, there are other places to find it.
  18. Oh come on. You're the guy who puts the Cheer in Cheery Waffle! Be sure to add this to your list of MasterGoodale excuses. Sick with the plague. Next thing you know he'll be snowed in; overrun with moose in his basement; fighting an infestation of moldy, maggotty flea-bitten pusssssss mice. I too tried the good/evil meter. Dave H returned a whopping 99% evil, while MasterGoodale came in at only 20% evil. Clearly this meter needs some serious adjustments.
  19. Hey Bullwinkle, where's Rocky? Axe, is your workload lightening up now? It seemed like you were a one-man newspaper staff a while back. Now you're making the Cheery Waffle thread read like National Geographic. Abbott, this scenario of yours that Becket and I are using is a real nail biter - again! I know he's got all kinds of Soviet armor, but he won't bring it out in the open where I can get a clean shot at it. The map has so many hills and trees that we can be at point blank range and still out of sight. It's another winner. Have you all been keeping up with the news about the solar flare heading toward the Earth right now? I wonder if we'll get to see the aurora tonight. That would be amazing! :cool:
  20. Top of the morning, maggots! Axe, watch Mike/Stalin's Organ very carefully. Not only is he into tomorrow already, he's into next spring already!! It's hard to surprise somebody who's already six months ahead of you. :eek: So mike_the_nugget/squire/wino/honorary-Canadian, what is it that causes you to occasionally spend these long hours at the winery? Do you have to come in to mop the floor any time there's a spill? Probably more like lap up the spill. [ October 29, 2003, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  21. Maggots, I just spent a few minutes reading the latest of the Peng threads over in the CMAK forum. <h1>The Horror!!</h1> Page after page of sullen name calling, whiney little cries of "Hey mister, I wanna play, too!", and dreary poseurs. I noticed none of the regulars from Cheery Waffle Land (with the exception of a certain mike_the_squire) had visited recently. What a wasteland! The knights and jacks and jokers over there must already be in Sahara survival mode. No kidding around, rationing water, everything deadly serious. So sad, really, to see the whole thing shriveling into nothingness. Not even a friendly graemlin as far as the eye can see. :eek:
  22. The Finns and Canadians are so tough they don't need houses. They never go indoors anyway.
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