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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Well, I tried pulling the car into the driveway tonight. All I managed to do was get stuck blocking the street. Much kitty litter and some shoveling later, we managed to get moving again. I'll be parking in the street for the next few days, I guess. Come on warm weather and rain! I just watched a TV special on the creation of the album "1 Giant Leap". Any of you fine people familiar with it? As soon as it went off, I ordered both the album and the DVD from the web site. Truly spectacular music collected from all over the globe, seamlessly integrated into something really special. Those clever Brits!
  2. Well, I tried pulling the car into the driveway tonight. All I managed to do was get stuck blocking the street. Much kitty litter and some shoveling later, we managed to get moving again. I'll be parking in the street for the next few days, I guess. Come on warm weather and rain! I just watched a TV special on the creation of the album "1 Giant Leap". Any of you fine people familiar with it? As soon as it went off, I ordered both the album and the DVD from the web site. Truly spectacular music collected from all over the globe, seamlessly integrated into something really special. Those clever Brits!
  3. Always looking on the bright side, aren't you Mace? Don't you get tired of being so cheerful? I used a spade and a hoe to break off chunks of the drift that was directly outside the garage door. My Matrix, which thankfully has front wheel drive, was able to back up over the edge of our little glacier and is now parked in the street, ready to roll. Oh, did I mention that our street hasn't been cleared? We haven't had a mail delivery since Tuesday. Apparently the neighborhood association board was "considering" a bid for snow removal, but had never actually signed a contract. <font size=5>Big GRRRRRRRRRR!!!</font> :mad: :mad: That WILL change shortly. Now about the salt and fertilizer. No way I'm ruining a 3 year old concrete driveway with salt. Besides, it was so cold that even if I had salt it would have been ineffective. We live in a subdivision which has a homeowner's association, and we pay monthly dues. In return, the association contracts with a lawn care company to take care of everyone's front lawns (mowing, fertilizing, etc.). We also had our back yard landscaped (and it is gorgeous!), so there is absolutely no lawn care for me to do at all, hence no fertilizer. Honestly, it's been fun to be snowed in for a few days. All of our utilities are underground, so we didn't lose our electricity and cable. Plenty of food, plenty of heat, plenty of entertainment, no pressure to be anyplace else. Actually, Becky and I agreed it has been a very wonderful Christmas.
  4. Always looking on the bright side, aren't you Mace? Don't you get tired of being so cheerful? I used a spade and a hoe to break off chunks of the drift that was directly outside the garage door. My Matrix, which thankfully has front wheel drive, was able to back up over the edge of our little glacier and is now parked in the street, ready to roll. Oh, did I mention that our street hasn't been cleared? We haven't had a mail delivery since Tuesday. Apparently the neighborhood association board was "considering" a bid for snow removal, but had never actually signed a contract. <font size=5>Big GRRRRRRRRRR!!!</font> :mad: :mad: That WILL change shortly. Now about the salt and fertilizer. No way I'm ruining a 3 year old concrete driveway with salt. Besides, it was so cold that even if I had salt it would have been ineffective. We live in a subdivision which has a homeowner's association, and we pay monthly dues. In return, the association contracts with a lawn care company to take care of everyone's front lawns (mowing, fertilizing, etc.). We also had our back yard landscaped (and it is gorgeous!), so there is absolutely no lawn care for me to do at all, hence no fertilizer. Honestly, it's been fun to be snowed in for a few days. All of our utilities are underground, so we didn't lose our electricity and cable. Plenty of food, plenty of heat, plenty of entertainment, no pressure to be anyplace else. Actually, Becky and I agreed it has been a very wonderful Christmas.
  5. Oh, don't be so sure. I came up with the poor idea of dumping several gallons of gasoline on top of the mess and firing it up, but then I reconsidered. I really think napalm would have worked better. Unfortunately, I ran a little short this week. :eek: Here's the kicker - I just saw the extended weather forecast - the high temperature here next Saturday is supposed to be almost 70. :cool: Did you see about New Orleans getting snow today? It was their first snow on Christmas Day in 50 years. That system may bring some of this fun and games to the east coast as the week rolls along.
  6. Oh, don't be so sure. I came up with the poor idea of dumping several gallons of gasoline on top of the mess and firing it up, but then I reconsidered. I really think napalm would have worked better. Unfortunately, I ran a little short this week. :eek: Here's the kicker - I just saw the extended weather forecast - the high temperature here next Saturday is supposed to be almost 70. :cool: Did you see about New Orleans getting snow today? It was their first snow on Christmas Day in 50 years. That system may bring some of this fun and games to the east coast as the week rolls along.
  7. You guys are really a big help. If I could get my car out of the garage to go to the local road maintenance depot to steal a jackhammer, I wouldn't need the stinking jackhammer in the first place!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: This is what I get for expecting <font size=1>penguins</font> to have any synapses still firing. All of the time you spend wallowing in the mud and the blood and the beer of the MBT has fried all of your neurons for sure. Of course, that's giving you the benefit of the doubt, because I'm really not sure <font size=1>penguins</font> are born with any brain cells to begin with. I think I'll go talk to a chunk of the ice. It probably makes more sense than you two. It's definitely more sober.
  8. You guys are really a big help. If I could get my car out of the garage to go to the local road maintenance depot to steal a jackhammer, I wouldn't need the stinking jackhammer in the first place!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: This is what I get for expecting <font size=1>penguins</font> to have any synapses still firing. All of the time you spend wallowing in the mud and the blood and the beer of the MBT has fried all of your neurons for sure. Of course, that's giving you the benefit of the doubt, because I'm really not sure <font size=1>penguins</font> are born with any brain cells to begin with. I think I'll go talk to a chunk of the ice. It probably makes more sense than you two. It's definitely more sober.
  9. Try finding somebody to deliver a jackhammer on Christmas Day sometime. GRRRRRRRRRR!! Mace, if you're trying to turn me into your very own personal stalker, you are certainly going about it in the right way. Sorry to hear the weather was so chilly down your way. I figured it would be a typical summer day at about 120 degrees F down under. Sorry for the lack of my own smileys, but someone used up the smiley quota. GRRRR!!
  10. Try finding somebody to deliver a jackhammer on Christmas Day sometime. GRRRRRRRRRR!! Mace, if you're trying to turn me into your very own personal stalker, you are certainly going about it in the right way. Sorry to hear the weather was so chilly down your way. I figured it would be a typical summer day at about 120 degrees F down under. Sorry for the lack of my own smileys, but someone used up the smiley quota. GRRRR!!
  11. <font size=5 font color=red>Merry Christmas!!!</font> Special thanks to Mace for his wonderful Christmas message. Christmas trees will never look the same after seeing that picture! :mad: :mad: Yes, Becky and I are safe and snug at home. It's a good thing, because the snow and sleet from Wednesday and Thursday have compressed into about a foot of solid ice covering the driveway. The snowshovel only makes little nicks in it. Since the driveway is on the north side of the house, the snow drifted there and it stays in the shadows all day. Our temperature today has already zoomed up from 0 degrees to 19 degrees. If only I had a flamethrower, we'd be in business. Any ice-removal suggestions that won't leave a big hole where my driveway and garage used to be? I'll bet if I announced there was free beer hidden under the ice I'd have planeloads of Australians arriving here in no time.
  12. <font size=5 font color=red>Merry Christmas!!!</font> Special thanks to Mace for his wonderful Christmas message. Christmas trees will never look the same after seeing that picture! :mad: :mad: Yes, Becky and I are safe and snug at home. It's a good thing, because the snow and sleet from Wednesday and Thursday have compressed into about a foot of solid ice covering the driveway. The snowshovel only makes little nicks in it. Since the driveway is on the north side of the house, the snow drifted there and it stays in the shadows all day. Our temperature today has already zoomed up from 0 degrees to 19 degrees. If only I had a flamethrower, we'd be in business. Any ice-removal suggestions that won't leave a big hole where my driveway and garage used to be? I'll bet if I announced there was free beer hidden under the ice I'd have planeloads of Australians arriving here in no time.
  13. It would be comforting to believe that the rise of Hitler was due to a combination of circumstances limited to Germany and the Germans. Unfortunately, I don't think the rest of the world gets off that easily. Hitler was able to take and consolidate power because the "moral leadership" in Germany was shouted down, marginalized, and ignored. Any number of governments since Hitler's have found plenty of willing hands for goals of "ethnic cleansing" or tribal extermination. A government which has no morals itself certainly doesn't shy away from clubbing that nation's moral leadership into submission. It can happen anywhere.
  14. CMAK, Allies, Probe, Head on a plate. Thank you very much. CMAK so I don't have to keep switching the CDs. Allies so whatever armor unit I lose wasn't anything too expensive or critical. Probe because Meeting Engagements are too hokey and Assaults can quickly get out of hand if the defense is misplaced just a little bit. My head on a plate because beheading is over a lot quicker than being burned alive. Kitty, I think it's really good that you decided against a mass murder. On the other hand, if you had gone through with it I probably would have gotten to see you on TV. We'll call it a mixed blessing. I cannot even imagine sitting through a 5 hour class on anything, especially not from 6 to 11 pm. If she's already this wound up, along about 10 pm somebody might get a real surprise when she rips their lungs out.
  15. CMAK, Allies, Probe, Head on a plate. Thank you very much. CMAK so I don't have to keep switching the CDs. Allies so whatever armor unit I lose wasn't anything too expensive or critical. Probe because Meeting Engagements are too hokey and Assaults can quickly get out of hand if the defense is misplaced just a little bit. My head on a plate because beheading is over a lot quicker than being burned alive. Kitty, I think it's really good that you decided against a mass murder. On the other hand, if you had gone through with it I probably would have gotten to see you on TV. We'll call it a mixed blessing. I cannot even imagine sitting through a 5 hour class on anything, especially not from 6 to 11 pm. If she's already this wound up, along about 10 pm somebody might get a real surprise when she rips their lungs out.
  16. That Kitty: a woman of few words but you always know what she's thinking!</font>
  17. That Kitty: a woman of few words but you always know what she's thinking!</font>
  18. That Kitty: a woman of few words but you always know what she's thinking! Were you in the Fiefdom game?
  19. That Kitty: a woman of few words but you always know what she's thinking! Were you in the Fiefdom game?
  20. I've watched my German infantry platoons in trenches get massacred by 155 mm American VT artillery fire. I suspect that VT artillery would put a big hurt on the entrenched flak gun defense, too. Of course CM's Borg spotting would play a major role in locating the flak guns.
  21. I take it our game ended. Did you see how green my attacking troops were? Even the platoon and company HQ units were mainly green. Trying to wade through the minefields and bunkers, with a constant pounding from your artillery, was just too much for them. I guess we never did take out that AT gun that was making life so exciting and short for my tanks. I had one green engineer squad next to a minefield for three or four turns. They made no effort to do anything about the mines. Finally in disgust I targetted the minefield, and they dutifully tossed their satchel charges and fired almost all of their ammunition, all to no effect. GRRRRRRRRRR!!! :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: Revenge? You betcha! I'll find a scenario in the next day or so. Anyone know if the master of disaster rune has any new ones? His battles are always impossible for both sides, which I like. M_t_w, any chance you'll be sending a new turn any time soon? I know you want your Tiger to keep blasting away at that infantry unit it spotted outside of the buildings. Anyone else available for a setup for CMAK or CMBB? With Dominions 2 on hold, Fiefdom crashed, and my only remaining PBEM with mike_the_wino, I'm experiencing the symptoms of game withdrawal. I may actually have to try to get some work done around the house!! :eek: :eek:
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