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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. The Tungsten and 105mm "C" charge no-can-shoot bugs are caused by faulty nVidia drivers. Gyrene
  2. I agree, there's no way a Russian soldier did that! We all know that all they did in the war was die at the mere mention of the word "Finn", hell even just spelling F-I-N-N was enough to criple an entire Russian Division. And you thought that the British "Killer Joke" was bad! In any case, the shatter gap of Early War Russian ax heads versus the 125% quality of pre 1942 German armor would guarantee that the swing would have no effect even if the Russian soldier had hit the Pz I TC right square in the noggin. Russian ax-blows simply did not have enough velocity to penetrate the high quality, Early War Teutonic TC heads. I.P. Sereda served as a cook, now that's something that could have stopped that tank! Gyrene
  3. Cameroon has some good ideas there, but I think Gordon's point is that modders themselves need to get together and figure out a naming convention that developers could then use with their CMMOS type apps and CGI scripts. This would also include "read me" file conventions for CGI's to work, I assume. Before we get too far along and confused by all this we need to first figure out what info has to be part of the file name. In my opinion the following info is all required: -Mod Author initials -Brief mod description, i.e. "M8HMC" -Mod resolution indication - "H" or "L" -CMMOS compatibility - "C" or nothing -Winter version -Winter only - "W" -All Seasons included - "A" -If there is no "A" or "W" then no "snow" version is included -Multiple Variants included - "V" -CMBB or CMBO - "B" (Barbarossa) or "O" (Overlord) - No letter means it works with both. -Version number - 1.0, 1.1, etc. So, for example, my dark tracks in high res would be named like this: GYR_RRTracksDark_HO_1.0.zip Should my tracks have been CMMOS compatible and including Winter files, the name would be this: GYR_RRTracksDark_HACO_1.0.zip I think this is a pretty simple format, as the modder still has plenty of room to describe the file and there are few code letters to remember. Here's another exmaple: GEM_PzIV(GHJ models)_HCVO_1.0.zip Gordon's PzIV for G, H & J models, High res, CMMOS compliant with variants in file for CMBO, mod version 1.0 Anyway, it's an idea, with a little practice these code letters should make sense very quickly and the order of the code letters makes little difference. Gyrene
  4. No, Yes. At least I'm very sure the answer to the second question is yes. Gyrene
  5. Pud, I put together a kit with the straight and diagonal Photoshop files like you wanted, it should have everything need to integrate my tracks with existing road .BMP's I'm emailing you the link where you can get it, the file is 4.8MB If any other modders would like to have the file, please email me for the link. Looking forward to the results! Gyrene
  6. It's a great idea!, I like the idea of using one of the paved/dirt intersections for the mod so vehicles won't bog down so much. I can do a road/track intersection easily enough, I'd need to hook up with a road modder to get the correct shades for the dirt or pavement. Gyrene
  7. Jason, I'm willing to give it a try. Gyrene
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> By FSTK ...Lord General's "Hooked on Phonics" workbooks simmering in a nice broth made of hideous spelling errors. "Ahh, alphabet soup again, dear?", said GAZ NZ as he came home from one of his Illuminati, UFO, New World Order job fairs and tweaked the missess on her bum. "Have you alerted all the heathens to the reality that bin Laden works for the SAS", she asked him as he removed his...<hr></blockquote> ...Mind Reading Machine-Blocking tin foil hat. "Hush Woman!" He said as he made his rounds of the house as he did when coming home every night. He drew all the shades down and checked all the lamps and fixtures for bugs. "Someone can hear you! Do you want the neighbors to find out that GAZ NZ is just a cover I use to disseminate the truth in the Forum?" He continued, "Do you want the Men in Black to find out that I am really..."
  9. Cameroon, good news on a Mac CMMOS thingie being in the works. Now I'll be able to know what the fuss is about A naming convention would be nice, but hopefully the file names remain readable or we'll end up with file names that look like aircraft part #'s Example: 2863_PzIV(GHJ)_VC_BO.zip 2863 = Gordon Molek PzIV = Panzer IV (GHJ) = models V = Variants C= CMMOS Compliant BO = CMBO Crazy huh?
  10. Great time saver Voidhawk! I do something similar for myself, but your system is better. Btw, please tell me you used some sort of batch automation for all those .bmp's! Gyrene
  11. Gordon, a problem with having modders follow a naming convention for CMMOS is that many modders use Macs and CMMOS is not available for the Mac. In other words - I don't think too many Mac modders even know how CMMOS is supposed to work. As for mod re-use, I think that getting permission before tweaking a mod is the right thing to do, especially if you plan to release the tweaked mod. On a naming convention for the files between CMBO & CMBB I think that a "_BO" or "_BB" in the name would suffice. Example - SpringTreeBases_BO.zip, HiResSkies_BB.zip etc. Gyrene
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The Churchill seems to be unloved in comparison in terms of mod treatment. I'm still stuck using the stock texture for the slow moving bear. <hr></blockquote> Commissar, have you seen Feldgrau's Churchill mods? They would easily rank on the Top 10 All Time Best Armor Mods List™ in my opinion...If there was such a list. Seriously, they're Freakin' Awesome, you can get them at Manx's site. Gyrene
  13. T.R.P's can be modded. I've seem a mod for them *somewhere* Gyrene
  14. The way I conduct my own PPH™ is with the magic wand tool. I make a bottom most layer with the 255,0,255 then when I'm ready to flatten the image for the final I turn off the visibilty for the pink layer, then I "Merge visible" in the layer menu; this keeps all merge modes and layer effects looking like they should (When compared to Merge Down). After that I resize the picture to the final size (For 512x512 bmp's I use 1024x1024 originals), make the pink layer visible and then flatten the image. This still leaves the dreaded Wrong Shade Pink Pixels™, but not as many as if I had resized the flattened image. I then set the background color to 255,0,255 and the magic wand to tolerance 30 and no boxes checked. From there I just zoom in very close and click and delete the offending pixels. It works very well and fast for terrain bmp's, but for detail work your pixel pencil method may be more accurate. I've played around with the Defringe & the Remove Matting options, but they haven't done much for me yet. Gyrene
  15. Egads, a Hi-res Hetzer...Why would we want that? Looks nice, looking forward to the final version. Have fun with the Pink Pixel Hunt™! Gyrene
  16. I like the big nasty bloody scenarios where I don't know the result until the last turn and tanks & buildings are burning everywhere... Attack! Attack! Attack! Kill! Kill! Kill! ...Huh, yes. Yup, I like those. Yup. Gyrene
  17. CDIC, here's another comment from the peanut gallery - Have you tried hosting a TCP/IP game with the crossover ethernet cable to the other computer disconnected? Gyrene
  18. An Iron Man or Franko's True Combat option for the game would be great. Forcing the players to keep at least a "Sparse" level of tree coverge and the "Realistic" scale level should be an option too. Gyrene
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> However the good ones, i.e. Maya and Bryce off the top of my head, cost far more than any computer any one would have at home. <hr></blockquote> Heretic! Blasphemer! Do not mention Bryce in the same breath as Maya! Bryce is only good for making nice Myst-like terrain models and also very good at frustrating those who desire to do anything else with it. Maya is the bonafide fancy pants-do anything-big money-make the hollywood movie 3D app. The Matrix, Enemy at the gates, Final Fantasy, Hollow Man, The Phantom Menace etc. You get the idea. 3D Studio Max is what BTS uses for to make the models for CM. It is also a very good 3D package, but not as good as animation as Maya, so it's found mainly with game companies. Maximus would love the fact that it is not available on the Mac. Lightwave is also another excellent 3D app that will also make your wallet a lot lighter. It is very popular with TV people. It started a long time ago (Computer years) on the Amiga (woot!). Babylon 5 was made with it. If you want to try your hand in the frustrating, but rewarding world of 3D, you can get a very good 3D application for FREE here! Gyrene
  20. Like it says - Too much traffic on the website. I'll have to find a new home for the mods. I'll have to wait until Manx gets situated with CMHQ to send it to him. Gyrene
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> The U.S. Army still has them on the books,although they are not part of an infantry units normal table of equiptment. I have heard the Marines still have them,but Gyrene may be able to answer that one. <hr></blockquote> The USMC still has some Vietnam-era flame-throwers, but most Marines hardly ever get to see, much less fire them. Even in Vietnam most flame-throwers used by the USMC were mounted on tanks, and those were actually used quite a bit against known enemy fortifications. They only deployed them when they knew they would need them to tackle bunkers and heavily dug in opponents. Man-portable flame-throwers were used mostly for the dubious task of destroying villages after a battle. I think the main reason the USMC has stopped relying on portable flame-throwers was the adoption of the SMAW "Bunker-Buster" rocket system. It does a very good job against man-made bunkers from a much longer range than a flame thrower. It also doesn't have the nasty reputation or media-unfriendliness factor of the flame-thrower. Gyrene
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Will Nubian anti-tank camels be included? <hr></blockquote> Only the mine-camels. That's where the Russians got the idea for mine-dogs. The camels didn't work as well, because they are very easy to spot. (The second hump gave them away) Gyrene
  23. Well, so much for that. I exceed my traffic alottment for November, so I'll have to find a new home for the mods. Gyrene
  24. I also don't like the fact that the TacAI is not smart enough to avoid obstacles like bocage and barbed wire - Sometimes you will plot movement just a little too close to either and you end up stuck. Gyrene
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I think the flame-throwers are quite well modelled - except that for some reason they die quicker than other units. Compare them to a 2 man squad, the 2 man squad will last a lot longer when under small arms fire. Snipers also die very easily. <hr></blockquote> I also noticed that FO's and sole surviving members of HQ's are almost bullet proof. I once had a flamethrower team get killed while riding in a HT. The HT crew wasn't scratched. Gyrene
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