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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. I'll find the highest HQ, then pick one subordinate unit. Say, A Company. I'll take all of A Company and put 'em on the left. Then B in the middle, and C in reserve. Or something. But that way, I can SEE what organizations I have. Once I've got a grip on my order of battle, I'll break down the battle taskings and mentally assign them to the units. Like, A Company will take the railway station. B Company guards A Coy's flank. C Company will hang back and plug holes as needed. That "tells" me what I need to do with A company. 1st and 2nd platoon up front, 3rd in trail. Weapons platoon in overwatch. Once 1 and 2 reach the highway, then weapons moves forward and sets up for overwatch on the highway. Etc., etc. Breaking it up into steps, both your units and the overall battle tasks, will lead you to which unit should be assigned to which task. Start smaller.
  2. I'd be happy with smoke grenades being a defined munition in the Unit Information panel. I think those squads with smoke capability only get one "smoke". I'd love for engineers (or other assaulters in different time-frames) to have a little smoke grenade icon with a number, designating how many times they can order ";" to be used.
  3. JasonC, This is a well articulated post. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share it. Ken
  4. My preference is not to have any gore or blood.
  5. Some of these look really good...
  6. Campaigns are very flexible tools for anyone wanting to design them. Units carry over from the previous battle with, at the designer's choice, no rest/refit all the way up to full refit. However, each map for each battle has to be created anew. For a mobile series of battles, this works great. For a series of battles of the same ground, it needs some designer flair. Map damage is not persistent. So, Battle for the Church 1 sees a bridge get demo'ed. In Battle for the Church 2, that bridge will be whole. (Unless the designer purposely rubbled the bridge as part of Battle for the Church 2. If so, then it'll be rubbled even if it had been undamaged at the end of Battle for the Church 1. Capiche? This lack of carry-over map-state is the ONLY shortfall I see in the campaigns in CMx2. (Again, skilled design can make the map look more and more degraded/damaged over the ensuing battles if the designer has them occurring on the same piece of real estate.) Ken
  7. In unrelated news, BFC announces price hikes to all products.
  8. You may want to move this thread to the Tech Support forum. There are folks there (*cough* Schrullenhaft *cough, cough*) with MUCH greater computer and graphics knowledge and skills than I have. At least you can be comforted by the thought that any issues are due to your settings, not the game. Ken
  9. Two possibilities: is the HD 4600 set to the same resolution as the display's native resolution? (It is probably okay, but something to check...) More likely, you have CMAA turned on. (Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing) Look for it in the 3D section of the Intel Graphics control panel. Turn it off and see if it helps. Some links: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-004668.htm https://communities.intel.com/thread/56238?start=0&tstart=0 http://downloadmirror.intel.com/24245/eng/ReleaseNotes_GFX_15_36_3907.pdf#_ga=1.31757950.1392818115.1381520875 Ken
  10. If you're paying a monthly fee, you really haven't bought the thing, have you? That's renting.
  11. Ahhh...Sounds like a video card "effect". Nvidia's FXAA has been the culprit for my games. If you use Nvidia, open the control panel and turn off FXAA. You can do this for JUST CMBN under Nvidia's control panel "program settings". If you need more info, post a reply and I'll walk you through it. Ken
  12. Okay, factual summary of the issues brought up by the OP who desires more for less. - Has not played the game. (States that the he has tried the demo.) - All negative views based on others' forum posts. - Has not balanced that with any positive forum posts which he may, or may not, have read. - $55 is too much. - $55 is not too much, but only if that included all upgrades and modules. - Steam is better distribution model than direct sales. - Willing to pay more if there are new vehicles or combatants, but discounts the additional combatants and vehicles in the modules?
  13. The missing older quotes: I feel sorry for whoever has to re-type them all back in. That'll be a tough job.
  14. Egads! It's...it's...it's been chaaanged. I mean, it's different. Is this a portent of something? Ken
  15. "Greed" is used when someone thinks they can extort something from YOU in order to give it to THEM. Work, and the freedom to self-value your own labor, is a concept fraught with opportunity and risk. Those who are afraid of the risk take the opportunity to try to take your labor for themselves. I don't like the price of new cars. Those manufacturers are so greedy. They should cut the price in half. Back in '60, a new car cost 1/10 of what they cost today. It isn't "fair". By using terms such as "fair" and "greed", they try to impose a false morality on the marketplace, and thereby upon the free laborer. You want more money? Work harder, work longer, work smarter. Or, in many cases, just work. How about I look at your possessions, meager though they may be, which you have earned through your labor (or been given by a government which coerced the wealth from the productive members of society and transferred some of it to you), and tell you which possessions of yours that I deserve? If you refuse to give them over to me, you're just being "greedy". I love redistributionists. Or thieves, as they used to be called. And, yes, this comes from someone who once bought diapers and formula on credit cards and went hungry on alternate days, and I'd almost shed a tear when I had to break a $20...
  16. Rubble. You've dropped a veritable nightmare of shifting bricks, splintered wood, looping wires (sparking?), and treacherous terrain right in front of your men. They are rightfully refusing to allow themselves to be enmeshed in that mess. Far easier to use the door. That's roughly the issue. Breaching charges create "cleaner" holes. Wholesale hole making can create obstacles.
  17. This. (Been there, when $5 had to buy 2 days worth of lunch or I'd go hungry one of those days, so if $60 is a budget breaker, then you need to step away from playing computer games and focus on your work, bills, debts, and opportunities.)
  18. It's not that the price is high (or "too high"). The problem is that wages are too low. Obviously, this is not fair. The only redress is a world-wide "game fairness tax". Of course that sounds bad. We'll call it the "leveling the playing field for all" act, and impose "fees" on anyone buying...milk. Or eggs. Or cheese. Because dead cows are in the game, so people who use cow stuff should help. It's only fair. I mean, if they can eat cow stuff, then I should be able to pay for my game without making a choice about giving up my own milk, eggs, or cheese. (Cows do make eggs, don't they?) Really, why should I work for something which fills a need or desire in my life? Others can afford it, and I can't. It's not fair. Hang on, I just heard my Mom come back in. "Hey! Mom! I'm hungry and the basement is chilly! Cook me something and turn up the heat!" Where was I? Oh, yeah. It's not fair. BFC needs to give up some profit. Ken
  19. I think this is in the running for "BFPotY". You know, "Best First Post of the Year". Thanks for doing, and for sharing. Ken
  20. You can also put the camera into the deep part of the water obstacle and "swim" along. You'll be able to spot the shallow areas easily, and then you can use the movement cursor to verify if that shallow zone allows vehicles to cross.
  21. I'd love to have them smoke separate. That way, you could fire HE till the tubes glow, then toss the smoke.
  22. Screenies, or none of this happened.
  23. Armata firing video: The case came out backwards (meaning it had been rotated 90^) when it was ejected. Amazingly unstable firing platform.
  24. My bold. FWIW, I'm interested... How much so? Well, I've got an operational board game showing up in a bit which cost $200 (pre-order price, The Greatest Day, a GTS series game.) I figured I'd kick in $200 if I could find out more about this op layer. I could not. I went to the linked site and did not see anything which made me think there'd been real work done. Sure, some hex maps, a 3 box spaghetti diagram, and the same map image (BTW, that map image shows grey units IN Carentan, and one of the blurbs on the linked forum starts with "You've got to move 502 regiment to keep the Germans from getting into Carentan" http://dogsofwarvu.com/forum/index.php/topic,978.0.html Umm, they're already there.) It showed that the image was not a screenie of an alpha build, but just an artistic impression. For this to take off, it needs a bit more polish. The design doc, the goals, the timeline, the means to get to that goal, how it will be assessed and corrected when it deviates, who and how many are on the team, the budget and how it'll be allocated, the forecast sales and revenue goals, etc. Not that all that needs to be put in the public eye, but if SOME of that were done, this may have better chance. I'm interested, but I need to see some meat. Take the criticism as it's meant: as a way to improve the chance of success. Ken
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