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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Assumption: If A --> B, then B--> A "-->" means "transmits to". The underlying assumption is that A --> B MEANS A <--> B. I would THINK that should be true, but it seems not to be. The next assumption is that if A can spot and call targets to B who relays it to the mortar, then B can spot and call targets to A who can relay it to the mortar. That may not be true. Maybe only B has the plot board? Okay, I do think that comms should be fully two way and it doesn't seem to act that way. Ken
  2. Vehicles: the white ammo is what the crew has. The green ammo is what the vehicle has. Disembark the crew. The white ammo is their personal weapon ammo. Grey? That's not readily available, but there. (Give them some time, and they'll get to it after the regular ammo is gone. Represents, say, shells stored under the floor grate and difficult to get to, as opposed to rounds stored in the ready racks.) The above is from memory. I -think- it's right. YMMV. Ken
  3. My bold. Let's look at Company of Heroes. Great, fun game. How many maps does it have? How large are the maps? The only way to create a map, with all the pathfinding issues (definite paths, definite not-a-path, possible paths, possible not-a-path), is quite difficult. Every map is small (by CM scale), and hand-crafted. Pathfinding and collision detection are correspondingly simpler. Compare that to the CM editor. Anyone can create a 4km x 4km labrynth of bocage in a few minutes. Drop a tank at one end and give it a single waypoint at the far end and it WILL find a way to get there...if it is possible. (You may not like the route, but that's a different kettle of fish.) That is some impressive pathfinding. IF complexity of collision algorithms is non-linear, meaning geometrically more difficult as you increase objects and terrain, then the CM series might be hundreds of times harder to solve collisions than CoH. As far as I know, there is NO LIMIT to how many tanks I can toss down on a map in CM. (I do know, based on experience, that there is no limit to how many tanks I can order to their deaths in CM. ) Ken
  4. Screw it: "internet stick" sounds cool. It can mean soo many different things. I vote that it get included in the next manual.
  5. Yes. I do not know what the tipping point is. Each increase in weight is tracked, however, when that increase produces an effect which you'd notice is not something I have knowledge of. Fully laden squads (cannot add another round) will tire MUCH more rapidly than non-laden squads. A few hundred more rounds, or various rockets, will not make much difference. It'd take thousands of extra rounds. Ken
  6. Frustrating? Yes, at times. The reasons given for the "ghost-through" has been due to pathfinding issues. YOU may be able to figure out a path, but the TacAI cannot. As of yet. I, too, would hope that a better compromise gets put into the game, but there are many other competing claims on the development times. Ken
  7. LOL! I don't know which is funnier, that the game is up to its third edition, or that you knew of it! I -may- have to get, just because... Ken
  8. DEAD cows?!? No, baby, I want LIVE cows. I want cows that are black, I want cows that are brown! I want spotted cows, I want cows whose colors make you frown! I want cows with horns, I want cows with a smooth crown! I want cows with great big Texas sixed LONGhorns, I want cows who dig up the ground! I want cows with swinging udders, I want cows that stream out milk! I want cows that lift their tails, I want cows with eyes like silk! I want cows that moo, I want cows that don't say boo! I want cows that low, I want cows, just because I say so! I want cows in herds, I want cows to stampede! I want cow rustlers, who pay you no heed! I want cows mounted by bulls, I want cows who leave the herd! I want cows which run from guns, I want cows all a'furred! Finally, I want cows which run from flares! I want flaming cows stampeding up the stairs! I want cows which raise your hairs, I want cows with defended lairs! Wait...there's more: I want cows which stand and stare, I want cows without a care. I want cows which chew their cud, and then roll in the mud! I want cows which glower and snort, I want cows of just that sort! I want cows to charge and gore, I want cows made for war! Yeah baby, I want cows. Ken
  9. Well, ASL Veteran did put my thoughts down, quite succinctly. I expect my results will correspond with his narrative, as they should (and as they have in the past). I'll test, but just to verify that it is acting the way it should...as ASL Veteran has written it up. Ken
  10. Remove your Z folder and any/all mods. Reinstall v1.11, v2.0, then v2.01. Then put your Z folder and any/all mods back. As discussed in the other threads, this is caused by mis-install of patches/upgrade order, or keeping mods during patch install.
  11. Germans gave thought, and access, to tank/infantry comms during combat. Later, they dropped the message port, but look at all the side and turret rear hatches the Germans had. The US had none. Later, the US added the interphone to the rear of the tanks, allowing direct comms with the buttoned up tank. (Of course, they removed it, only to add it back, then removed it, then added it back. See Korea, Vietnam, Iraq. I suppose it will soon be removed, again. ) Ken
  12. A lot of WWII tanks had comm ports for messages. About 1/2 the size of the shell port on the rear of some turrets. Germans had one on each turret side, as well as the rear hatch. Perhaps that is simulating the tank crew noticing the gesticulating infantry, then opening the port, yelling back and forth, then closing again? Ken
  13. ...and suddenly the US Navy stopped "losing" foreign subs...
  14. I should think ANY vehicle would be hull down behind a 6m berm! Obviously, I have yet to look at the test. You've raised some interesting issues that don't seem to make sense. Ken
  15. VAB, Minor point: the mantlet is in front of mostly machinery spaces, not frontal turret armor. This does not detract from your observations about hit location. The turret frontal armor is 100mm, as shown in the drawing you posted. However, that is mostly an empty rectangle. Most of the interior of the turret frontal armor has been cut out, forming a hollow rectangle, from outside the machinegun port to beyond the outer gunsight. Only a little was retained along the top and bottom. The turret frontal armor was more of a frame, than a shield. If you've seen pictures of early PzIII's with the internal mantlet, you'll see what I mean. The turret frontal armor of the PzIII is exposed. The Tiger's frontal armor had a similar shape, merely behind a large mantlet. So, to penetrate, a round "merely" has to pierce the mantlet and then, as long as it isn't near an edge, some other, lesser, pieces, such as trunnions, sights, mg's, recuperator, etc., but not another 100mm of armored steel. (Edge effects, weakening the resistance of the mantlet, are backed up by the 100mm turret frontal armor. An elegant design solution, minimizing material for maximum protection and eliminating the problem of jammed mantlets.) Ken
  16. It's the screens. They were stronger back then. MUCH stronger.
  17. If only they'd thought to create an outpost on the moon. Wait! I just saw a documentary about that: "Iron Sky".
  18. Use TARGET at the last waypoint and sweep it around the areas you want to cover. It gives real LOS information, and the you can delete the line.
  19. Yeah, even when I'm getting totally thrashed, I will TELL my oppo that I'm going to put in a ceasefire, but I am FINE with pressing on to the very end. Hey, sometimes it feels good to get 100% of the enemy. I leave it to my oppo if he wants to hunt down the last of my men. I'm cool with it. It's a GAME. I'll never quit the board, or quit PLAYING as long as my oppo has an interest. If he doesn't want to go on a hunt for stragglers, or clean up a totally broken defense, that's why I tell him I've put in a ceasefire BEFORE I do it: make sure he doesn't have one that he forgot about. It's all about courtesy, not ego. Ken (Of course, all the above is totally hypothetical. I mean, "thrashed"? Hah! My men will NEVER LOSE! NEVER!!)
  20. ^^^ Agree, especially the bolded (my emphasis). Arty on a known setup zone - AT START - is a universal no-no. A gimme for first time players. They may be in a bubble. Explain it, and press on. I've had two experiences with newbs. I told 'em it'd be a learning experience, gave 'em my password, and explained what I would do. When the games got ugly, they both disappeared. It sucks when you find out even Rommel didn't win every time. Shrug. Different folks have different thresholds. I assume no holds barred unless previously discussed. (I will NOT use rocket arty, or bombard setup zones. I don't hold my opponent to the same unless we agree. I don't like using rare gear, but, again, don't mind if the opponent has nothing but King Tigers.) But that's just me. Ken out.
  21. Somewhat. You can move a tank through anti-personnel mines, detonating a lot of them. Your tank WILL take suspension/track damage. Possibly enough to immobilize it, especially if you move/reverse multiple times through the minefield. It will REDUCE the number of mines, thereby increasing the likelihood of infantry passing through without tripping any. Notice I did not say it was a guarantee. Many variables affect the odds. HE fire WILL detonate some of the mines. I don't know how many of which caliber would yield guaranteed results. TARGET, not TARGET LIGHT, would be needed to force the AFV to use its cannon. Good luck! Ken
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