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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. How are the Soviet frontier dispositions explained?
  2. Hmmm, I've not had that experience. If there is vehicle damage and/or crew casualties occur, have you been able to remount immediately?
  3. Bil, you played a very good game. You used every bit of intel to gain leverage over GaJ and you did it in an outstanding manner. Well played. Congratulations! (Next time, attack sooner! ) Ken
  4. You had men left and you surrendered? Arrrghhhh!!! That was the exact time to ATTACK!!! The AAR would've ended on a GLORIOUS note! And you could've held you head high: no one expects you to continue past the point that your last man has bled out. Well, mostly no one. There is always...me. I enjoyed it. I certainly would never consider one person a better player than another based on a single play of a single battle. Now, after Bil accepts your surrender, get over to the Peanut Gallery thread and defend your honor! Thanks again for doing this! Ken
  5. ^^^ Very true. The force selection, to me, seemed historically very accurate. An armor-poor, TRP set-up, skilled infantry force on hte German side, having to fight the armor-rich Allies. Had it been an Allied attack, rather than a meeting engagement, I think GaJ would've been in the driver's seat the entire time. I'm not a QB point-counting grog, but I'm still a bit curious about the relative forces and how Bil had 3x the armor GaJ had, all with the same points. (Did GaJ buy an extra company of infantry, in addition to the 81mm artillery?) Imagine if GaJ had foregone some the infantry and both tanks and instead purchased an Elephant. Bil would've had a serious problem overcoming that beastie. A huge part of any QB is the force selection. That will drive the battle. I have muffed that portion of a QB many times. Ken
  6. GaJ's last hope resides in his 'schreck teams. He'll need to preserve them, while at the same time forcing Bil to bring his tanks in close, rather than standing back and destroying his forces piecemeal. The initial armor imbalance was a large factor in this predicament. I haven't counted noses, but it seems almost as if the infanty forces are about the same and that the only difference is OBA vs. more tanks.
  7. Units in reserve awaiting orders? This is a public AAR. You have your orders! ATTACK!!!
  8. "Maison de Relict"? Awesome job. Now let's see your forces get in there and run amok!
  9. Bitten by the "LOS/LOF is a two way street" kind of deal. I want more word bubbles! EVERYONE talks, or no one talks!
  10. ^^^ Bil's knowledge (eyeballs on the enemy, TO&E peeking, at whatnot) has been the key. That, and a bit of patience. And luck. FWIW, although I try not to peek at enemy unit titles, I do. (Iron mode is my preferred mode.) I NEVER try to reconstruct an enemy order of battle and try to suss out how many of what he may have left. That's not a criticism, or praise, of Bil, just a statement of how I play. Bil shows how important that information can be. Ken
  11. So, the gods of war smile upon the warrior who decides to attack. Now is the time to press your advantage! Morale is the key!! Crush him! (/froth off) Nice job. (Were you staring at the crewmembers to see if they were going to go into their aiming/firing/spotting jig again?) Ken
  12. Stens, stens, everywhere stens! Cost a few shillings each, IIRC. And those were the better ones.
  13. A banging without honor is empty, as is a victory without glory.
  14. ^^^ All very good points. If you enjoy the demo's, go with v2.0 of CMBN and/or CMFI. (CMFI v1 is the equivalent, in game engine terms, as CMBN v2.) There are plenty of players available for multiplay. READ the manual. Really. (Multiplay is usually done via pbem turns. Dropbox is the 'preferred' method for swapping turns. Find the H2HH program listed in this forum. An individual, hugely talented, made it for the community. It REALLY helps keep many simultaneous pbem games sorted out.) Now, just jump in and get on with it! Ken
  15. Oh, those are some MEAN little ambushes! Well played.
  16. ^^^ Hah! Spoken like a bunch of trench-bottom hugging turtles! Elan! Morale is to the tactical as 3 is to 1! Even if all your men die, if they do so gloriously, then victory is yours! Counting coup with your tanks! Rush out, touch one of his men, then return! Songs will be sung... Moar! Ken
  17. Careful! That kind of talk is -dangerously- close to whinging. Olympus already cast down one lightning bolt upon your forces. You may be risking another one! Attack! Ken
  18. Gah! That was a big friggin' cluster o'men! Seems that every time I forget the lesson not to cluster, some kind of event on the battlefield reminds my why I shouldn't. Nice to see this attack developing. Tanks: I'm a little disoriented w/that screenshot, but it seems with the hunt command might have them sideways on to some enemy locations. Is that so? Or, is that big hunk o'hill high enough to protect them? Ken
  19. The loader's sleeve caught in the breech? Bah. Stop whinging. You lost a tank. Boo hoo. The gods of war have punished you! You did not ATTACK! You sat on your ridge and vacillated! They have given you a force to USE, not to march from the center to the left, to the right, to left! Parade ground troops do not ascend to Valhalla! They will all die! Better to do so grappling with one's foe, than to some bolt from Mt. Olympus sent as a punishment! Follow the tip of your bayonet to discover the path to glory! ONWARDS! (...mutter...bunch o' pansies..."oh, my tank should've fired"...bah...back in my day our tanks didn't have guns. We had to carry the shells by hand and run with them at the enemy tanks...like to see these mamby-pambies try use armor piercing shells back in my day..."I want my mommy"...mutter...mumble....) Ken
  20. If Bil continues to pull infantry back and load them on trucks, he'll be very vulnerable. The sightlines are confusing to me. I don't know where he'll be loading up and where the destination (and unloading) location is meant to be. However, if he's using trucks to save time, he'll need to load pretty close to the front. THAT could be a mistake... Ken
  21. Think!?!! You need to ATTACK!! Let the brainiacs back in HQ, the guys with the size 9 hats, let them ~think~. YOU are a commander! COMMAND! That's right, "follow me, boys! At 'em!" Oo-rah.
  22. A lot seems to be hanging on the shot...um... left hanging. MOAR!!! Loving the tension, coupled with the ease of not being in the hot seat.
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