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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I have three fresh new scenarios to release, and another 400MB of mods to download. CM:BB will have to be held back for eight to ten weeks.
  2. I've just completed creation of a commando scenario and am about to begin playtesting.
  3. Erhumm. Erhumm. Semi-legal takeover over governements (sic)? The communists imposed their own evil dictatorship on all of Eastern Europe. There was no semi-legal about it. They shot or imprisoned anyone without a party badge or anyone WITH a party badge whose face didn't fit that week.
  4. The Tortoise carried a 3.7" 32pdr gun and its maximum armour was 279mm. :eek: There's a good link here if you want some more information on it. This quote on the performance of the 32pdr from the site above: 32 Pounder Performance "Whilst visiting the Bovington Library I made a few quick notes on the performance of the 32-pdr taken from the report of the tank trials dated May-July 1948. Preliminary trials gave penetration of Panther armour at 950 yards at 30 degrees. Subsequent testing at 1350 yards (again against a Panther) had the following results: Shot 1 plugged the armour. Shot 2 shot away the lower section of the gun mantlet with the deflected shot lifting the drivers plate 3-4 inches the shot ending up under the turret floor. Shot 3 coincided with a previous round. Shots 4 and 5 caused considerable fragmentation inside the turret The observation of shot was said to be better than that of the Centurion and the performance of 32-pdr APCBC being considered better than that of 20-pdr APDS." --------- The Panzer IIIL was captured in North Africa - but that's the best I can do, I'm afraid. There were no signs of penetration although it had some ricochet marks. I can only assume it was abandoned.
  5. Oh, listen to the man. You'd think atheists weren't allowed to express a point of view without a christian fundamentalist charging on to the scene waving his bible.
  6. I'm just interested to know how he got a CD into his hard drive. You must've had a pair of pliers or sumfink.
  7. A few more for the monkeys who can't click on the link.... Panzer II: Panzer II Luchs: Panzer IIIL: Panzer IV: Panzer V G: Panzer VI: And yes, that is the same Tiger Wittman used, except his had more holes in it. King Tiger: I have 1280x1024 shots of all photos which are 300k apiece. If any of you want the full-size ones, for wallpaper or modding, let me know and I'll email them over to you.
  8. Michael, the beast behind the SU-100 is a 'Tortoise', a post-war British built SP gun. It's huge. I will email a photo over to you if you want a closer look.
  9. *bounce* I'll be there, refreshing like the monkey I know everyone else is
  10. *bump* to make sure everyone who wants to can have a look!
  11. And Hitler would spend his whole time bellowing "Ja! I am ze best player because I play TCP-IP! Churchill sucks because he has a slow modem and only plays PBEM!".
  12. Here's some photos from Bovington. I trawled round it with my friend Tom, who's in a few of the pictures. My apologies for the funny lighting in some of them. The WW2 section is pretty cramped, too - mind you - anywhere with 50 armoured vehicles in it is likely to be cramped. Many thanks to Gyrene for hosting the pictures. I won't put them all on the forums, since there's nearly 30 of them, but will just post a handful, and in honour of our upcoming release, I've picked the Russians: T-26 model 1933 with a Panzer II in the background. SU-76M in winter camo. SU-100 Some notes: The M4A1 prototype you can see on the site has two extra machine guns, fixed firing forward in the hull - hence the 'prototype' tag. The Italian L3-33 flamethrower vehicle is tiny (about 3 feet high) and the flame only had a range of around 40m. The crews were advised not to fire the flamethrower whilst on the move to ensure they didn't set light to themselves. :eek: The Kingtiger has my friend Tom standing in front of him. Tom is 5'9" tall. How's that for a huge tank? I hope you enjoy the pictures. More posts to follow.
  13. Yes, didn't Germany and Russia split Poland between them (Molotov-Ribbentrop pact)?
  14. Besides, they weren't (and aren't) countries. They were principalities.
  15. Originally posted by Firefly: Harsh but fair, Firefly. Harsh but fair. Still, maybe Canadians have the same issues with Geography as Americans.
  16. One of the quotes in Beevor's "Stalingrad" was from a soldier at the siege who said "I never saw an anti-tank ditch which actually stopped a tank." Given the amount of forced labour, I'm surprised they weren't deep enough to stop tanks.
  17. Tch. Cess overflow. I thought there was a separate forum for posting about new scenarios?
  18. Mr Spkr sez: Yer turn's on its way back, although why someone who is playing like such a nonce is so desperate to receive another 60 seconds of butchery is quite beyond me. Seanachai said: You cess buggers start circling like sharks every time someone female ventures onto the board. And people wonder why girls don't play wargames. Its you lot scaring them off.
  19. Don't play Americans. Just use a Sherman Firefly. Play as Poles or Brits, take a pair of Fireflies, and show him the meaning of suffering. Nothing punctures the ego of a big cat lover more quickly than watching you drill three of his Tigers at 2km range.
  20. I thought it was spelled "Cojones". And you can look forward to kicking Dorosh's troops around like an old sack of washing, because he fights like a jessy.
  21. As soon as a poster turns out to be a woman, the sexless hordes start circling like a bunch of starving vultures round a carcass. Every time. Best of luck here Roxy. If it gets too wierd for you, then you're in the Peng Challenge.
  22. When Beevor's "Stalingrad" describes the preparations for Operation Uranus (Russian counterattack around Stalingrad to encircle the 6th Army) he states that before the attack, Russian sappers were ordered into no-man's land to clear the German front lines of mines and place path markers. The ensuing artillery barrage tore up these markers and the tanks were forced to navigate through the minefield, receiving many losses. 3,500 guns were used in this barrage, and it didn't clear the minefield.
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