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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. "Could this game be crap?" Wait until its released and you've played it, then decide. I'll come back and see what you say then.
  2. Nah, not true. Just ask any boar hog...
  3. I suggest that someone devise a mod for the complainers, so that all small arms sound effects are replaced with recordings of naval ordnance, preferably over 8". I always wanted to hear the sound of a full auto 16" gun...
  4. "It is indeed an open question if the Stryker is right for this type of warfare," said Michael O'Hanlon, a senior analyst with the Brookings Institution. "I am inclined to think that the concept works better for peacekeeping. But based on data the Army has made available to date, it's hard to be sure." I love it when these deskbound geeks start spouting off. What is "right" for "this type of warfare?" A rolling battleship? A stealth tank? An invisible bicycle? Given enough explosives and the right technology, there is no vehicle that cannot be breached and the crew killed or maimed. The question is one of what is practical and affordable. I find this kind of pontificating by think-tank weenies just plain insufferable and about as useful as tits on a boar hog.
  5. New around here, sailor? When these BFC guys say they're designing a game, they aren't just talking about it. Those of us who have been around a while were at "excitement level 10" (waiting for the first patch) over a year ago.
  6. Thanks for that link, it makes me want to fly to Australia just to see them! Cool!
  7. Whoa, really?! I understand about the need to be on the look out for crazies who become further unhinged by an (arguably) controversial game... but banning nitwits? That's a pretty major change to board policy. No Peng thread, for one thing. It's just not going to be the same around here... </font>
  8. Aren't a lot of unarmed robots already in use these days? And will they be in the game?
  9. I think BFC ought to make a utility where we can easily create or import 3-D models of this eyecandy and obstacle stuff and liberally litter our battlefields with it.
  10. Is the "Lone Syrian" for real, or just a troll?
  11. You mean if I believe, you do not care whether or not I have a nice day...now that's cold. You have a nice day though. </font>
  12. OK, back to the topic: as to the battlewagons and broadsides issue, I just finished reading a Marine surgeon's memoir of Iwo Jima (COMBAT SURGEON by James S. Vedder) and in it, he commented about how, when his LCVP was near the old BB Tennessee and the BB cut loose a broadside, there were large waves created on the opposite side of the BB that nearly swamped the LCVP. So, if we are to take the impressions of one who was there as fact, it would seem that there is a definite reaction in the opposite direction when a battleship fired a broadside.
  13. If you believe in all that rot, that is. Otherwise, have a nice day.
  14. I did a search on this and did not answer my question, which is: Will the scenarios in the game have variability beteen plays? In other words, if I start the same scenario over, will unit placement, unit type, etc be the same in each iteration? Or is there some variability in the game that lets each scenario feel somewhat different?
  15. Where are the horses and mine dogs? Ducks and runs...
  16. To me it boils down to whether you think there is entertainment value in adding the additional pressure of time to the other components of the game. Personally, I have enough time-based stress in work and life and when I play a game, I want it to be paced to my liking. I don't like to feel pressured in a game, beyond the thinking that may go into it. I like to play in a leisurely fashion and RTS just rubs me the wrong way.
  17. Did someone drop a negative IQ bomb in the forum or something?
  18. Megakill- what is the reaction of Russian/Ukraine/Belarus gamers to TOW? Is there a plan to release it there also?
  19. I vote for the skirmish mode for solo play also; also vote for a random map generator if possible, or at least a randomizer from existing pre-made maps. And is there going to be a map making/scenario making utility?
  20. OK, Megakill, we're waiting (just don't let my Ukrainian wife know what you're posting... )
  21. I refuse to play games that push me into decisions based upon a clock...RTS just galls me, I don't find them at all entertaining or relaxing, no matter how pretty and loud they are. FPS is different, granted but I don't play those either. Give me TBS or the CM model any day. Just MHO.
  22. Schwartzkopf of Schwartznegger - take your pick - could have just as easily been implied. "Black" as a reference to Negroes is a fairly recent connection. I think old Nostradamus would have been far more likely to be familiar with the German word for black, than the English one. And Schwartzkopf is old news... So, we're left with one scenario: the Governor of the Golden State is going to have the California Highway Patrol invade the Holy Land? Interesting...
  23. Can't say as the new graphics do anything special for me. Too cluttered and the angle is disorienting. A conventional horizontal perspective would be better I think. If the game actually looks like that, I'd probably pass on it rather than deal with the headache I'd get from staring at it...unfortunately.
  24. The Italian left and media have been having a field day with this war, what with the death of their secret agent hero during the (leftist media) reporter's rescue op...see the connnection here? Italians are fairly non-militaristic and their youth can be as idealistic as anybody else's. Their government is fairly unresponsive to the left and the media, which just inflames the latter even more. Italian media also have a score to settle with the US about other military issues over the years; e.g. the A-6 that cut an alpine gondola cable got them real touchy. For a people who conveniently overlook the attempted genocide they perpetrated in Eithiopia last century, they can be as hypocritical as the next guy. Soooo...I'm not surprised about their take on the WP use. They don't seem to mind suicide bombers much, though, even when they kill scores of innocent civilians... BTW, I'm a Italian by birth, so I feel entitled to my 2 bits on the point.
  25. Maybe the Stryker needs a halon fire extinguisher system? Seems to work well enough in the Abrams...
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