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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. Right...those nasty partisans, who for no good reason were resisting the humane visit to their country by the German Peace Corps. Heaven knows why these resistance types get all worked up about a few burned villages and villagers... By the time this movie was made, the Soviets had little, if anything to say about movie plots and scripts...they had their hands full with a failing economy and rebellious regions. C&S is not by any means Oscar material - I never claimed that - I only said the film gave voice to how many FSR people felt about and recalled an era. Given that my wife's Ukrainian family is pretty typical, in that 5 of 7 male family members who went to war, never returned home alive, and knowing how the family still grieves over the losses, I'd venture to say that the film was right on the money as a depiction of collective memory and anguish. If, on the other hand, one finds more reason to grieve for the aggressor than the aggrieved, then perhaps C&S is best perceived as a steaming pile of whatever...
  2. Well, compared to Western war film standards, C&S was pretty lame and different - but then again, most Americans' families haven't had firsthand experience or recent memories with the Holocaust or with the behavior of SS troops as did the Ukrainians and Russians. Given that type of memory and immediacy, C&S was a pretty fair rendition of how they think and feel about the era.
  3. OK, bought it, saw it, liked it. The copy I received looked legit and not like a garage pirate job, with professional packaging, labeling etc. I very much enjoyed the film. It was well done and interesting, since I don't know much about the Finnish army of that period beyond the superficial stuff. Really nice views of StuG's, T-34's, T-34/85's and (surprise) a KV-1 in action. The interior shots are seemingly faked, which was a bit of a disappointment, but the exterior views are crisp and it's neat to see the suspensions work and to hear the engine and track noises as they sounded in the field. There were a couple quick views of T-26's or BT's but they were not detailed shots and I suspect the tanks were replicas and not originals...IIRC another Finnish movie some years ago had some replica T-26's built for it and perhaps they were recycled here. Well worth the $15 bucks including shipping. Not Oscar material - acting was merely OK - but very groggy and credible from a technical and suspension of disbelief standpoint. A moderate amount of believable gore and pretty gripping battle scenes. Sort of a re-enactors' dream movie, if you will.
  4. Actually, this article makes the cancellation make a bit more sense: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htada/articles/20080804.aspx Ballistic Missile defense is one thing the Navy can currently do better than almost anyone else, so they are apparently wanting to capitalize on the capability and increase the number of platforms that are BMD capable. Makes sense given current trends. The Navy can station BMD capable ships in a number of regions and provide some coverage for friendly forces, high-value targets and civilian population centers. Given the amount of resistance from the Russians to stationing BMD assets in Europe, the Naval deployment option would be a viable alternative that may pose fewer problems to all parties. If the Navy can get the administration aboard the idea, then the shipbuilding program for more BMD capable ships is pretty well guaranteed. That's my theory, anyway.
  5. And what if "the law" includes the obligation to inform the public of the goings on of public entities, including the military? What if "the law" permits citizens the right to go to print (and by inference, photo) with depictions of current events - including those that the government may be less than pleased to see publicized? So called "conservatives" rail on about "preserving and extending freedom" but Freedom of the Press is one of the freedoms that seems to make them pretty queasy. I find the so-called "liberal media" is simply that which which questions the powers that be and their actions. The so-called "conservatives" seem far more interested in obfuscating, concealing or misdirecting the public so that the powers-that-be and their base can do what they like without undue scrutiny or awkward questions. Bias in any form in media is, to me, objectionable if it is concealed as something else.
  6. Abbott, please describe for us how this article displays the bias of the NYT. Explain the bias and precisely where the article promulgates it. I'm curious to see your definition of the truth as it applies to the topic of the NYT article. Also, were you to write an article on the topic of photography of war dead and the war in Iraq for the NYT, what salient points would you make?
  7. So, Abbott, are you just going to hijack this thread with your rail about the NYT's political leanings? Can you make any comment of substance concerning my question regarding the media's right (if not obligation) to report and record the facts of this particular conflict?
  8. From the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/26/world/middleeast/26censor.html?hp The issue is: In a real democracy, when should military and political censorship override First Amendment rights, if ever? It's been odd to me that I have seen more graphic images from a war that happened 58 years ago, than from a war that's been going on for more than 58 months in the present time. Comments?
  9. Here's hoping it is a legal copy...I'm not into piracy but I do want the film.
  10. Thanks for the info, just put in my order. Looks good.
  11. Anyone who doesn't remember Piltdown Man can certainly google it...and your point is, Michael? You think this is a pasted together hoax too?
  12. Most intriguing, will want to see it for sure.
  13. Like I really wanted a solution to my *****...thanks anyway, but I'd rather have something to gripe about! It makes life worth living, you know.
  14. So, how about this baby poo color? Whose idea was that, eh? Anyway, its good to have the forum back.
  15. It must be OK, because my game's up an running fine! Sorry, gotta go...
  16. <init whine mode> Now I'm really depressed, to hear that we have to wait on some big, glacially slow and probably indifferent corporate behemoth like Sony for the fix...I'd feel a lot better if I knew that it was something you guys were working on personally. <exit whine mode>
  17. I used to do grass mods for CM, so perhaps...I have a lot less time on my hands now, than I did back then, so probably not right away...but I'd like the creative outlet so it's just a matter of making the time and also perhaps one of seeing if anyone really cares about modding the game.
  18. Where are some good mod collections for the game? Can someone please point me to their favorite sites?
  19. I finally go and buy CMSF and look what I see the first time I check out the forum...a grass mod! Cool. I may have to get back into the grass mod business again.
  20. I want it, but I'll be in Ukraine then...can't buy it until at least late August...sniff, sniff.
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