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Everything posted by Speedbump

  1. Work for it! Who do you think you are, my liege Joe Shaw? No, let me tell you who you are. Like most Eagles fans, you roll in smelly stuff to disguise your scent. Like most Philly natives, you chase cars and bark at them. In fact, you sniff at every tree you pass, you uneducable, sewage scarfing, sheep discomfiting {sorry Mace}, carpet-bagging, pustule chomping, squid defiling, misbegotten offspring of a malodorous pervert. Now I understand what Croda sees in you... Speedbump
  2. Actually, it was not the burns that bothered me as much as the rocket that was lodged in a particularly uncomfortable place... Speedbump
  3. Game Updates {Because I am bored at work and have to look busy} dalem, when not rolling around in grog-porn here, is rolling his Ami Half-Tracks of death up to my Alamo. For some reason, he thinks that .50 cal can take out a Panther head on... Croda, it is early, but I am trying desperately to avoid the designation "loss to Croda". It will be tough as the random generator gave me Greenies. Course, it is nothing a little firepower can't fix. Iskander keeps scratching his head trying to figure out where I am at. He is trying to figure out why I haven't followed form and blundered into his forces willy-nilly. And the mind-game continues. Speedbump
  4. How can this be? I haven't had nearly enough meetings with my personal stenographer, Sindy!! Fix or do somefink... Speedbump
  5. RIGHT ON!!! We did? I thought it was the European Championship? Morally, though... yes you're quite right. WE WON YOU BASTARDS WE WON!!!</font>
  6. This, a challenge? As a former squire of Good Sir Joe I should require you to follow the forms etc. Then again, Joe suckered me in a recent match acting as my second, so I won't pursue the drivel that he normally posts requiring proper etiquette. You sir, shall receive a set-up soonest. I suggest you sit on the edge of your chair, wait with baited breath, for your doom approaches! Speedbump P.S. As I am not sure exactly which body parts you are stewing, I shall pass on your courteous offer of dinner.
  7. It wasn't too early to cry like a girl in turn two when I started dropping 'splodey things on your head! Are you sure it was ears you lost to Croda or something...let's say more substantive? Hmmmmm? Speedbump
  8. Reading Gates-Slut's sig, I can only wonder if Berli is responsible for this? Speedbump {Edited for fargin' UBB} [ January 31, 2002, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Speedbump ]
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander: Oh, and Speedbump is losing 'cause I've got all the flags.<hr></blockquote> Assuming this to be true, (and mind you, you are normally so drunk you could be speaking of a completely different game) it is another example of gamey behavior. Iskander claims that he is already in possession of the victory locations in a Meeting Engagement on a large map. Given that we are in turn 4 and my stout-hearted Brits are collapsing from exhaustion, and no where near the center of the map, you either gave yourself a setup zone close to the center of the map, or transport!!! Next time, you gamey bastage, I will demand independent parties to set up th...damn, we did that last time didn't we? I believe it was my former liege who gave me green Frenchmen, Frenchies I say!, against your Sturmtruppen from hell! That's it! dalem, I will act as your second in your challenge to old joe, (frankly I think 1949 was his graduation date)! Speedbump
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem: Updates? I'll give you updates. Speedbump: I think we're playing still. It would be easier to tell if I could get a frikkin' TURN every once in awhile. Anb dis damnb colb. Fug.<hr></blockquote> Ah Hah! My mind games are successful already. What, are we in the 2nd turn? And already you are frustrated...at this rate, you will be completely out of control by turn 5! Bwaahahahahah.... Speedbump
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: From the last installment of ... The Trial of Goanna and chrisl: They marched through the partition and wiggled and pushed their way into the jury box. Some whispered consultations eventually led this one to the left, that one to the right but soon all were happy and the stenographers, upon a signal from Miss Rose, settled themselves upon the laps of the Jurors. There were, apparently, several minor adjustments to the seating positions that resulted in quite a few rustlings and shifting about. The jurors, obviously not used to this sort of workout, appeared flushed and out of breath.<hr></blockquote> Guilty!!!...ahem...I mean to say that I need to hear more...say about 2 weeks worth of testimony...followed by an indeterminate time to review the records with Sindy...that's it honey, just a little to the left...ahhhhhhhh...... Speedbump {Note to self: Make sure and send a thank you note to your former Liege, the righteous Joe Shaw} (Edited because I was....ahh, distracted...yeah that's it...) [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Speedbump ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem: Okay, that makes sense to me. I should have also added that I am an 'infantry-heavy' plyaer. I view AFVs as support, and rarely play CM with armor as the focus. I guess you and I are almost the only ones interested in this topic. <hr></blockquote> Great, this means you really did buy that division of conscripts to human wave my AFV's?!?! Gamey bastage... Speedbump
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem: Any size, any side, any terms. I need a whuppin'.<hr></blockquote> I care not to know what you do on your own time, behind closed doors. There is such a thing as too much information! When I get my @#^$%& computer back up, you will receive a setup, oh gamey one... Speedbump [Edited because unlike Andreas, I do not use MS Word to do my spellchecking...] [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Speedbump ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley: My wife is pretty cool about me playing games on the computer. After all, it keeps me out of her hair. She knows that if I'm sitting slack-jawed in front of the monitor, emitting pleased little gurgles every so often, that I'm happy and she's free to watch the LifeTime channel. As fro playing a PBEM game, let me get a couple of missions under my belt first. I've rarely played much with total fog (because it was cooler to see what was going on all over -- so sue me), so I'd like a little practice before I take on any of you cagey veterans. <hr></blockquote> Welcome aboard Boo! I note from your id that you are just down the road from me (Mentor, OH). When you are ready and want to try a PBEM, just let me know! Speedbump
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Non Gamey Update: 3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section. Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote> To quote one of you bastages: WOOT! Speedbump
  16. Iskander, You crow about your "victory" in a scenario that was Jabo!-esque in its balance. Frankly, a trained monkey, or better yet Iron Skillet Upside the Head would have done as well. Therefore, at the risk of initiating more intermittent faux-besotted posts, I demand satisfaction! {Enter obligatory Bauhaus reference} No more Ker Dessel* scenarios. You may pick an existing scenario or create a randomly generated one. Just give me lots of splodey things! Speedbump *- For when you are drunk enough to play anything. (No wonder Iskander won...) [Edited to let everyone know I did not need to edit] [ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: Speedbump ]</p>
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander: once upon a time, a fine upstanding Knight -- at least when he wasn't drunk -- Iskander, called out a snivelling, fur-breasted screamer called SpeedBump. no, wait! the story gets better: <hr></blockquote> Not really. Imagine if you will (those of you who have the intellectual ability to imagine anything but naked women {with apologies to YK2, who I am sure likes to imagine strange frenchmen} and booze) me with hoards of greenie French attacking in heavy forest, night, rain (can anyone say "limited visibility") against entrenched Sturm troopies, Heavy SMG squads, and about a dozen pillboxes (and me with a single Stuart). I think I had something in the way of 600+ casualties (note to self: Human wave tactics suck). Needless to say another quality Ker Dessel* creation. Now back to wife-imposed lurking... Speedbump * When you are drunk enough to play anything!
  18. I believe the link to Buildings_Panzertruppen_CMMOS_lr leads to _hr instead. Speedbump Thank goodness for a highspeed line at work!
  19. Thanks, all! Keep them coming, I am always looking for more ideas. Speedbump
  20. Thanks, Rex. Unfortunately, the Cleveland Public Library only carries Tout's Tank. Others? Speedbump
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