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Everything posted by LimShady

  1. The American "codename" was the Shop Tractor. Incidentally, if you read about the capture of the Remagen bridgehead, several CDLs were deployed to the area as defense against German saboteurs that might float down the river to down the bridge. The intensity and frequency of the the light was supposed to cause diorientation and nasuea in people in its beam. Of course the bridge had to collapse on it's own... LimShady [This message has been edited by LimShady (edited 02-24-2001).]
  2. And they weren't too impressed by it, the Russian nickname was a "Grave for Seven Brothers." LimShady
  3. Ha ha.... actually I have school work to keep me from playi.. wait, I'm not doing any work in my last semester of college.... LimShady Senioritis for four years and counting
  4. Hopefully I'm not dating myself, but if Garfield can get away with beating up postman why can't you.... That's right, it's a cartoon... Oops. LimShady
  5. I think it's the sound that made when a tank detonates a mine. After the explosion you hear this screech of metal on metal. LimShady
  6. Brigadier General General Roosevelt's Medal of Honor Citation: *ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, JR. Rank and organization: brigadier general, U.S. Army. Place and date: Normandy invasion, 6 June 1944. Entered service at: Oyster Bay, N.Y. Birth: Oyster Bay, N.Y. G.O. No.: 77, 28 September 1944. Citation: for gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on 6 June 1944, in France. After 2 verbal requests to accompany the leading assault elements in the Normandy invasion had been denied, Brig. Gen. Roosevelt's written request for this mission was approved and he landed with the first wave of the forces assaulting the enemy-held beaches. He repeatedly led groups from the beach, over the seawall and established them inland. His valor, courage, and presence in the very front of the attack and his complete unconcern at being under heavy fire inspired the troops to heights of enthusiasm and self-sacrifice. Although the enemy had the beach under constant direct fire, Brig. Gen. Roosevelt moved from one locality to another, rallying men around him, directed and personally led them against the enemy. Under his seasoned, precise, calm, and unfaltering leadership, assault troops reduced beach strong points and rapidly moved inland with minimum casualties. He thus contributed substantially to the successful establishment of the beachhead in France .
  7. I was playing Any Port After A Storm Part 2 and two squads were assaulting at 150mm gun supported by a .50 cal 100m away (at night). After the squads destroyed the gun and routed the crew, the .50 cal switched fire to one of the sqauds. I'm pretty sure one of those squads wanted to turn that 150mm gun on the MG crew... LimShady
  8. Hi guys, I just finished reading Joseph Alexander's <u>Storm Landings</u> (good book IMHO) and during the analysis of the Okinawa campaign, he states that General Buckner was the highest ranking US officer KIA. Prior to this I thought most sources said that General McNair was the highest ranking officer KIA, or was that just in the ETO? LimShady [This message has been edited by LimShady (edited 02-18-2001).]
  9. Hey a question, does the unit firing the rifle grenade actually need a target line? I ask only because I was playing a battle and was moving an engineer squad to assault a StuG IV with its sachel charges. When the squad made it out of the small gully, the StuG IV had a rear hull penentration. My engineers were approaching its side. A near as I can tell the an engineer squad 150m away AND facing the wrong direction (backs toward StuG IV) nailed it. LimShady
  10. Well, if you're following the "infantry can't close assault halftracks thread", if the Germans fired their 'fausts already I'd probably say they'd be invunerable (in the current incarnation of CM anyway )... LimShady
  11. Will the real LimShady please stand up? If only I had a penny for each time I heard that.... LimShady
  12. My friends came up with mine during one of our typical druken episodes at a frat party. It just stuck. LimShady
  13. deturret a Panther or demolish a house with one salvo (two rockets) The house I can understand at 30 meters, but a Panther?!?!?! If you got that close to begin with, praise be, then be merciful and finish him off with the tank cannon... LimShady
  14. For the case of P-38, the extended range and maneuverability earned her name "twin-head devil". Griffin, I just checked my Wings video... The Germans nicknamed the Lightning the "Fork-tailed Devil". The Japanese called the Lightning the "Two planes with one pilot". Personally I like the German name better... LimShady
  15. I think the Combat Missions website has a pretty good lisitng of mods. http://www.combat-missions.net/workshop/modlist.htm LimShady
  16. Thanks I'll try 'em out (except the torch idea... ) LimShady
  17. Question for you guys: I got some gunk (Del Monte Extra Light Syrup) on my CMBO CD (yes I've learned my lesson about not eating near the computer). Best way to clean it off? LimShady
  18. Shotguns are also "illegal", except for guarding prisoners. I'm pretty sure they were used in Vietnam anyway. Actually, if you read Eric Bergerud's "Touched With Fire", the Marines used shotguns on Guadalcanal. And yes they are prohibited by the Geneva Convention. LimShady [This message has been edited by LimShady (edited 02-08-2001).]
  19. For everyone looking for a copy of Enemy at the Gates, I just visited my local Borders and lo and behold there was a copy sitting on the new release rack (re-release due to the movie). Price was $14.00 Hey gaffertape! Since you predicted this would happen, do you mind giving us some lottery numbers too? LimShady [This message has been edited by LimShady (edited 01-29-2001).]
  20. Treeburst155, Wild Bill's scenario isn't in the Depot. Go to the Scenario/Operations Link BELOW the Depot Link and you'll find it there. Good Hunting! LimShady
  21. If you get the chance, there is a section in Bryan Perrett's Iron Fist that deals with night-vision capable Panthers during the Ardennes Offensive. IIRC they were used against CCB 9th Armored (Task Force Harper?). LimShady
  22. Someone has probably already mentioned this, but the appendix of Trevor DePuy's Hitler's Last Gamble backs up the figures mentions about field-converted Jumbo tanks. I don't have the book in front of me, but when i do I'll quote it. LimShady
  23. I was wondering if anyone had read this book: C-66: A World War II Chronicle of an Armored Infantry Company by Weston L. Emery
  24. ----- The worst part was the horde of 14 year olds sitting in front of me. "What's this about?" "I think it's, um, I think it's about World War—" "It has the President in it!" "Bill Clinton isn't in it, is he? I don't want to see anything with Bill Clinton" ----- Ugh. Reminds me of the time that I saw Titanic with my girlfriend and I "spolied" the movie to a bunch of 14-year olds by saying the ship sank.... Sometimes I weep for the future.. LimShady
  25. If you can get into the Scenario Depot that is.... LimShady
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