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Everything posted by LimShady

  1. So.... Who's coming out with the Operation Torch expansion pack? Excellent works guys. LimShady
  2. Depends what you mean by British tanks. For Cromwell/Churchill/etc. specific scenarios, I've haven't played too many of them. But, the Villers-Bocage operation (or scenario although you're not supposed to play as Allied) have them. If you want to include Shermans, August Bank Holiday has a lot of them versus the SS. LimShady
  3. Stalking the mailman (mailperson?) is a federal offense.... LimShady
  4. The following has happened in 2 operations (McKinley's Battalion and We Fight and Die Here) that the AI suddenly develops cold feet and refuses to attack even though its on a assault mission. (Both times, AI is German). In the McKinley's Battalion operations, after a real sharp first fight, the AI would just mass its tanks near an intersection and wait there for the rest of the battle. As a test I'd send a few crews down the roads to provoke a response and the tanks (Panthers) would zoom from the intersection across a few roads, take out the crew then zoom back. Very strange. Anyone noticed this happen or have comments?
  5. I believe so. It's called Ham and Jam IIRC. If not, I'm sure its downloadable from somewhere else. LimShady
  6. First, hats off to Rune for coming up with this scenario. Second, does anyone have a good list of tactics to use in bocage fighting? I've been trying what works, letting the infantry lead, keeping the tanks a couple hundred meteres behind the advance until the AT threats are cleared, trying to get off the main roads, etc. But anything else? (Like trying to figure out where that #(%_)#(#()! panzerschreck is firing from....) One other thing, I'm still trying the figure out how to used armored infantry in the bocage. Do most people keep them in the tracks as a reserve, or dismount and use the halftracks for fire support? Just wondering, LimShady
  7. Of course in CM, the .50 cal crew will lug the MG all over the map... LimShady
  8. That assumes I have hard drive space for that. Oh well, DFDR or Tiger's Mods? Time to fire up the CD-R... LimShady
  9. Not to get too OT here, but wasn't there a big huff that use of the .50 cal in an anti-personnel role is technically a violation of the Geneva convention as it was originally and AT weapon? Definetly not agreeing with this, just wondering if it was true or a urban legend in military circles. LimShady
  10. Hmm... I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time. The photo in the book I saw (I think, I could be wrong, as this was several months ago) showed a tank with shelves with loads of sandbags on. The tank was at either a crossroads or a turn in the road. Patton was walking towards the camera and looked mad as hell. Is this the photo? But, I remember the caption of the photo mentioned specifially it was a Pershing and the sandbags on Pershings exerbated suspensions problems. Maybe is was Wallace's Patton and the Third Army. Hmm, this is gonna bug me all night... Chris [This message has been edited by LimShady (edited 03-22-2001).]
  11. Hi Michael, I seen that photo too, IIRC the tank in question is a Pershing. Which begs the following (at least for me): 1.) Despite the Army's classification, I guess the TC's knew that they couldn't go toe-to-toe with a Tiger all the time. 2.) Did they know about the Pershing's suspension problems? LimShady
  12. I dunno about you, but if I were a routed MG team, I would've dropped the .50 cal a LONG time ago instead of lugging it all over the map (Although the AI's desire to not misapproprate government resources is commendable).... LimShady
  13. Of course, who bagged Wittmann is subject to onerous debate. Personally I think the Typhoons did... LimShady
  14. Actually, in Citizen Soldiers, there is a story about how the Germans lugged PAK40s into a church steeple. I think the story also came from Death Traps too. LimShady
  15. When they say LAV, do they mean the Marine Corps LAV (with 20mm cannon)? If so, the Armor branch is probably right, no way could those things have stopped T-72s, but one has to wonder what the case would be if the proposed 105mm LAV existed at the time. My $.02 LimShady
  16. I thought you should play "When the Tigers Broke Free" when playing CM. Or is that just for Axis side players only? LimShady
  17. Yup, it was Big Red Omaha. Forget it, everything works fine now... LimShady
  18. Hi Guys, Question (and maybe I should RTFM), but I recently started a PBEM game and after e-mailing it out, I went back to CM to play a Single Player game, but when i clicked on the scenario I wanted to play, only the multi-player options come up. My previous saved one-player games load and work fine though. Am I missing something? Thanks, Chris
  19. Are the 'faust designations (i.e. -30, -60, -100) the maximum range or effective range? I was under the impression that for optimum kills it was less than advertised. LimShady
  20. Closing with the Enemy by Michael Doubler has a great chapter on the development of Air-Ground coordination as well. LimShady
  21. What about the Sherman? The Sherman was a British tank..... *getting abestos suit ready* LimShady
  22. I thought the bridge collasped due to structural stresses more than enemy action. LimShady
  23. I noticed they list the M-36 as the "Fischer". Anyone else heard of this designation? LimShady
  24. I swear I've read that the side skirts were intended to protect tank tracks on the Eastern Front from Soviet AT rifles. IIRC, the side skirts optimize the standoff distance for hollow charge (PIAT, Bazooka) rounds. LimShady [This message has been edited by LimShady (edited 03-06-2001).]
  25. From what I read in Ambrose's D-Day, Guderian and Schweppenberg (sp?) thought Rommel was insane for wanting to fight behind concrete because and Allied fleet would smother an armored counterattack as was learned at Salerno and Sicily. Rommel countered with the fact that moving the panzer units would not be possible under Allied air cover. LimShady
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