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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. Someone needs a hug... ------------------ "The whole of Scotland will rejoice if the commanding officer of the Canadian Army could see fit that the taking of Saint-Valery is accomplished by the Highland Division. I am sure that the 2nd Canadian Division will attend to Dieppe satisfactorily." -- General Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Aug. 20, 1944
  2. See that logo at the top left of your screen that says "Battlefront.com"? Click it. ------------------ "The whole of Scotland will rejoice if the commanding officer of the Canadian Army could see fit that the taking of Saint-Valery is accomplished by the Highland Division. I am sure that the 2nd Canadian Division will attend to Dieppe satisfactorily." -- General Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Aug. 20, 1944
  3. It's all fun and games 'til someone loses the rye But seriously, unless you live in a city I see no problem. ------------------ "The whole of Scotland will rejoice if the commanding officer of the Canadian Army could see fit that the taking of Saint-Valery is accomplished by the Highland Division. I am sure that the 2nd Canadian Division will attend to Dieppe satisfactorily." -- General Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Aug. 20, 1944
  4. Despite Rob's fish fetish, there ARE textures for the weapons. I'm not aware of any modded schrecks though. ------------------ "The whole of Scotland will rejoice if the commanding officer of the Canadian Army could see fit that the taking of Saint-Valery is accomplished by the Highland Division. I am sure that the 2nd Canadian Division will attend to Dieppe satisfactorily." -- General Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Aug. 20, 1944
  5. They were spared the heartbreak of watching the fall of Saigon... ------------------ "The whole of Scotland will rejoice if the commanding officer of the Canadian Army could see fit that the taking of Saint-Valery is accomplished by the Highland Division. I am sure that the 2nd Canadian Division will attend to Dieppe satisfactorily." -- General Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Aug. 20, 1944
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by saru3000: Peng, get well soon and for God's sake,don't abuse your doctor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good lord. I'm trying to imagine some unsuspecting nurse receiving a proper penging. Damn, that's...that's...that's worth a smiley ------------------ "The whole of Scotland will rejoice if the commanding officer of the Canadian Army could see fit that the taking of Saint-Valery is accomplished by the Highland Division. I am sure that the 2nd Canadian Division will attend to Dieppe satisfactorily." -- General Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Aug. 20, 1944 [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 12-16-2000).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: Each is entitled to his own view. Mine is that this is a war game, and when you shoot people they bleed and die. If you don't want that in a wargame (which most don't have anyway) play Risk or Stratego.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why stop there, then? If you're going all the way, might as well throw in brains, viscera and every other sort of nastiness, none of which have anything to do with strategy or tactics, which I thought was the point of the game.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: yes, ive heard that quite often on this board. But was this because the Germans had some optics technology unavailable to the allies? if not, then WHY was it superior.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> One word: Swarowski. Best optics in the world, then and now. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  9. Beg pardon. I'll translate. Sucked so bad the first time I saw it, can't watch it at all any more ever. Clear now?
  10. Sucked so bad I can't even watch it. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  11. I tried parachute hunting, but I ruined my eyes staring at the sun. Season's too short anyway... ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  12. 300 yds is danger close. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  13. I have a set of Propaganda Poster collector cards. I've been meaning to scan them for some time... ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  14. Bump. This is why we have betas, right? To find these things? EDIT: A further check shows that ALL Stuart tanks in the second battle have grossly excessive ammo loads. [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 12-14-2000).]
  15. Snert alert. Feed not the troll. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  16. Just started battle two of the Villers Bocage op, 1.1 beta version. One of my Stuarts began the scenario with 125 HE rounds and 106 AP rounds, for a total of 231 rounds of 37mm. A quick check at This Site tells me it should have no more than 147. This Stuart had suffered a crew casualty in the first battle. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  17. Righteous. Now drop and gimme twenty... ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  18. Hahahaha... So far as I know I'm the only one with the coveted bikini pic... so sod off all of you!!! Hahahahahaha..... ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  19. Tiger... 1) I think you are very good at these mods. I really do. 2) but... Again with the grey? c'mon... I KNOW you know that desert yellow was the base colour of German AFVs after 1943. I've talked about your mods with others and no one wants to criticize because your work is so good. So I've volunteered to do the dirty work. Keep up the good work, but keep it historical man! ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  20. One of the most appalling things I've ever seen (from a military standpoint) was the utter ease with which the police were able to open the hatch on the M60 hijacked by the whacko and made famous on "America's Scariest Police Chases" or some such FOX offering. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  21. Three general purpose tanks, one close support tank and one anti-tank tank. Should cover all the bases. Two GP Tanks to support the AT tank and one to support the close support tank. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  22. Never heard of such a thing. Sucks to be him. ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally spouted by Hairy Bratwurst: Barbara Walters, the setup is back at you, and now all that remains is finding out where your (eeewww, is that a French fag, er flag I see flying over your side of the battle??), ahem, little men are hiding, and erasing them. The French indeed... Is this some attempt to justify your hidden admiration for those people that taught you that "Real mensch eat quiche???" Perhaps the villagers will be able to feed your carcasses to the hogs or somefink...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "The hen is the wisest of all God's Creation: She does not cackle until AFTER the egg is laid". -- Abraham Lincoln As for the rest of you lot, five or six pages of this drivel each day is far too much to keep up with (for those of us with actual lives). It keeps me from reading all those fascinating "I-Want-Pacific-Theatre-and-Nazis-vs.-Martians" threads. Try saying what needs saying in one post people... ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  24. Swing by the CMHQ Chat. There's always opponents to be had there. Matt's Chat-O-Love Server ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: What about them playing possum eh? What about that then? Could be playing possum! Eh? Eh? *nudge* *nudge* * OberGruppenStompinFuhrer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mace ain't that smart... ------------------ Scarred on a hundred fields before Naked and starved and travel-sore Each man a tiger hunted; They stood at bay as brave as Huns The last of the Old South's splendid sons Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns And by ten thousand fronted
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