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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Blackcat, interesting you find this one so difficult as I found it easier than the preceding battles. Sorry if that sounds smug; not intended, but I guess more or less by chance I chose the right approach and got through it with a Total Victory and relatively few losses. * * * SPOILERS********* * * * A very slow, calculated, methodical approach is what worked for me. Using overbound tactics, concentrate only on taking the village: Summer Palace, East End and Factory. With those secured, and plenty of troops, spotters and vehicles on overwatch for approaching enemy (you have more than enough forces to do the job), you can then more or less sit tight, let the enemy come to you (which they will), mow them down, bombard the Regional Police HQ and surrounding areas with artillery, have your air support cover the mines, use your tanks and Javelins to take out enemy vehicles and tanks as they arrive, and you will get a surrender. You don't have to bother with advancing beyond the trenches or occupying the Police HQ or getting to the Exit. Hope this helps. It's a good battle, but with the amount of forces at your command and by resisting the urge to push to the far edge of the map, it's very winnable. Let us know how you get on. The next battle is a killer!
  2. bardosy, just downloaded it and getting my butt kicked in the first mission. Great fun. Will report back asap. I've noticed you've made a few changes in the briefings, at least the early ones, and added a few small errors (!!) . I'll email you on what I find. I agree with Mark Gibson on the quote 'We have to be prepared. . . etc' - his does sound better. As for the Warrior not being an APC, I bow to his authority on that and other military related facts. Beyond my realm of expertise.
  3. I've ordered. This will be a major change for me as I'm a hardcore CM and tactical warfare player. Grand strategy is something I've not played for years, but this game just looks too good to miss. Only hope I can find the time to play it, as it looks like it could be a life-stealer . . .
  4. Yeah, I've said it before, but I used to moan about WEGO in CMx1 and long for RT. But when SF came out I tried RT, liked it, but really missed the replay ability. So now I play pretty much all WEGO just to be able to review those magic moments and little skirmishes up close, which I'd never have got to witness in RT. Here's one I had recently, which impressed me about the AI. I ordered a section onto the 2nd floor of a building, knowing that enemy inf were approaching. The ground floor had a double wall and no windows, so no visibility. The section got there and found more enemy outside than expected. A brief but really ferocious firefight followed - my guys took a casualty, 'decided' the heat was too high, and legged it back to safety downstairs. But, after a few seconds regaining their breath, they went back up and effectively re-engaged the enemy whilst also giving medicare to the wounded. I'd like to think that they made that decision based on the fact that they had a wounded buddy lying there who they simply could not abandon under any circumstances. That's how it felt, anyway. What a damn cool game this is.
  5. Never had that happen, but yes, civilian density is apparently very much factored in but cannot be depicted graphically due to cpu demands. I would say, as you're on a main road, that there are realistically many civ vehicles approaching and passing your position (which cannot be shown), and you just happen to have drawn the short straw in that one of them had an IED and your boys simply didn't detect it. Like I said, I've never had that happen - always spotted and destroyed them from a distance - but that's the only explanation I can think of. A comment from Battlefront could be helpful here.
  6. I actually quite like having to decide when and who to despatch to resupply the ammo. It often adds to the tension. What would be a major improvement, though, would be the ability to Acquire multiple ammo choices at the same time (rather than having to repeat the order for every type of ammo), and being able to drop ammo you may have mistakenly picked up or simply not need. The ability to swap or pass between nearby squads would be useful, too.
  7. You don't have to send the whole squad/section to the truck. Split them into teams and send the smaller team to get enough ammo for all. Abstracting in the manner you suggest won't work, imo. There is always a risk that, in exiting the building and entering the truck (or vice versa) they could come under fire and take casualties. Abstracting it would remove that risk.
  8. Mord, I love the Brit Cuss mod. I haven't heard that many profanities, but those I do (courtesy of GeorgeMac) really add to the atmosphere. I'd be happy to send some of my own (obscenities from south of the border!) if you plan a future update. Good to have you back, mate!
  9. Afreu, I've restarted for about the sixth time now. At Iron level it really is a mother of a tough battle, but incredibly good fun. Frustrated though I am at the punishment I keep taking, I can't help but go back in for more! The problem I keep having is that, after taking Phase LIne A and Obj Keynes, my men are so badly mauled and short of ammo that by the time X-Ray co arrive Yankee is in no state to fight on. But I'm convinced and determined I'm gonna change this and get a win! Changed tactics again slightly this time in, and seeing a slight improvement. This is really good, expertly designed scenario. Well done, mate!
  10. The lower pic also appears to have a baby MG clinging to the big gun's leg. Is this a mother gun protecting her young? If so, it's better not to get too close.
  11. It's interesting that I opened a thread a couple of months ago about The Hurt Locker and Generation Kill, but Moon moved it instantly to the General Discussion forum. It garnered quite a few interesting comments and contributions (many pointing out how unrealistic The Hurt Locker actually is, despite being a hell of a good movie), and how comparatively more real GK is. This current thread has opened that conversation up much further (even to the point of very strong disagreement between contributors), but it has survived and thrived in this Shock Force forum and not been moved anywhere. I can't help but wonder why.
  12. I strongly suspect those are Scipio's mods: Muzzle Fire & Explosions. His Flames mod is worth checking out too. Available at the Repo. (Hope someone will correct me if I've got the wrong ones, but afaik there are no other alternatives to the original).
  13. Fick? As in Lt Nate Fick, in the series??? Ah yes, I've just googled it, and it is he.
  14. I suspect it will be published . . . . . . when it's ready.
  15. I can't remember what they were but if memory serves they were Russian. I could often them hitting my armour or halftracks but usually to very little effect. Yes, they would cause damage or even knockout some vehicles occasionally, but for the most part they died first. It's a long time since I played, though -four years at least - so it's possible my overactive imagination may have distorted the memories somewhat, but thinking back on it now gets me remembering just how damn good CMBB was (and I guess, still is).
  16. Yes that face is a real gem. And heck, those SPG-9s are damned powerful. They have really caused me a lot of trouble many times. I remember in CMBB, when recoilless rifles were first introduced, they were useless against anything but a halftrack or a jeep. Like pea-shooters. Even halftracks could take a number of hits with impunity. But nowadays they are really deadly.
  17. There was a very good one called Occupation on the BBC earlier this year. Dealt with Brit soldiers in Iraq, then dealing with life back home, then back in Iraq as 'private security contractors'.
  18. Great one, Sergei! That old compass put my head in a spin more than once. Now I know just where I am and where I'm going. Thanks
  19. I would never panda to such outrageous opinions. And that's pudding it mildly.
  20. Ah, the link! Somehow failed to spot that. Downloading now. Thanks.
  21. Someone mentioned the GK sound mod before, but I can't find it. Can you give name and location? (and it sure is a good series, right enough. I'm watching it for the third time).
  22. Sorry, I'm not pudding up with any more of this bear-faced nonsense. Stop ursine around, please.
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