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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/recoilless.htm I have not got any figures etc on backblast but my gut feeling is that if I am stalking a tank in an urban environment I would take my chance when it came regardless of the possible danger from the backblast. It is perhaps fair to point out that in some old house room heights would be 10 - 13 ft ab dwith large windows open and doors the air displacement etc would be alleviated. I suppose a trawl of sources is required to see if, in the heat of battle, soldiers made judgement calls on killing a tank before it killed them. The quote also covers armament elevation and am I mad in thinking that in CMBN there is no elevation restriction modelled?
  2. Sounds right result. However I have a suspicion that the highest rate of fire for a Stuart is not modelled in game. This small test might also reveal what the reaction time was for a shot into the back of a tank. A fully trained Stuart crew in theory would do 20 rounds per minute so allowing for a shot every 4 seconds I would be surprised that the Panther would not take several shots before reacting. Any timings MikeyD.?
  3. I think you have yourself pegged right ASL : ) As a hint if you guard against points 1-6 you will be an improved human. I am not sure there will ever be an ideal human. As for a better society is there any possibility that we can look at place like Denmark and Holland, or Canada, and compare with countries like the US and Italy and see why they may be considered superior. If people in general agree what is a better society there may be a clue what to work to. Incidentally I am concious that if everyone embraces 1-6 the celebrity based industries/media ar going to be pissed on. Sorry need to sign off now to check my horoscope. Pisces and Dragon - cannot get any better : )
  4. Ambrose Liar thread http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97219&highlight=ambrose+liar
  5. Slightly obsessive maybe - but not about spelling : ). I would not rely on any online test for anything! I suspect you are finding you have a bit of everything in your make-up and the test just brings these up and it makes it look scientific. [WTF Now I have hypochondria!] Don't sweat about it. You sound a bit like my son in clumsiness ... and he is a psychologist. I am sure your just Austrian not Assburger.
  6. About Combined Ops WW2 http://www.combinedops.com/Combined_Ops_Index.htm
  7. Interesting article, and perhaps future costs for the military: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/jsp_includes/articlePrint.jsp?storyID=news/DTI-hear.xml&headLine=Equipment%20Noise%20is%20Accelerating%20Hearing%20Loss
  8. Green and Green's book "Tank Men" has a German officer saying how in Normandy the Allied tanks would retreat if outgunned and just call on the FB's or the artillery. Of the two FB's were the worst as they would just keeping coming after you - if there were enough of them. He describes a force of Panthers and MkIV's falling prey to this and his tank going up to rockets. German tankers also had an intense dislike of spotter planes which made moving in daylight pretty dangerous.
  9. YankeeDog Teach me to be ironic. Whilst acknowledging the armour of the Panther, and the need for there to be an off layout for the Sherman force, it seems nobody has much on crew behaviour and noise. Assuming that the Shermans firing over open sights are hitting and the rate of fire commences at 10 pm the Panther will be struck at around 3 times per second. I assume that shells striking will be making quite a sound and that many humans are incapacitated -particularly if they are aware of the fact that every shell has the possibility of geeting lucky on a frontal hit. And every shell has an expectation of penetrating the side armour. We also do not know if this was version 1 or 2 of the game. In version I crews did not seem to abandon tanks or have reduced rates of fire when losing crew. This I found in a minute session where I killed the tank commander of a Sherman twice but the bodies of the commander, then the substitute commander, falling into the turret compartment did not faze the remaining crew at all in terms of fire rate and accuracy. "Reports from WWII German tankers were that the effect of the low-velocity 75mm main gun on most Sherman tanks was a painful ringing, like they were inside a church bell when someone rang it." Presumably the closer you get the louder the ringing and I suspect this was a Tiger crew! : ) And just for fun:
  10. Good advice. I do have a serious number of items on tanks such as both volumes of "Tigers In Combat" by Wolfgang Schneider plus a few others. Panthers I am weaker on but do have beside me the four volumes of "Panther" by AJ Press of Gdansk. Fortunately in English aswell as Polish though it is more pictures and details rather than battles. Thats why I felt free to express my opinion as to likely result of 20 Shermans firing at short range on a single Panther.
  11. Outliers! But surely this example, if true, is beyond sanity or logic. Providing of course that it is not some freakish setting where the Shermans are lined up one behind the other or their is a logic glitch and they all fired smoke over the Panther. : )
  12. A single book. That is an interesting challenge indeed. However I think I have the answer : ) The Historical Encyclopedia of World War 2 Now I admit it is weak on small battles but as an overview to slot everything you read after this it would be great. Europe. Pacific. Economics and lots of maps to place the action. I think I perhaps would be better informed and able to understand WW2 if I had read this 30 years ago. I have a perhaps 50 WW2 battle books but virtually nothing with an overarching view.
  13. Sounds truly unlikely. One might make an argument for people being confused as to where the shells were landing but at point blank range and with the Shermans presumably going to manic fire rate the Panther would be getting a minimum 100 hits a minute and it is inconcievable any crew would sit duking it out. As for a Honey taking a Panther from the rear [and no Cougar jokes : )] I would have thought a reasonably good chance in RL. Most crews if taking hits from the rear are going to bail ... petrol engine, fumes, fire ..... yeah a bail quite likely. And immobilisation would really piss them off. Penetrating the armour not a problem providing they can shoot the rear engine compartment. I cannot recall off the top of my head the rear turret armour of a Panther but it is a smaller target with more likelihood of glancing hits on a turret rotation or if the target starts moving.
  14. Welcome, dieseltaylor. You last visited: Today at 10:36 PM Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 44 Folder Controls Inbox contains 15 messages. You have 44 messages stored, of a total 50 allowed. (Empty Folder) Jump to Folder:
  15. : ) made me laugh. Humans as a species, especially in the West think thye are quite smart. And indeed have done some wonderful things in the way of inventions etc. Modern research though reveals a lot basic human instincts are still in their operating but in a more complicated world than we are designed for. For instance: 1. People can hold a limited number of concepts in their brain 2. They are superstitious 3. They attribute characteristics to people wihout proof 4. They are often very gullible 5. They are suggestible 6. They are overly greedy 7. and generally speaking not very bright.
  16. Vark When it arrived CMBN tanks were capable of incredible accuracy when firing on the move [ a very rare occurrence] and this I believe was corrected somewhat in version 1.01. The other things are reverse speeds are unreal and the change of gears does not exist. Then there is the rocking motion on the tracks for things like the Tiger and the movement of the chassis when firing. Given the amount of film of WW2 tanks I was left with the impression that CMSF tank characteristics had been imported. So if you think the game is realistic and immersive it is quite a shock to find such major ?!!?**. Does it make the game a duffer. No but it makes me wonder about design decisions : ) I think it should be bought if you have the spare cash. The graphics for the scenarios is great. Now is it a great game which is a separate kettle of fish. It is no longer beer & pretzels. Its like enjoying paint-balling in a wood and then being told you are now going to be playing in a bunker. Walls to hem you in and short range bloodiness and pain. An experience for sure. : ) It will be interesting to read your feelings in a months time Vark ! : )
  17. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/mans-childhood-comic-collection-fetches-35-million/article2346845/ Seems to me absurd. But then I have a problem with paintings also. If they are really good reproduce them to scale and commoditise them. But no it has to be "rarity". Anyone read about the "Rembrandt" effect. I cannot recall where I read it but apparently tell someone a painting is a Rembrandt and the critical faculties are not employed but th eworship side. And as you guessed a real Rembrandt announced as "a school of " is seen critically. Humans are so primitive.
  18. I am ambivalent, possibly because I feel faintly betrayed by the armour modelling. However there is no doubt it can be very immersive and graphically stunning. If you like playing other humans I am tempted to return to CMx1 as you can have much larger battles which allows for more movement and if you use Helper much quicker games. If you play primarily against yourself, or prefer small scenarios, then I would definitely be using CMBN. I suspect you will need to play CMBN to make up your own mind! : )
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL6vl0RCpOk Made me laugh
  20. I chose this clip as it is an interesting comparison to the light-footed Tiger in this video from 6.12.
  21. Good question. I look forward to the answer : ) Just a few tests ...
  22. I don't think it can be established for certain either way. If you believe that there was an original caption by the photographer its a girl. If you think some one has gone along at a later date and made guesses it could be either. I think on balnce it might be a boy. Because it is a Daniel Boone hat and the hair down by the ear looks short. However I could well be wrong and its not that important if I am wrong. : ) However I do love the photos and wish I could see more of them!
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