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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Of course not everyone on the forum is au fait with how it works - obviously : )
  2. I have seen a lower figure for weight. But taking yours as right that is 1000lbs per crewman roughly. I don' t see that as being movable to any degree. Being on a road might make a difference : ) But I would not expect to see that wrinkle in the game design.
  3. I think this sums up my view on Aspergers as simply a different wiring. The comment on homosexuality is surely aposite in terms of a majority deciding that something is "wrong" and then changing its stance. Wikipedia I would add that I have always considered exercise [ as in breaking sweat] to be a highly necessary part of human life , even if I rarely practice what I preach:
  4. My motto has always been I would rather lose a good game than win a boring game. And I stick by that.
  5. Why shouldn't I have a view ?? !! : ) Republican state, small population, and Caspar , and 50% women, and get the right age range ...... Heck I thought it was primarily cowboys and Fox TV .... ! Blimey that late. Off to bed.
  6. : ) And changes my view on how well people in Wyoming write.
  7. Blimey we must be very lucky at WeBoB just having the last type : ) Talking about the game has its problems - I get embarrassed when my opponent tells me information that I really cannot know. He thinks I know and I didn't. Also it is difficult to write much without revealing something revealing or something that might give a misleading impression. Chatting off topic or on the game engine, or a lucky hit is fair enough : )
  8. http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/4288/panzer Now tha was fun
  9. Probability (%) of hitting hull-down target with first round: Gun -- 500 1000 17 pdr - 59 18 Probability (%) of hitting static hull-down target after first round: Gun ----------500 1000 1500 2000 2500 6 pdr---------- 85 -43 ---22 ---14 17 pdr ---------88 -51 ---29 ---18 -12
  10. Source: PRO document WO291/180, OR report on accuracy of anti-tank gunnery. If the 17pdr is lined up and ranged it will hit a Tiger VI 100% of the time on a first shot all the way out to 1500 yards. At 500 yards if not ranged or not lined it drops to 98%. If you go out to 1000yards and adjustment required the first hit chance drops to 46%. The 6pdr figures are 100%, 87% and at 1000 drops to 33% . The probability of a second round hit is 100% at 500 yards for both, and at 1000 94% and 86% respectively. The recommendations are Being ATG's making sure of a kill must be more important perhaps than for a tank who can move position!
  11. Are you putting an appropriate speed in for the manouevre? I slow down for turning.
  12. This may be interesting. I am impreseeed by the amount of lead that could be fired Quote: War Office 291/479 Optimum rate of aimed rifle fire. "It has for some time been the practice at the School of Infantry and elsewhere to demonstrate a rifleman firing his rifle at a very high rate (up to 25 rounds per minute), and it has appeared to be questionable whether such a rate is worth while attempting." A trial was conducted with 8 Guardsmen and 5 Canadians firing from the lying position at 25 yards. The average minimum and maximum rates of fire were 12.7 and 22.7 rds/min for the Guards, 13.2 and 19.5 rds/min for the Canadians. The results were adjusted to give the following expected number of hits per minute on a 5ft X 1ft target at 200 yards: Rate 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hits 3.8 4.5 5.1 5.7 6.2 6.7 7.1 7.5 7.9
  13. I think the rifle info is relevant to whether pistol toting crew win against rifles.We have been talking off the amount of lead downfield from the Browning but the lead coming back is not trivial - admittedly a Kar is probably not quite so fast and has a smaller magazine. However these are extrapolated at 200yards - I imagine at 100 yards they are more lethal, ditto at 50 yards
  14. Those figures make my testing of Shermans firing at 1700+ metres look somewhat exceptional. This is from the War Office and I assume the 90% zone refers to an area in which 90% of all the shots fell, interesting that more propellant increased the area:
  15. Most Canadians don't speak French and certainly didn't in WW2. Which seems a little unfair given the good regiments that did. Perhaps when the Free French arrive there can be improvisation.
  16. Macisle - I thought you were having a little joke. Cromwell with a 95mm, the picture in the thread is a Churchill.
  17. The mortar dispersion does look much more realistic. Artillery did seem uncommonly powerful particularly on small maps. The game is coming along - at last. PS re the legal definition of states I have no problem with factual information whatever the subject matter. In that it proves that the law is an ass thats all to the good. : )
  18. I have always felt auto-diallers should be outlawed. Is there anyone who thinks they serve a useful purpose?
  19. It was a quick test and I realised that over 100 metres it was not going to be final. Now I have some time I think it looks like speed has been tweaked. Possibly in a generic fashion judging by the above post. I did have some test fields given to me last year with 7 Shermans Vs. & MkIV's that wer immobilised so I thought I would play with that. Having taken car of the gunnery side I had two Shermans with 500 metres of grass. They covered 400metres in a minute which equates to 15mph. On reversing they were travelling at just gver 200metres a minute so that would be 7.5mph. Now the interesting thing is that whereas going forwards reduces speed travelling cross-country on grass reverse does not have any penalty. It is above the Sherman reverse speed I believe anyway ... when I can find it. Ah here it is "This seems to be significantly in excess of the 3mph I have seen in a photo of a Sherman engine plate for reverse speed." Of course there are Shermans and Shermans ..... The other thing is that tanks in both tests seem to be getting to maximum reverse speed within a minute - which given the Tiger has 4 gear changes to do and yet still hits over speed........ One of the interesting plays was to have a MkIV turret right with a cover arc off map leaving only the driver facing forward. He spotted the Sherman when it was advancing fast over cratered ground [about 200 metres per minute] and observed it for the several minutes it took to get 800 metres distant so roughly 6 minutes from 1700 metres. At no time did the MkIV change from its arc setting even when it was being pot-shotted at. The movement order ended and with 5 seconds and at 714 metres the Sherman nailed it thogh th hull killing the driver and the crew bailed. Is a covered arc overriding the AI? All bar one of the IV's lost and this was at a range of 1700 metres+. The Shermans seemed to get more hits despite the supposed inaccuracy of the Sherman 75mm gun system at range . The Sherman that died did not spot the MkIV firing at it anytime during the 3 minutes it was fired upon - it did get a icon as it was hit on the upper front hull. It then moved and was hit rear right hull and knocked out.
  20. With very high velocity tank guns you could range them to say 1200 metres and they would hit anything under say 8ft that was in the way. And that is because the shells would be travelling very flat. As an aside the Tiger 1 would fire HE at far distant targets as it was more accurate than the AP shell.
  21. I am shocked. Belief in democracy requires it to be voter friendly and safe. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1142109--robocalls-elections-canada-expands-probe-into-fraudulent-messages-in-2011-vote
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