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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Band-wagon fans make me sick. They sit in front of the TV and pull. We all know what they pull. Pick a team and stick with it, ya wussy. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bird Brain Boy, I still hate the Giants, just hate the Eagles more. How about giving me a few more things to shoot at, my boy's are getting sleepy.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Marlow here's a little jokey-joke. What is ineffectual and not going to the Playoffs this year? meaningless pause The Deadskins Lets all gather round DC now to cry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've given up on the Deadskins this year, as I don't watch semi-pro football. I've been reduced to pulling for the [shuddder] NY Giants. Can't have the Philly Carrion birds winning the division after all.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: A show of flippers, flagellae, ciliae, or what have you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Down Bauhaus, use your hand next time. Update time. As my opponents display a level of tactical brilliance that would do a turnip proud, I'm still winning most, and losing none. Cruda - Where is the bucket and mop. All that is left is janitor work in this one. Morose - In a moving show of solidarity with his squire, Croda the dog-eared boy, Morse has agreed (with a little assistance from my Tank Destroyers) to forgo the use of Panzers for the duration of our battle. SheepshaggerNZer - The amazing Peter the armorless boy. Another German tin can bagged by a brave Yankee bazooka gunner. However, old sneaky Pete still has lots of infantry lurking about in the dark. This one is still too close to call. Jshandork - The noose tightens. My lowly, and despised M4A1 removes a piece of armor from the German inventory. I hope this comes out of your paycheck. Nitwit - The unstoppable tide continues to roll over Nijis like the Romans at Actium. Catboy Hiram - Still pissin in the snow. Your boys should know better than to enter condemned buildings. They hurt when they fall down, don't they? Dalami - Marlow's salvage and wrecking service has graciously offered to tow away dalem's assorted junked tanks. I think the count is two Mark IVs, a Panther and a Lynx against one M18. Another gaggel of Mark IVs is about to join the choir invisible next turn. DKNY - 1 Bazooka - 14 points. Two StuHs - 180 points. Two kills in one turn - Priceless. Elvis - We are playing rune's "A river runs through it," and frankly, I don't quite know what to make of this one.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: ..."is that really you in that picture? There is no way that a woman with any attractive qualities could possibly have interest or knowledge in WWII. Moreover, I've never spoken to woman before, and this would break my streak." To which she replied...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> .."duck!" as an angry mob led by the lost Frenchman threw a duck through the front window and proceeded to ransack the restaurant. "This way" she said, and they ran out the back door, right into …
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Not at all. Referring to hordes of nameless folk, really. The avoid a flame-war, you lunkhead - oxymoron was intended, and in jest. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was referring to the lunkhead part, and not the flame-war part.
  6. Hiccup. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-20-2000).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tanaka: I love when people make the exception the rule <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Any appearance of a JagdTiger was an exception to the rule. Is using one in a QB gamey?
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Probably means me.
  9. I suppose. I'm not actually that concerned with the way the transported units are handled, as it doesn't often have a huge impact on the game; however, I really don't see why it makes sense to let a dismounted but moving FO actually call for fire while while the guy on the radio in the track can't even receive general targeting orders.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Okay, here's a new point. Imagine this situation: CO to arty guy: "I want you to jump out of that vehicle, run to those trees, and target a strike on that house!" Arty guy to CO: "Sir! What if I can't see the house from those trees? Should I call the strike in blind?" CO to arty guy: "Hell no you stupid unprintable! If you can't see the target then contact me and await further orders!" So CM simply abstracts this to read: if you're jumping off a vehicle <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are missing the point. Croda's not asking that the FO actually start targeting the arty while embarked, but rather that one off the vehicle that the FO not need to waste what could be as much as 59 seconds to plot the target: CO to arty guy: "I want you to jump out of that vehicle, run to those trees, and target a strike on that house!" Arty guy to CO: Yes sir, but you'll have to give those orders again at begining of next turnafter I dismount. Even if I get to a spot I can see the target this turn, I'm just going to sit there with my thumb up my butt until the next turn starts.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: ...silly puddy. You should see that stuff burn! We used to light up a ball of silly puddy and throw it at...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "...Panzer mark IVs. That was ussually enough to set those cardboard tanks on fire." Then he would nod off into a restless sleep as far away, above the arctic circle ...
  12. I have to agree with Croda on this one. I've had similar issues with MG teams that are embarked: [50 cal loaded in a halftrack, with the Platoon leader] Butterbar to team leader - When we get to that wall, I want you to jump off, set up and start laying down suppression fire for 1st platoon's assault. Team leader - No can do sir. We can't take any targeting orders until we are off of this track. Talk to us after we get out of this thing. Butterbar - but that is going to hold up the assault for an extra turn! What are you bozos going to be doing for the last 45 seconds of the turn? Team leader - Smoke em if you got em sir.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Hello all, I have noticed that in most of my PBEMs my opponents rarely choose the M4, M4A1, or M4A3 even those these Shermans were the majority of Shermans produced and saw action on the west front. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What about in our game boyo? I love 75 Shermans - Cheap, kills infantry, and just enough punch to make it useful if pressed into the anti-armor role. The additional armor of the W and W+ are not enough for the additional cost. I use TDs to take care of the uber tanks. This has worked quite well for me to date.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: ...a squadron of PzMkIVs with superior-but-not-really-modeled optics roared into view and ground the squishy infantry into gooey jelly. I still wondered about Seanachai's pet, now perished in the flames, and tucked the now half-empty bottle of Macallan in my pocket as... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> … Seanachai writes bad Celtic poetry in memory of his pet naked mole rat, while awaiting the return of …
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: I was always under the assumption that the Mk-IV was the infantry support tank while the Pz III series were to be the tank killers. But at this time of the war the Pz III's were gone and replaced with Panthers and Tigers. So riddle me this. If you're in an all armor QB playing with the Short 75 house rules, which German tank do you pick? Answer, your only choice is the Mk-IV or the Lynx, Pumas, ACs. So yeah, you may be forced to use them in a role they were unintended for. In which case their shortcomings are exposed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Mark IV was originally intended as an IS tank, but because the Mark III could not carry a long 75, the Mark IV was switched to the AT role.
  16. I know I should just let it pass, but here goes. First, I'd like to second Chuppy's (may I call you Chuppy? No? Well too bad.) comments on treating the U.S. as some unified monolithic whole. There is no real single "U.S. worldview," especially in the foreign policy realm. Under the U.S. Constitution, foreign relations are the bailiwick of the Executive branch, (i.e. the President), with some interference/cooperation from Congress. Thus, as the administrations change, U.S. policy can change, sometimes dramatically As an example, note the differences between the Reagan/Bush I administration, and the Clinton administration. If I have to spell out the differences, you obviously don't know enough about U.S. foreign policy to be criticizing it. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: Must have something to do with the ability to take out your garbage without having to strap on a bullet proof vest and have the wife provide overwatch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Give me a break. Gratuitous cheap shots don't help your credibility. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The knot of this entire argument is not based on whether the US is good or bad but the arrogance in which you people do things..period. Look at Kosovo. Just about every expert at the table said "partition" is the only way in which this would work. But noooo! We had to try and build a wonderful melting pot where all people could live in harmony and pursue life, liberty and hapiness. Guess what boys, it doesn't work. These people don't like each other and never will, you can't make me live together in peace and love. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Didn't you say "never say never" in an earlier post? Are these the same experts that stood around and let the Balkans situation degenerate to where was prior to the Kosava situation? I don't buy your "the Europeans couldn't do it because the people there hate them" argument." This is a cop out by the Europeans because they refused to take responsibility for something that was ultimatly their problem (As an interesting aside, now that the U.S. is on the ground in Kosava, I see lots of reports where the European experts are now saying essentially that "the stupid Americans don't know how to run a peace keeping operation, we Europeans do it so much better"). So what would you propose? A thousand little countries that all have competing claims and continuous border wars? The partition has really stopped the ethnic Albanians from trying to instigate a Kosova like situation in areas that are still part of Serbia proper. The partition solution is a shot term fix, and a long term disaster. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Once again American arrogance ruins what was an excellent exercise in intervention. Now I know you guys are footing most of the bill and are taking most of the risks but that doesn't make you right. So my advise to your country is to, shut up, listen to people who know, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If my butt is on the line, I'm calling the shots. Period. The rest of the world can't whine for U.S. help, and then tell us how they could have handled the situation so much better, especially when there is zero evidence that any other solution would have led to a better outcome. Almost Forgot: your initial comment was that you were afraid of the U.S. becoming isolationist, and now you seem to be saying that the real problem is not that the U.S. won't act in world affairs, just that it won't act in the way you want it to. An entirely different point. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-20-2000).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: Somewhat off topic, but I recall watching an interview with David Fletcher on the History Channel. He put forth this theory that the Germans might have been better off focusing tank production on the MkIV(presumably the f-j seires), rather than concentrating material and labor into the more complicated MkV, & MKVI. Something to due with the much greater number of MKIV’s that could have been produced relative to Panthers and Tigers. Dunno whether I agree or not, but interesting none the less.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The guy on the History Channel must have gone to the same school of military thought as Gen. McNair. Among the problems with this approach that come to mind at first glance are: 1. The Germans had enough trouble finding tank crews as it was. With a larger number of less survivable tanks this problem would have been compounded. 2. The Sherman was equal or superior to the Mark IV in most respects, and there is no way that the Germans could have made even close to the same number of Mark IVs as there were Shermans, even without the production of other tanks. So instead of a 10 to one advantage in Shermans to Panthers, there would have been a 6 to one advantage of Shermans to Mark IVs. Same result either way (Disclaimer before somebody drags out actual production figures: numbers for discussion purposed only, and not based upon any actual figures)
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Marlow wrote: > It’s the end of the Peng as we know it Uh-oh, now you've done it. You have made an R.E.M. reference. You will never hear the end of this. For starters, you shall now be regailed with every potential title for the next Peng thread I can think of which relates to a song by R.E.M. or any of the other bands I listen to (all five). B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Come now David, of the two musical references in my post you pick R.E.M. over the Who? (Quadropengia anyone?) Picking Peter Buck over Pete Townsend is akin to picking Rachmaninoff over Tchaikovsky, Roger Moore over Sean Connery, MJD over Guinness. Show a little class please. ------------------ This message brought to you by Stuka's Oaken Floors Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool aka The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: Your statement is isolationist by definition.."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Got to give the locals a chance before we step in, otherwise we are accused of interfering in other countries internal affairs or spheres of influence depending upon the situation. Also, my point was that Bush will not be a classic pre WWII isolationist. Clinton's problems were caused by a lack of decisiveness that likely resulted from Somalia, and not unwillingness to dabble in other's business.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alelscot: Henri: They all sound good to me. Here are a few more: Golden Years Grunt Retirement Retread Toothless Tankman Viagra Volunteer <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Some others: Geezertruppen Shuffleboard Commandos Old FolksGrenadiers Geritol Warriors Captain Metamucil
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Oberst Oberst Oberst Oberst: Outside the pool I am a titan among mere mortals. Blah blah blah. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yawwwnnnn. The details of battles outside the 'pool make a good sedative. Hiram, be a good lad, and do some amusing tricks to keep me awake. Cat juggling comes to mind. ------------------ This message brought to you by Stuka's Oaken Floors Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool aka The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread
  22. You make a number of good points, some of which I could argue with, but I think that the issues are already OT enough. However, I will quibble with this one: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: d. As to laughable isolationism for the current administration, I would am sure the millions of corpses in Rawanda will feel much better knowing that we (and I include the entire Western World in this one) are not going to turn a blind eye to the plight and suffering outside our own borders. Don't even try to mention the Balkans as a counter point as a quarter million died there before the US even blinked. Lesson: never say never and nothin here is remotely funny. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Any problems in Rwanda and the Balkans have less to do with "isolationism" than with 1) a failure of various local governments to uphold their responsibilities in their own neighborhoods (More so the Europeans who had the resources, but not the gumption to actually do anything about the Balkans); 2) the failure of the current administration to take necessary risks. The Clinton White House was one of the most active internationally of any American administration; however, Clinton was so risk adverse and poll driven, that he could not make the hard choices. This had nothing to do with interventionist/isolationist.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: (the only people worse than the Yanks have to be the French for arrogance) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Take that back. I resent being second to the French in anything.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: Are the scenarios good? Actor, Ro, Foobar, germanboy and others can pipe in here. Rune<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The one you provided for Croda and me was fantastic.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Marlowbrow is most likely rotting in a county jail in Sheepcranker Free State for abuse of a Shriner. The vigorous delousing is preventing him from returning a turn. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Real life has unfortunately interfered with my spending quality time with CM. I owe lots of people turns that may go out tonight. If I don’t get to your particular turn, to damn bad. The only ones that owe me turns are Croda, who is avoiding his inevitable topplement, and dalem who is still trying to figure out how this e-mail thingy works. I'll re-send my most recent turns tonight if I get around to it. Tough titty if I don't. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Nope, both wrong. I'm a great, proud Oak. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They make a lot of floors out of oak. Nice tree for walking on. A late entry in the new name contest: The horse pulled transport, running machine gun team, and turret speed challenge thread [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-19-2000).]
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