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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. I've tried to put this Fenno wanker on my "ignore list," but it didn't work. BTS, FIX OR DO SOMEFINK!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Eumundi: But who here on this board thinks Slapdragon is anything other than an ass? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DNFTT. Slap may have his moments, but he is infinitely better than this moron.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Eumundi: I cannot believe that so many people are mindlessly following Slapwagon and his campaign against the Australians and the British. Listen up Simon Fox, and Germanboy, and Hofbauer, maybe you should spend more time paying attention to your own affairs and less time slamming the commonwealth. I notice that the three of you like ganging up on Australians, is that a hobby of yours? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Back under the bridge with you. The next time GermanBoy or Simon Fox mindlessly followed Slapdragon anywhere would be the first.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: When I showed her places in France and told her stuff she got intrested, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But the real question is: can she beat you at CM?
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat: Bloody slacker! StR<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Where is my turn Ratboy?
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: That maybe a bit harsh. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Probably. But the guy really makes me want to pull out my hair with some of the tripe he posts. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Anyone who ever went to Bovington might have the 'armoured' lorry with the concrete pillbox on the back in mind when seeing the Bob Semple. The Brits at least did not dignify that thing with a name, but it existed briefly after Dunkirk. As did Vickers armed motor boats on the Lakeland lakes in Lancashire. The Homeguard had some weird equipment. Just don't treat the Bob Semple as a serious tank proposal... I can not comment on the Soviet-Union and Australia. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If he was saying that all countries had their own share of bad ideas brought to life, then I overstated my case. However, if he is implying that the Bob Semple represents the same level of development as was found in contemporary (1940 and 41) Allied tanks, he is very wrong.
  7. As a neutral party in the Slapdragon/MP wars, I do have to say that you have repeatedly shown that you really don't know what you are talking about. The Bob Semple business is just the latest example. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kim Beazley MP Ma: The reason why the "tank" named after him was abandoned was more because of the sudden influx of both American troops and American AFV's. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, the reason the BobSemple was abandoned was because it really, really sucked. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kim Beazley MP Ma: Whilst the "tank" was unstable, desperate times dictate desperate measures. It was directly comparable to other such developments in the UK in 1940, the USSR in 1941 and Australia in 1941. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does this: look comparable to the real tanks that the UK (Matilda, cruisers), the U.S. (Stuart, Grant) Sov. Union (T-34, KV-1) and Australia (mostly British, but the Sentinal was under development) had in the same time period? Get real. SENTINAL [ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: I invite any of you so inclined to take this trip into the nether world of phantasm to simply indicate whether you wish German or Allies and I shall select a file randomly and send it in it's way. I have not inspected them as I have not yet instituted a level 4 containment area to hold them. So those of you harboring loathing for your last trouncing Marlow, Peng or whom I loathe with out sucrease such as MarkForth and crisl or are simply roadbumps on my road of success like Berli, Moriarty and even JShaw or even just need a game, let me know,......or not. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> COURT OF MORTAL COMBAT PENG CHALLENGE THREAD CESSPOOL WESTERN HEMISPHERE DISTRICT UNCIVIL ACTION NO. JM004 Challengee Marlow hereby responds to the Challenge, Amended, filed by the Challenger jdmorse. 1. The challenge improperly mixes slanderous remarks directed at both the collective and individuals with complete gibberish from an obviously martini addled brain. 2. The alleged last "trouncing" was in fact the result of the challengee's own incompetence, and was in no way a reflection of any martial ability on the part of the challenger. 3. The challenger states in his Challenge " … I feel like plunging the sharpened stake of madness into my brain". The challengee wholeheartedly encourages the challenger to go with his feelings. 4. Should the challenger, like a later day Phineus Gage, survive the above mentioned stake in the brain (a strong possibility given that said brain has been largely unused in the challenger's daily life), the challengee accepts this challenge. 5. Challengee shall use the Allies as the instrument of the challenger's doom. [ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Wacky: *Ahem* You sir, MrPeng, have the manners of a Yale frat boy, the accent of a poor New York drifter, and your response had all the wit of a third year Dartmouth flop. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> With all of these Ivy references, I thought you might attend a school that thinks it is important. It turns out I was almost right, since you go to Oxford …. OHIO. WTF is up with the whole "RedHawk" thing anyway?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: I hate Spam.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bahh. Your from Philly. I wouldn't expect you to understand a reference to Da Flick.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: And I ask, Moriarty, how In short, Moriarty: Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hate Illinois Communists
  12. There are several that I have played that I believe will fit the bill. All can be found at the Scenario depot (or linked from there). "Foucarville Roadblocks" (very nice map, and lots of surprises) Tougher as U.S. "Bocage to St.Lo" (very small and intense)Tougher as U.S. "A river runs through it" (the only meeting engagement of the lot) Tougher as Canadian "Any port in a storm (first battle of the series is the only one I have tried)" Tougher as U.S. "A ten minute break" (this is probably the most unbalanced of the lot) Tougher as Germans
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jo Xia: I am not, I fear, particularly skilled at limericks ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No truer words have ever been spoken <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> There once was a fool from Wisconsin, Who was a newbie, scum suckin' A lame joke he posted His butt was then toasted We've informed his nearest of kin. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> AGHH! My eyes! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm in a foul mood ... there'd best be no transgressions against the traditions of the 'Pool TODAY, let me tell you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jo please investigate yourself for inflicting this travesty on the MBT <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Lars, oh Lars have we received that forced air blower for the charcoal braziers yet? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Charcoal bras? That is awful conservative, don't you think? I would have thought you were a red bra kind of guy.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: We are down to 15 people now. This tournament may actually finish before 2003 if we lose a few more. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Maybe it should be the WineCape attritional tournament.
  15. WooHoo. FREE BEER. I'll definitely be there if for no other reason than to gloat in person about my recent MAJOR VICTORY over Lawyer's Legaltruppen. Than and to celebrate a new job outside the beltway. No more downtown commute for me.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: You know I was thinking. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mistake number 1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I don't want to be so burned out on shootin' Ami's that the luster of the game is lost on me, if you know what I mean. Therefore I have decided to pull in the reins on new games until CM2 is released.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sort of like forgoing sex for half a year in the vague hope of getting something better. Even then, since it will not likely be released as soon as expected, you'll just be sitting around begging for it. Oh, wait. You're probably used to that.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Apparently something MUST have confused you as the reference was to the fact that only Seniour Knights are allowed a vote on the matter. Now you MIGHT, I suppose, try to cover up your confusion by claiming that you were offering advice ... {bull****e} It's not YOUR place to advise Seniour Knights on anything, {00.000} No one cares about your opinion AND lastly {ivivivivi} Ppfffpppthhhhh. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, Yes Jo, I see it all now. There you are, on the prowl at the Old Farts' home. Just as soon as you corner one of the old codgers, and get him to agree to sign away the deed to the ranch for a one year supply of tender vittles, in comes the good son and makes a stink. So what do you do? You give the senile old relic the "you don't need any advice from the young whippersnappers" speech. "Just sign on the dotted line" you say. "It's not their place to offer anything to the wise and respected Old Ones" you whisper. How seductive to the ears of those who do not wish to face the fact that their facilities are fading fast, and that they only retain the reasoning skills of a rutabaga. How can you sleep at night Jo? [ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: What part of Senior Knights confused you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nothing confused me Ancient one. As always, I address the old, decrepit, and falling apart ones with proper respect and admiration (sort of like the way U.S. Senators treat the esteemed gentleman from South Carolina, Strom Thurmond). In opposing Jo Xia's obvious power play, I was just trying to help you avoid a serious mistake. Let's face it. You old ones aren't as young as you once were. Since most of you are now arthritic, incontinent, and suffering from senile dementia, I though you needed protection. After all, the reason that we moved the lot of you into the Cesspool Old General's Home so that someone could look after you. Now you have a nice and safe place to eat you Jell-O and hobble around on you walkers and chase the staff around the yard. See, as a sign of respect, I even keep a picture of you from the Home Yearbook. Here you are at an outing we had last year to a Hollywood event, where you got to grovel at the feet of your film star hero: As you can plainly see, you Senior Moment Knights are just not up to the task of dealing with the likes of Comrade Xia. He's a mortgage banker for Peng's sake. How many of you would trust Great Grandpapy alone in a room with a banker and a refinance contract. If we left it to you Senile Knights, he would soon have the deed to the Schloss Peng, and all of the other Knights and Squires would either be homeless, or in prison as victims of one of Red Jo's witchhunts. I am, as always, only acting with the best interests of the MBT in mind.
  19. Important matters are before the ‘Pool: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: What say you, Berli, Peng, and you, you Seniour Knights who are his peers? Shall we compound our strange Order of Orthodoxy with the Cabala of the Templars, and confer upon Ole Foul Joe the title of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread? Let us Hear Your Voices! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I say nay. Quite frankly I am surprised that such a suggestion was even made. I have been on the front lines of beating [down …] back Comrade Xia’s pathetic power grabs, I must warn the assembly against any providing Red Jo with any imprimatur of actual authority from, or approval of, the powers that be in the MBT. You have called him “Strong in the Faith of the Peng Challenge,” yet you do not see his true nature. He has not been defending the faith, but rather attempting to impose some bastardized version of the truth on the weak-willed among the gathered. He creates out of whole cloth “traditions” such as his latest “rules,” that Squires must first be Serfs, or that no knight’s name shall be twisted. He is in fact a Heretic, and one far more dangerous that the Splitter Meeks. With Hamster Boy, one always saw the crazy gleam in his eye and heard the insane cackle. But with Jo, it is much more subtle, and thus far more dangerous. He is not a preserver of tradition, but rather a destroyer. If he has his way, we will have bylaws, and rulebooks. I wouldn’t be surprised if he plans to organize the serfs. So, just say No to Jo.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: And to top it off Marlow is kicking my butt! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> wOOt!! And in other late breaking news, Lawyer has finally given in to the inevitable and surrendered to my valiant G.I.s. It was an epic battle, where I executed a perfect combined arms attack that left Jake the Snake reeling. It was a 2000 point U.S. attack on a hilly rural battlefield. I skillfully used the hills to mask my advance from flanking fire, and concentrated my firepower on isolated sections of the German line. Despite the computer's choice of SMG hordes, and a gaggle of steel cockroaches, I was still able to crush the legaltruppen like so many overripe grapes. Marlow 85 Lawyer 15 This masterful display of tactical aptitude, along with my current drubbing of Herr Shandorf proves that I am again among the CM elite of the 'Cesspool. Sort of the anti-dalem.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the self styled Grand Impersonator poo-Tempura: Sir Joe Shaw, Grand Inquisitor pro-Tempore ... ah yes, mighty fine ... LARS, oh LARS warm up the braziers lad, there's work to be done ... Bwahahahahha<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See. I told you this was a bad idea. Now we've really given him license to act like an idiot. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I simply CANNOT take on any more games at present. I am WAY over my limit and don't want to play YOU anyway ... you probably play with FOW off and therefore you may feel free to FOW OFF! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jo you worthless nog. I always knew you were a coward at heart. Hiding behind your grandious titles of Persecutor of the Dead or Grand Incontinent Torpid Poobah or whatever, and hiding behind your Lackies Lardass and MrSpkr (really MrSpnkr, how unseemly for a full fledged Knigget to be the toady of Comrade Xia). The Great Jo Xia has not the time for the killing and entrail ripping that are the reason for our very existence. Instead, you prance about like some la-dee-da poofta spouting off about red brassieres and stroking things and other such gibberish.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: You lot are all rather silly. So some of you are going to have to send Setups. PeterNZ dynamo@pobox.com for your suplications<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good. Your back. How about my file Boyo. I thought my tanks were going to rust waiting for your return.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: I will be loyal to my liege and stab the rest of you in any soft bits I can reach. There you have it, up front. Whuddaya say?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The best part, my faithful little Toady, [rubs hands gleefully] is that he has NO SAY. [HE HE HO HO] The only one that matters in these decisions is Sir Lorak the Loathed. Oh, sure, Comrade Xia can posture, whine, complain, threaten and bluster all he wants, but it is all the rant of an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  24. A couple of points: 2((1): <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Comrade Xia: I don't make the rules Marlow I just enforce them ... and as soon as my appointment as Grand Inquisitor to the CessPool comes through there'll be some SERIOUS enforcement going on around here). [/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know Jo, it seems you are doing a bit of both lately. Like the scorpion in the story of the scorpion and the frog, you can't help yourself, it is your nature to try to impose a totalitarian framework on the 'Pool. Once a power hungry megalomaniac, always a power hungry megalomaniac. It was bad enough when you cajoled the title of Persecuter of the 'Pool out of the Old, Infirm and Incontinent Ones, and now you want to be as Grand Inquisitor to the CessPool or somefink? Saints preserve us. I guess I'll just have to give you a good spanking on the field of honor to put you in your place. One of the Byte Battles™ will be winging its way to you this very eve. Bravo: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: ook! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well put. This is your best work so far. III. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Shoe Jaw, perhaps you need to borrow the 'Brick' in order to fully explain to Marlow the error of his ways?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, sure, give the Oppressor of the 'Pool one more tool to control the people. Didn't someone once say "blunt trauma to the head is the opiate of the masses"? Q: Finally, a question for DER KESSEL boys who frequent the Cess (Yes you too Andreas). A while ago I posted a query to the Scenario Talk part of forum, but got no reply. I am still looking for a map and other information on the battle the CCB of the 4th Armored fought on December 23, 1944. Chaumont is on the southern shoulder of the Bulge, and the 4th was driving to relieve Bastogne. So far, I've read the versions of the battle in Cole's official history, MacDonald's A Time for Trumpets, some on-line 4th Division stuff, and a few other sources. These versions are a little sketchy and in some respects contradictory. What I think know: The German units involved were: - 10 - 15 StuG III's of the 11th Sturmgeschütz Brigade - Elements of the 5th Parachute Division (probably the 14th Regiment) - Possibly elements of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division - Possibly some heavy tank destroyers. Most likely 5 JagdPanthers from Heavy Panzerjager Battalion 559. The American units involved elements of 4th Armored Division (CBB): - the 10th Armored Infantry Battalion. - the 8th Tank Battalion. Conditions seem to be clear and either mud or wet. I'm still working on this, but have been unable to come up with a historical map of the area. I would appreciate information on a more specific OB, and anything on available maps. I have created a map from various narratives, but would love to have an accurate map to work from. So any help? Oh, and one other point: FINIS: I have two somewhat playtested fictional battles to offer to the pool. The first is a company attack on a German hamlet late in the war, and the second is a 2000 point battle for a bridge. [ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
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