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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. That thread was too young to die. Snipped at the tender age of 250. Sniff. Anyway, on with the show. Whoever is playing a game against Croda, please be sure to kill all of his Soldiers...He's very annoying. Persephone</font>
  2. I here that more enlightened oral surgeons are now using Jason C's posts as a replacement. Long Islands? Wuss.
  3. What an strange statement. Are you suggesting that for some reason a comparison with a serious "British" historian would yield the most obvious differences? Or are you suggesting that there is a lack of scholarly American WWII historians?
  4. Will you be patient? will you stay awhile? I have o'ershot myself to tell you of it: I fear I wrong the honourable Kaniggets Whose daggers have stabb'd the Pod; I do fear it. (well, at least it beats the hell out of the bad karaoke we had in the last thread)
  5. And Pigs fly. And Elephants are trapeze artists. And Donkeys are well behaved. And Lizards uphold truth and fairness. And the Sludge does not creep into your boots. BWAHAHA... HA</font>
  6. OK, since the regular thread starters are asleep at the helm, I'll start the new one: I have come to bury Peng, not to Challenge him [ March 06, 2002, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  7. Kniggets, Squires, GentleWorms (the rest of you can SOD OFF), lend me your ears; I come to bury Peng, not to Challenge him. The rules that Pods breed live after them; The Chrisl has mak’d off with their bones; So let it be with Peng. The noble Chrisl Hath told you Peng was ambitious: If it were so, it was a grievous fault, And grievously hath Peng answer'd it. Here, under leave of Chrisl and the rest-- For Chrisl is an honourable man; So are they, the Old Ones, all honourable men-- Come I to speak the rules of the challenge. The challenge is the thing, and to Peng it was first giv’n: But Chrisl says he was ambitious; And Chrisl is an honourable man. He hath brought many rules home to the ’Pool Whose E-mails did with PBEMs those rules fill: Did this in Peng seem ambitious? When that the SSNs have cried for lack of turns, Peng hath wept (well, maybe not): Ambition should be made of sterner stuff: Yet Chrisl says he was ambitious; And Chrisl is an honourable man. Twas in Peng’s name that the challenge grew, Many timed posted were the rules, Which he did as many times consent: was this ambition? Yet Chrisl says he was ambitious; And, sure, he is an honourable man. I speak not to disprove what Chrisl took, But here I am to post the rules I do know: You without status in the pool, SOD OFF. If you remain, you will be ignored. Get used to it. O SSNs with ambitions new, the challenge is the thing, Beware those above your station: Those Knights and Squires of the ‘Pool, They look up’n you as Floaty filth, Not worth the effort of lifted finger. Eager will the cries of SOD OFF afflict your ear, Er you try to reach their lofty heights. Oh all seekers in the ‘Pool, Know that thingies are not the thing, That insults are an aimed dart to be cast, Not a net with which to dredge the depths, Nor a tool for insults to race or sex.
  8. Point of order oh one of endless forehead, I believe that Lorak the MIA alone has the supreme power to scribe thus unto the Holy Cantolope: ”Justicar of the Pool - Joe Shaw” You MOldy Ones are sort of like the Supreme Soviet to General Secretary Lorak
  9. It did in Vietman at the tactical level, i.e. what we are dealing with in CM.</font>
  10. It did in Vietman at the tactical level, i.e. what we are dealing with in CM.
  11. That patent will not have much effect if the Army decides to use the pattern. Patents are a property right that is granted to a person (individual or corporate) by the government. Since it is the governments to give, it is the governments to take. In other words, the Federal government cannot be guilty of patent infringement. The only compensation due to a patent holder due to government use of a patent is under 28 USC 1498. This law allows the patent holder to recover some costs associated with the governments use, but would not be all that much. It is much like a taking under eminent domain. Bottom line, if the Army wants it, and DoD doesn’t interfere, the Marines can’t do much to stop it.
  12. Not an 88, but it looks relevant. Apparently American TD units were used in the indirect fire role quite commonly. Seek, Strike, and Destroy: U.S. Army Tank Destroyer Doctrine in World War II has quite a bit of discussion about TDs as artillery. The 3 inch gun on the TDs would have many of the same limitations as an 88 (high velocity, integrated charge, barrel wear), but they were still used in this role on a frequent basis.
  13. Yoo shut ye festerin' gob ye cock-eyed scenario makin' gimp bastarrrd! Half tracks agin Shermans! Feckin' Marders ain tha assault role agin Shermans'! Yoo are a four day olde piece o' chewed o'er gristle laddie! Ah'd rather ha'e BUM BOILS than plah wun o' ye vomit encroosted scenario creations agin! Ah' shoulda gin fer tha scenarios wi' bleedin' REVIEWS!! Yoo owe mae a stankin' QB setoop ye maggot fondler! Och hoo Ah hate ye, more tha' Cwoda tha Wenemous ! Ah'm gwintae kill sumthin', an' Ah'm lookin' at YOO Jimmy!! Bastaarrd! SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompoinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy</font>
  14. Hey Crodachoo, whasup with all this rustycar stuff? I know that you have that Napolean complex, and you are just trying to compensate for your many shortcomings, but we really don't need you filling in for Red Jo. Good old Lars, the Just-a-car understudy, and Assistant Drain Commissioner is running around here somewhere, and should be able to handle thingies ... I mean things until Jo gets back.
  15. I don't know if donkeys can handle abstract concepts like null sets.
  16. Cmplayer … Cmplayer … [mutter]Where is that lazy good for nothing squire …[/mutter] Drag your carcass in here and tell me if you have Sludge’s ears yet. Oh, and Sir Alphabet, How goes the battle? Are you still enjoying it? And one last thing. I hate you Speedy above all Aussies. Gamey flamethrower using bastige. Don't you know they are supposed to be useless. [ February 28, 2002, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  17. So, Algae Breath, you are actually winning a few of your games? How did you wind up as a Squire to the Earless One?
  18. How can any discussion of “Gamey” be complete without Gamey Recon Techniques. Make sure your read the entire thread to really understand the concept of “Gamey.” [ February 28, 2002, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  19. Lard, you are on the right track, but you fail to take into account that Aquaman is playing as the Germans. Everyone knows that all German guns were pulled by horse teams. Therefore, use of any transports except a horse team is Gamey. Since horses are not available in CM, any use of transports to pull guns is gamey. Also, since it is gamey to use guns without transports, any use of guns by the Germans is gamey. So, while your reasons are wrong and again demonstrate that you are cretinous mouthbreathing git, your conclusion that Agua is a no account, cheating-ass gamey bastich is right on the money.
  20. For I while now I've been wondering about the Aussies on this board. Most of them seem like fair dinkum blokes, but there are a couple of tight-asses that really could turn a lump of coal into a diamond. I wonder if they wear their undershorts a couple of sizes too small on the west coast.
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