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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. I'd love to give it a read. BTW, I'm already planning on buying TacOps once version 4 is released.
  2. Sheep! You are all Sheep! (down Mace) What is with this "oh, I really don't think that this ladder tourney that Red Jo is starting is a good idea, but I guess that if the Rent-a-car say so, I guess I'll just have to go along." Don't you fools see it for what it is? Just one more foot down the slippery slope to the Dictatorship of the Justicarite. This madness must be stopped now before the MBT becomes... another stinking ladder. I only hope that it isn't already too late. Oh, the Horror ... [ July 15, 2002, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  3. Jo, this is really beyond the pale. Required to participate? Set up parameters? WTF? Is this Tournement House? Not only a ladder tourney, but with Clans!?! This is Madness. On the contrary, This abomination is against every tradition of the ‘Pool. I beseech the Old Ones to do somefink about the Rent-a-car, who has obviously gone over the edge. Stop this heresy before it is too late. [ July 14, 2002, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  4. We accuse Berli of nothing. Is he not the Prince of Lies? What do you expect when you conspire with the forces of darkness except to be lead down the road to perdition. It is you alone Sir Red Jo Xiawho committed this grivious act unbecoming the Office of the Rent-a-Car, and you alone who defiled the high office of the Drain Commission, and you alone that must burn.
  5. Oh the shame. You try to raise them right, but sometimes it is just not enough. This one always had a soft spot for old Red Jo.
  6. You forgot the part about " . . . with really SUPER EXTREME prejudice." Just trying to help. Steve</font>
  7. The TRUE Justicar would never have uttered such blasphemy, addle-witted fancier of Brigham Young's leftovers or not. </font>
  8. Aren’t they cute when they are all puffed up and playing the “my squires are better than your squires” game.
  9. It is best not to question (or even think about) these things. Yes, you’ve a lot of practice at bravely running away, don’t you Sir Robin … er … Jo Xia?
  10. Lunch Lady? Janitor? Proctologist? ( Stop me if you hear one you like, I'm just spit ballin'.) Honey Dipper? Rodeo Clown? Lawyer?</font>
  11. More slurs against House Rune, eh Red Jo? But I see that nothing changes with you. Also nice to see you running from rune’s challenge as you once ran from mine.
  12. Didn't know you could read. There was a hint of his troop placement in the brief, but it was probably a bit too subtle for you Lizard Boy. *** On a more important note, I am making my triumphant return to the MBT. I currently have games that have been on ice for a while with: Speedy, Sir Alphabet, jdmorse, Iskander, Croda, and Shandy Duncan. There may be others. I also vaguely remember a game with MrSpnkr, that I’m not sure if I ever formally surrendered. If not, consider it done. *** Nice to see my former Liege, rune, posting in the ‘Pool again (not that he ever did during my formative squire days). Never was a Squire more neglected by his master than I. He gave me a sharp stick, pointed me at Morse and his minions, and said “sick em boy, and make me proud.” And what happened next? After I dismembered the entire House Morse? Did he even acknowledge my deeds? {sob…} Did I even get a gob of spit on the head in recognition? Nooo. {sob…} Neither praise or the boot did I receive. {sob…} What did he ever do for me except to send me into the pool naked and alone. {sob… tissue please.} Now I here talk of him taking another squire? I can only hope that he takes better care of this one.
  13. Cool website. Thanks Andreas. Seems to me that question has been more or less answered. While the M1 was clearly superior to bolt action rifles, automatic weapons and volume of fire were better still. A U.S. squad with one BAR and 10 rifleman could not match the volume of fire of a German squad with its LMG, particularly when the squad had some MP44s as well. Modern armies have learned this leason, and most now have one or more belt fed LMGs at the squad level, supplemented by small calibre assault rifles. Even during WWII, part of the U.S. military recognized the benefits of high firepower. The Marines (as much as I hate to admit it) constantly increased the amount of firepower of its rifle squads throughout the war. By 1945, a typical Marine squad had 3 BARs, and each company had 6 .30 cal machine guns (enough for 2 per platoon) at its disposal. The U.S. Army overcame the comparative lack of firepower of its rifle squads by other means.
  14. Very nice. If you want to get even fancier, try creating a shadow for the main gun and machine gun on the deck and roof.
  15. The answer to your question is that the U.S. does not have subs crewed by potential war criminals. Your entire premise relies on the statement "Using nuclear warheads is a war crime, period." This is your opinion, and you are welcome to it; however, use of nuclear weapons in and of itself is not a war crime. Use of any weapon, from the club up to nukes can constitute war crimes, but it is entirely based on the context in which it is used. For example, first strike with a nuclear weapon against a population center of no military value is almost certainly to be considered a war crime. On the other hand, use of a tunneling nuclear missile on a hardened enemy command bunker or missile silo where the only likely casualties are enemy military personnel is legitimate.
  16. For the record, I raised the poor boy up quite some time ago. I requested that Sir Lorak the Lame do the honors, but he (as well as the moldy old ones) was asleep at the switch. So, since I don't have the energy to post a link to the original act: Squire CMplayer, In recognition of your completion of the five Cesspool games required for the Status of Kanigget (even though you failed miserably in the only two tasks I ever set before you, i.e. collecting the ears of one Lard, and referring to the Rent-a-car only by the name Jo Xia), I hereby dub they Sir CMplayer. {clubs him on the head with a Panzerfaust}. Arise Sir CMplayer I note with some satisfaction that you have chosen well for your first Squire. Make me proud boy. Also to all my poor ignored PBEM opponents, I am back, but will only be returning files sporadically for a couple of weeks.
  17. That has got to be the worst challenge I have ever seen. One extra Monday for YOU!</font>
  18. Hey Polar Bear Poop, I would say welcome back, but if you aren’t here to actually CHALLENGE someone, then you are as completely useless as the outerboard morons that are currently infesting the place. Please self administer the brick at your earliest convenience, and flush yourself down the central drain. *** Senility rather than invite the worst of the boardies into the MBT, why don’t you finish your little “Christmas in the Schloss” serial. Quite exciting. Just a few quibbles: You appear to have cast the hero in the mold of Coppola’s inferior Capt. Willard, who wanders around in drug addled bemusement, rather than in the original Charlie Marlow, who was a far keener observer of the human condition. I take it from this that you are the sort of person who prefers the American version of La Fem Nikita, Rimsky-Korsakov to Tchaikovsky, New Coke, and the Monkeys over the Beatles. *** In other news, I will be a little slow on my turns for a little while (as some may have already noticed). Work and family have once again conspired to suck up my CM quality time (unlike some of you useless wankers, CM at work is a big no-no for me). [ May 13, 2002, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  19. Hey Polar Bear Poop, I would say welcome back, but if you aren’t here to actually CHALLENGE someone, then you are as completely useless as the outerboard morons that are currently infesting the place. Please self administer the brick at your earliest convenience, and flush yourself down the central drain. *** Senility rather than invite the worst of the boardies into the MBT, why don’t you finish your little “Christmas in the Schloss” serial. Quite exciting. Just a few quibbles: You appear to have cast the hero in the mold of Coppola’s inferior Capt. Willard, who wanders around in drug addled bemusement, rather than in the original Charlie Marlow, who was a far keener observer of the human condition. I take it from this that you are the sort of person who prefers the American version of La Fem Nikita, Rimsky-Korsakov to Tchaikovsky, New Coke, and the Monkeys over the Beatles. *** In other news, I will be a little slow on my turns for a little while (as some may have already noticed). Work and family have once again conspired to suck up my CM quality time (unlike some of you useless wankers, CM at work is a big no-no for me). [ May 13, 2002, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]
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