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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Ok, Wako . . . that's just plain silly. "I'm sure I can think of somthing more fun to buy - and then I do." HA! What could be MORE fun than CMBB!?!? I think you are just being a bit to "stiff" in your unyielding opinion about the demo. Almost everybody has gone ON and ON about how much the full game plainly ROCKS (despite the Demo). Don't you trust ANYONE? Not trying to be abusive, I just think that you will be so pleasantly surprised once you've got the game. (That is if you truly adored CMBO.) Gpig
  2. Heh heh. I'd love to see YOU fit inside that little tank. I'm assuming YOUR tank will be a tad larger. What will YOU be using for tank tracks? Gpig [ March 15, 2003, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  3. I think that was my favourite thread of ALL TIME!! Sigh. I think I'll go have a nap, now. Gpig
  4. I've found them to be pretty useless. Maybe their worth will become more pronouced the longer the ranges. (Would make sense.) I had a duel with with 2 of my Marders at about 800m versus 3 t-34/76's. I lost both Marders (and a 3rd Marder, later) to the T-34's. Also, with only 15 rounds of AT, I was soon out of ammo. My Regular and Veteran Marders seemed to miss an awful lot of shots. By the time they zero'd in, they were down to 4 rounds remaining. Why does the Marder (an AT platform) have so few AT rounds available in it's loadout? Of course, this is only ONE engagement. So I really don't have much experience on the Marder. But based on this ONE egagement. When given the choice, I'll avoid Marders in the future. Gpig.
  5. Nice! You should most defintily post this link to the CMBB forum. Gpig
  6. I'd pull 'em back away 10 to 20 meters and then AREA TARTET the pillbox. This way, even if they've used up their grenade bundles they will continue to lob regular grenades at the pillbox. They might not be continuing to attack due to the proximity of their munitions to the actual squad. (Don't want to blow up the squad leader!) Also, a "HIT" doesn't have to mean it's KO'd. Good luck. Gpig. P.S. I too, am in the Bay area (Oakland). Garden is getting there.
  7. Hmmm. Might be tied to that lil' problem where tanks sometimes came into the following battles of an operation with thier command lines attaching to a near by Company CO (from the infantry). This only happened (IIRC) if the tank lost it's own platoon commander tank in a previous battle. In your case, it seems your squad has somehow switched "sides" to an enemy HQ unit. And with FOW on, you cannot see the enemy HQ unit, but the command line gives it away. You might want to try and area target that spot where the command line leads. Target it with MASSIVE arty, or on board mortars. Maybe even direct fire HE. That might "fix" the problem. (I bet the enemy HQ hiding there will wonder how in the hell you spotted him!) Heh heh Or you could hunt down the turn-coat villanous scum-bag within your squad that has linked himself to the enemy! Gpig P.S. This does seem like a little bug. The 1st bug I mentioned, I thought was fixed in the 1.02 patch. But it happened to me just yesterday in an OP. Doesn't really last, however. The tank soon loses the command line once the battle begins. (So it's no big deal.) But in your case, it seems to persist. I'd make a save game and send it in to Madmatt. [ March 04, 2003, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  8. Hmmm. Not a problem for me. Unless I have my units scaled WAAAAAY up (+4). Then the models are actually bigger than their bases when viewed from way up high. (Top down view.) Sometimes, when the ground is uneven, the bases disappear into the terrain. I don't think this is what you're talking about though, right? Any of this close? Gpig
  9. Pz III's with the long 50mm guns and the THICK front armor. Those things are AWESOME!!! They look like a tank should look, in my opinion. I "used" to love the T-34/85. Especially after trashing all those Tigers in Danube Blues. WOOT! Last night, however . . . during a TCP/IP game I had 4 of the T-34/85's and was up against 2 pzIV's and 3 Stug's. I never even scored a single hit. I on the other hand, was NEVER missed! Ugh! Even while racing down a road at top speed, perpendicular to the angle of attack. FAST move! First shot. BANG/KLANG! CRASH. Heh heh. The germans out-spotted me. Out-shot me and out-reloaded me. NASTY!! The map was good for stugs, as well. Gpig
  10. How many of you, when playing a TCP/IP game (or even PBEM) practice some good natured deception talk using the Radio Toggle key? I've noticed that in almost all of my TCP/IP games there is a subtle game of guess work going on whenever info is passed back and forth during the game. It usually adds another excellent level of interest to an already stimulating match up. I played a TCP/IP game recently where my opponent kept me guessing in a masterful display of hidden troop movements and casual banter about game mechanics. For instance, he'd ask if 150mm HE could knock out a tank. (Heh heh. Does that mean he's got arty? Or is he pushing up an Infantry gun?) Then, when I told him that his 150mm I.G. (just guessing he had one) could most certainly knock out my tank if it had some "H" (Hollow) rounds, he acted like he had "blown" some info. Thus revealing to me a protion of his forces. Turns out he never did have an I.G., but I was fooled into taking it into consideration during my advance. Certain that I'd gotten an intel coup. Heh heh Have you been duped? Have you duped someone? Tell me your favourite stories. Gpig
  11. Heya Para! Did you ever get any OFFICIAL response to your vehicle turning thread? I'm hoping we can get some "movement" on this issue. Nyuk nyuk GPig
  12. Is there any way to see this movie over here? Has it gotten a distribution deal, or somfink? Is it on DVD yet? (Pant pant pant) Gpig
  13. I've been playing nothing but PURE ARMOR QB's (600 pts) on Biltongs campaign maps since the 1.02 patch came out. YAY! What a gassBOMB full of fun! Weeeeeeeeee! Also, I've been "locking" the camera onto my tanks and using the Zoom keys ( "[, ]" ) to act as the gunner (kind of). I magnify way in on the target and watch the gun's round go off into the distance, towards the target. You can hear the commander yelling. You can feel the tank shake (camera shake) and you can watch the distant destruction of the enemy through your gunners sight. I've noticed a couple of things while playing around this way. 1) Distant 3D models, when zoomed in on, look pretty bad. Like they are turned inside out. Gaps appear in thier seams. When they are moving, it's like they are turning inside out, or passing through a vertical slicing machine. Or "Clipping Plane." No big deal. Just an observation. I was just wondering if someone could explain the cause. Still, it's so cooooool to see a distant rise with the tall Steppe grasses painted against the horizon suddenly reveal a tank commanders head and torso rising along behind it, knowing that an enemy tank will soon be revealed beneath him. 2) Sometimes my gunner hits a target DEAD on, with the first shot. (rare, I admit.) But then, the gunner is likely to miss by quite a large margin on the 2nd shot. Wouldn't the 2nd shot also be considered a "sure thing" if the enemy target was staionary and the FIRST shot was a hit? Just a few observations/questions. Garsh, I love this game down to all it's itty bitty teeny weeny pieces. Gpig
  14. Really great. Wonderful read. I finally finished it. I knew it had to end that way, but it leaves me feeling empty all the same. :/ Gpig
  15. Wha? I didn't know any thing larger than a company (or so) of men ever escaped the Stalingrad encirclement. Were there other large units that escaped Stalingrad? Thanks, Gpig
  16. Coooool. Guess I'll be picking THAT issue up. Gpig
  17. I have seen some of this behaviour. Last night I gave an order to one of my StugIV's to rotate to cover a piece of terrain. When the turn had passed by, I noticed it had not rotated. Next turn I reissued the order. Nothing happened again. No indication as to why not. Next turn I just HUNT about 5m in the direction I wanted to rotate and that solved the problem. I have no idea why my stug did not want to rotate. Anybody else? Gpig
  18. Howdy! Thanks for your work. I don't know which ones you did but I'm sure they are great! (Everything looks great in this game.) I know that Moon (or is it Rune? I always get those two confused.) Posted a while back asking for all those who worked on models for CMBB to email him. I think you might find the thread in question if you do a search with keywords like "all who worked on models" or something. Or you can just email Moon. (Or Rune.) Whichever one of those two works for BFC. Gpig
  19. Madmatt should come along shortly and ask you to email him the SAVE game file. (whisper mode on) Sounds like a bug to me. (whisper mode off) Especially how you state that the marder kept on shooting, even though the LOS should have been blocked. And the rounds kept hitting the first building blocking the LOS. Madmatt will be along shortly. Gpig
  20. I'm immersed in CMBB but I've been playing one last PBEM battle with a pal of mine up in Canuckian land. This is a fantastic battle! I'm not finished with it yet so I have not even looked at the depot (as I don't want any spoilers for my fight). But I will review it. (Though I imagine it's been reviewed a plenty.) I'm playing the brits and I have to relate an exciting episode . . . . SPOILER!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My Veteran British wolverine has been exceedingly handy. All of my Dalmiers and Humber scout cars have been picked off one by one by the German light armor. Especially troubling are those damnable Lynx! I had steadily been moving up my wolverine to get an angle on those lynx. Luckily, I dispatched one, after he was distracted by some of my infantry. Then my tank destroyer crew took out a kubelwagen, another couple of halftracks and was angling in on the 2nd lynx. I had grown frightened of the 20mm german gun in CMBO. They almost always gave me a gun hit on the second shot. But somehow my Wolverine shrugged off a few bursts from the 2nd lynx and planted a round through it's kisser in the scattered trees near the village. Suddenly, a PSW heavy armored car appeared to my wolverines right flank (a full 90degrees) near the end of the turn, and fired a shot that missed! I was disheartened as I figured a 2nd shot would come at the head of the next turn, well before I could bring to bear my Wolverine's main gun. Next orders phase I happily notice that I have an existing HUNT order still on the books. So I change that HUNT order to a REVERSE order and move the waypoint in the opposite direction to the threat. This allowed my Wolverine to execute a ROTATION and REVERSE away from the threat from second one of the next turn. To my amazement, my crew managed to spin thier tank around and start reversing just as the heavy armored car fired another 75mm round from 161m! KLANG. Front turret hit, internal armor flaking! They had survived to retreat out of LOS. When I checked the stats I found that the PSW (75mm) has a penetration of 87 at 100m. The Wolverine front turret is 50 at 45 degrees. Whoa! That was close! Also, I was slightly higher than the PSW in elevation. Which probably increased the angle of deflection even more. These CMBO battles still hold a lot of drama! Though they may not seem as realistic compared to CMBB any longer. (I'm not sure I'd have been able to do the "HUNT to REVERSE and waypoint move" in CMBB like I could in CMBO.) Anyways, Andreas (Germanboy). Thank you for the fantastic battle. It's been a really fun time. Glad you spent the effort making the map and putting it out there for us to find. Gpig
  21. I believe the optics bonus (or negative) will apply to the vehicle throughout the battle, not just when buttoned. The gunner is the one who receives the optics bonus, and he is ALWAYS buttoned up (inside the turret). Hope that helps. Gpig
  22. Good post! Thanks for doing the testing. I think maybe that just having Cannister rounds take into account whatever cover they are shooting into, might make a big difference. I have ZERO real world experience with cannister or HE. But It seems to me that Heavy buildings (such as a church) would be the ideal place for infantry to find cover from somthing like Cannister rounds. I mean, even heavy calibre direct fire HE rounds do less damage to infantry inside heavy buildings than Cannister does. I don't know if it's possible to fix/change/tweak. And I don't really care that much, since it isn't REALLY a big problem. I can live with it since this game is so incredibly satisfying on so many other levels. But we can dream about that PERFECT game, can't we? nyuk nyuk. Gpig
  23. Cool. Interesting. I guess that's really what I wanted to know. And that is there is a way to avoid being killed by cannister rounds. Hunker down out of LOS. Still, I wonder if any type of cover has an effect at all on the lethality of the Cannister shot? It seems to me that you're toast no matter what type of cover you are in. Thanks for all the discussion. Gpig
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