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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Back to the original topic. (It was getting too cold in here . . . ) Actually, the assault boats in CMBO *DO* have motors. (And a crew of 1.) If you click on the AB unit and hit return you'll see the stats for the vehicle that describes all that. I could never figure out why (according to the stats) the single crewman could not turn the boat around and motor back to the opposite shore and pick up more troopers. Gpig
  2. I know that one of the fellas at BTS (I think it is CHARLES himself) was/is an animator and does the animations. I myself am an animator and would LOVE to get my hands on a project where I could animate troopies on the assault. It WOULD be a nice change for the animations to mirror the new commands. But they mostly work just fine as it is. It would be great fun to animate Grenade throwers. Scurrying troops. Crawling. Hit/wounded troopers. Close combat. Tank commanders swaying in their cupola's. Good stuff, no? Maybe for the engine rewrite. Gpig
  3. Heh heh heh. I'm sorry you feel that way. Hopefully you can still get some fun out of it. Or I guess you can send me your copy. Gpig
  4. Has Trajectory been active recently, here-abouts? I'm looking to have him finish up his first mini-tourney (100 minutes) but he has not been responding. Anyone seen him around? Gpig
  5. Well, that's just it. We *are* all finished, yet our grand poobah/leader/trajectory seems to be off on holiday. Oh well, I'm sure he'll get round to tabulating the final scores eventually. Gpig
  6. Hi Benpark. I hate to state the obvious, but . . . You are creating a scenario with Italian forces? There will be a flag on the map (at least one). When you preview the map from the editor, the flag just happens to be where the bridge arch is? Can you click on and move the flag? I'm just not sure if your message states there is a flag that is "part" of the bmp of the bridge, or if there is simply a flag standing in the same place. Sorry if this is not at all what you're talking about. Gpig
  7. Does anyone know if the little Russian bi-plane with the nickname "sewing machine" made it into the game? I was reading about how it used to do night attacks over stalingrad. It flew into the battle zone and then switched off it's engine to glide in on it's target run. Then they dropped one bomb. (Don't remember if it was 250lbs or what.) Sounds like a nightmare. Gpig
  8. I just played a battle and had some good success versus Tigers with my 2 SU 152's. Using the Shoot and Scoot command up to a hulldown position on a ridge, I managed to take out 3 Tigers over 5 minutes. (All the Tigers were in the open. One of them being previously immobilized. All were buttoned up due to Maxim fire.) Nice! I also noticed that Tigers make short work of IS-2's. and Panthers are D*MN Deadly!! Yikes! Gpig
  9. poit!!! (Jeez it's quiet round there here parts.) Gpig
  10. I'm currently playing the same scenario PBEM. I'm the Russians and I'm enjoying the same success (so far). (Knocks on wood.) I've puddle-jumped my battalion forward across the whole width of the map. Tanks and MG's and Mortars in support positions. As soon as the Germans show themselves I let 'em have it with everything I got. Except for a couple of platoons that run forward under the covering fire to the next good cover. These platoons will take over the covering fire for the platoons running up next. I even started shelling likely locations for germans positions before I spotted any. Since these T-34's have PLENTY of HE. (GRIN!) EFOW is great! I feel like I'm really fighting a realistic battle. So far the feared and improved MG's have not had much of an effect on my troopers. With the volume of incoming fire directed at them, they only manage a few bursts before eating the dirt. FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!! Gpig
  11. Hey Ryddle!! You Got it!! So we gonna set up a couple of PBEM's? (This *is* the Ryddle originally from Edmonton, right?) Gpig a.k.a. Jon
  12. Huh! Interesting! Thanks Hoop! Now, you said "create an extension just for playing the game." I guess I'll look up how to do that. (Unless you're feeling long-of-wind at the moment.) Also, I'll upgrade my OS (if you think that'll really help.) Thanks again! Gpig
  13. OK! Game over. My opponent surrenders. Will send more info soonest. I reckon this tourny is now in the FIN bin. So, like . . . who wins? Gpig
  14. Hmmm. Turns out I DO have a built 3D card and it is 16mb of VRAM, not 8Mb. I have 194Mb of memory. (with another 194 virtual memory.) Shouldn't this be more than enough to give me a smooth running game? It's beginning to get a little frustrating. Thanks, Jon
  15. I'm using OS 9.0.4 with a ATI Rage 3D accelerator (I think). It's a G4 Mac. 400 MHz I did a restart and it was a bit better. I increased the "preferred" memory for the application and that seemed to help a smidge, as well. It is still a bit slow, however. There are lags for certain camera movements and actions. When using the mouse and keyboard to adjust the camera, it moves in big chunks. I often find myself overshooting my location due to camera "lag." Also, there is a delay of about a second when deleting waypoints. Select waypoint. Delete. Then wait a second for the waypoint to disappear. Any OTHER tips on how to speed up the game? THanks, Gpig
  16. Awesome! Just a few niggly things with my rig and CM:BB. It drops frames during movie playback. It "chunks" along while moving the camera (with mouse, or keyboard). Not smooth like in the Demo. I guess it's overall just a smidge "slow." I'm using a mac G4. Any tips for speeding up the game? Mucho appreciato! Gpig P.S. LOVE the game!
  17. Heh heh. Nyuk nyuk. Looks like the pressure is OFF, over at BFC. Gpig
  18. Oooooh YEAH!! I was playing Citadel last night, as the Germans. SPOILER ALERT!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My armored forces were proceeding nicely along the map with a few losses so far. 2 PzIII's and 2 MkIV's. We'd already taken out one of the KV's. I knew the other one was out there somewhere. I was hunting along some rolling ground with my platoon of PzIII's when we flushed out the last KV from a small wash. It was like hunting quail, when suddenly a flight bursts from the underbrush. He started reversing away from the engagement but in doing so, opened himself up to targetting from 3 other PzIII's. His hiding spot would have been a better place to duke it out from, even though the ranges were down to under 100m. MG's rattled and hatches were slammed shut. My lead Pz reversed and smoked (having had his gun damaged earlier), escaping to safety as the KV's first shot whistled past. Then the KV started getting NAILED! Pings! CRASHES! KLANGS! Klunks! CRUNCH! By the end of the turn, there were 5 Pz III's taking shots at him. It must have been hit 25 times! Slowly the tank rolled to a stop while still under fire. A couple of surviving crew members ran for it but were mowed down within seconds. Nasty stuff. But it was amazing and thrilling to watch. GREAT JOB BFC!!! Gpig
  19. Whoa! Careful there! They just might do what my Dad would do in this situation . . . "Alright. We'll release it the FOLLOWING Monday. On the 23rd. And you'll LIKE IT!!!" Gpig
  20. Yeah, I was all set to do a scenario based on that Bogart classic. Heh heh. Oh well. Oh, and Steve. That's HOCKEY players, eh? (I didn't know that us Canucks built the valentines. Cool.) Gpig
  21. Holy Geez, fellas. Lighten up a smidge. Gpig
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