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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. 4 years in Canadian Reserves as a signaller Got in to pay for beer and strippers.
  2. Actually David I, I believe you are thinking about pre-registered mortars on turn one, using a TRP for the rest of the game. If you move THOSE mortars during the game, they will indeed lose the ability to fire on TRPs that are out of LOS. But they can still use any HQ as a spotter for NEW targets, and remain out of LOS of the area fire target. Gpig
  3. Pvt. Ryan, I'm glad they saved you. You are on fire today. Gpig
  4. Heh heh. Yeah MW44, picture this as the latest television spinoff of the Crime Scene Investigations series; CSI: Normandy 'Course, they'd discover it wasn't Typhoons or Fireflys, but it was Wittmann's envious french lover. Having found out he was soon going back to Germany to be re-united with his wife, she seduced a morally corrupt German artillery officer. Together they hatched a devious plot to drop a short round of 150mm arty on the back deck of Wittmann's Tiger during his famous counter attack. It's all there in the one remaining piece of evidence . . . nyuk nyuk
  5. It took a while, but well . . . there you have it. The Doctor is in dah house! Thanks Kingfish. Gpig.
  6. Be able to actually blow up my opponents REAL home with a well placed artillery strike.
  7. Major S.V. Radley-Walters of the Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment. (There is a picture of him recieving his Military Cross from Montgomery in NO HOLDING BACK Operation Totalize pg.238). "Rad" probably ranked in ability with the best German panzer officers, but he was hobbled by an inferior tank. (He and his C Sqn *may* have been the ones who got Michael Wittmann and his Tiger 007, 8 August 1944.) Gpig
  8. Oops. Heh heh, missed that pesky "France" word there. Thanks, j2d.
  9. Hi JasonC. Would you email me your ME Scenario, please? I have a friend I want to PBEM an ME with and this sounds interesting. But he's tired of the desert. Is it a desert battle? Thanks, GPig
  10. http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/8593/cmx28af.jpg' alt='cmx28af.jpg'>
  11. Ha ha ha! That was awesome. Thanks! Gpig
  12. ". . . a soldier lying in a slightly different way than KIA . . ." Get's MY vote. *looks for ballot box*
  13. that should be "SKATES" over to the penalty box!! Grrrr
  14. When a tank is "wounded" you still have to take care of it. Find a place to hide it, or try to use it in some other manner. At least until it's DEAD, then it stays there. If it's "wounded" and immobilized, it stays on the battlefield. In my junior opinion, there should just be 3 states for infantry. Healthy (incl light wound), WIA and KIA. For the sake of game-play. All's you REALLY need to know for infantry is 1)wounded? 2)how severe (no location is even needed) If it's severe enough to take him out of the action, he's now a WIA. The problem is, it becomes REALLY tricky after that (as Steve and Michael are saying). Just blabbin' here, but . . . When men are WIA they PANIC and can crawl to the nearest cover (or stay in cover if already there). Then the player can either leave them there, or, at a later date detail a half squad to take them to the rear. (Wherever that may be.) Like c3k said, allowing non-mechanical units (squad/half-squad) the ability to transport things (wounded) then it *might* work. *floats balloon*
  15. Only if you use a Aboriginal Didgeridoo for the blunt instrument. P.S. No Racoons in England? Hmmm . . . someone should really import them buggers.
  16. http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/ Is a Racoon a rodent? Please sacrafice a racoon.
  17. I likey your posties, jeff/c3k. Having the WIA be a abstraction seems out of place with 1:1 world view. Though I understand the difficulties in this WIA mess. Not an easy problem to rectify. Good luck! Gpig
  18. well Gryphon , , , I'd been meaning to announce this next weekend, but I guess this is as good a time as any. Here goes! My athlete's foot has finally cleared up! *bows* Thank you! Thanks! Stop! *blushes* Gpig P.S. you're welcome, Steve.
  19. If you have not already, check out the thread at the top of the Tips and Tricks forum, titled: "CMAK, CMBB, CMBO: Anthology of Useful Posts II." It's chock-full of learnin' goodness. Gpig
  20. I'm guessing she's going to urge him to reveal some REAL screen shots. I know I'd listen . . . Gpig
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