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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Slow but steady. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1487001#post1487001 Mord.
  2. Here's an update of what I have so far. I switched gears and decided to design all the faces before doing any of the full portraits with backgrounds (after already having 194 done). That way if I feel I need to resize, readjust, or redesign a face I won't have to go back and redo a couple hundred portraits (wish I'd thought of that before I'd done the others). I have probably have over 400 portraits that I have designed for this so far just to get to the point I am at now. Once I get the faces out of the way I can get to making the various styles. Mord.
  3. Excellent. Thanks, man. I am gonna check these out when I get a chance. Mord.
  4. A true CM addict. "Wife filed for divorce...anyway I have the halftrack white washed." Mord.
  5. The size looks fine to me. Really awesome work! I am loving them. Here's a couple quick references—see if you are happy. As nice as the camo ones looks I will use way more of the grau types. I've always been into that look more, going all the way back to CMBO. Mord.
  6. Here's some pics. After my little adventure with the Lynx in CMBN I need other people to verify, just to make sure. BTW the SPs are showing the same problem in CMBN. Mord.
  7. I gotta see these Heer helmets in game (not sure how much the screenies are enhancing them) but I have to say they are some of the best uniform centric textures I have ever seen in any CM game. That middle helmet on the right (guy with the smaller faust) is my favorite. Really top notch stuff. More people should be in here commenting. I'd really love to see some of these plain helmets for the SS and Luft! Mord.
  8. Nice work. The texture job is photo-realistic. Mord.
  9. Man, you need to get yourself a portrait mod to go with that beautiful UI! Mord.
  10. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that one. Very nice little mod. I had that installed at one time. You are welcome. Enjoy it. Mord.
  11. Ahem... http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2923 Mord.
  12. Nice vid and damned near text book maneuvering! They'll be teaching that engagement at West Point when the war is over. I agree with the StuG comment. Maybe a tad more on the cinematics too. However, as a study tool you pretty much nailed it as far as I am concerned. That would be a good AAR to point newbies to—give them a grasp of tactics at work. Mord.
  13. Did you do the Polish voices? If so, great acting! My one criticism would be to keep your wav files short. The really long screams (or any long wavs) don't usually play as good in game. A lot of times they get cut off or clipped by other wavs and it ruins the intended effect. I always try to keep mine under two seconds. Plus the game loads the wavs in virtual memory so I imagine bigger files would tax the computer. Your English is fine BTW. Mord.
  14. That was one of the first WWII books I ever read, all the way back when I discovered CMBO. I enjoyed it. Mord.
  15. Actually I think it was the opposite, they thought if anything else happened in the Middle East it'd end up being Syria. So, the scenario was deemed realistic even though it was fictional. The oxygen mask would make that kinda hard anyway...But I think you'll see it eventually, Steve has mentioned it enough times now. Mord.
  16. Very nice, Aris. If we could just get BFC to assign all the hull number bmps to the same turret number bmps etc. we'd have true variant vehicles. We are very close. Mord.
  17. I am in the bunker looking to the east myself. I am hoping my binocs pick up some movement...either from 70 years ago...or right now. I'll be happy either way! Mord.
  18. Thanks guys. @Buzz...LOL that is the short explanation...and just for the face itself. I could do a couple paragraphs on the entire process. But once you have templates made it does help a bit. @Canada Guy. It's mostly a question of continuity, the real faces look way different, more real, and throw the design theme out of whack. And then there's finding pics of faces were the angle is straight on. But then most of the time I'd have to make a helmet for them and so on. Much harder. Not out of the question for modern though, as I actually did this for CMSF and CMA. Lots more quality color photos of today's military. But I have to say the CMSF/A face portraits suck compared to these, seeing that I've added a lot of tricks and new techniques to my tool box since then. Mord.
  19. Something NEW for you guys to chew on. Considering this thread is almost a year and a half old it's probably about time and long over due! That goes to show you how burnt out that original CW portrait mod had me on modding. I don't know how Aris does it. Anyway, take a gander. You can pretty much disregard the pics at the beginning of this thread. I don't like them and will no doubt redo them along with the Italian portraits in this screenshot as they are just as old and tired looking in my opinion. As you can see this isn't just the CMBN faces ported over to CMFI with patches and stuff thrown on. I am looking to do a fresh mod with as many new faces as possible, so you don't get bored if you own both games. Though it's hard when there are only a couple face textures that lend themselves to decent screen shots, shrinking, and being halved in photoshop. To give you an idea of what goes on just to get one decent face, I pick a bunch of units in the CMFI editor, take some close ups with FRAPS, port them into Adobe and erase the backgrounds, then test and retest them in my template, resizing and manipulating them until I get one that looks good. A lot of times they look great until they are shrunk down and I am only showing half of them in the portrait window. Sometimes I have to cut pieces off other faces I've used; eyes, nose, mouth, or combinations there of, put them on the face I am working on, then blend them to keep from having a bunch of dudes that all look the same. It's laborious as hell but then sometimes I get one that is just awesome...most of the time adequate but useable. Sometimes, after they sit on my HD for awhile (like the Italians and US faces) I'll come back to them and hate them...and start the process all over again. LOL I am my own worst enemy. So, I am plugging away. And DC is firing up his CW brain...so you know what that means. It's gonna be comprehensive. Mord.
  20. REALLY good, inspiring, stuff, George, Umlaut, Tashtego, Ez, Kenzie...this thread has gotten really good over the last few pages. @George, I love when players do these little vignette pictorials (Sburke is fond of making them too)...they get me really fired up for the game. The story telling aspects of CM puts it in a class by itself. It's been that way since CMBO but CMX2 takes it to a whole nuther stratosphere! Great, great stuff! I can't wait until you get your hands on Bagration. Mord.
  21. LOL Sorry, man. I figured somebody had probably already found them. You probably listed them before I was posting regularly again. I am usually up on most threads. Seems like every time I go on YT lately there is another bunch of WWII vids that surprise me. It's to the point now where I get 90% of my documentary fix from YT. Yeah, the part I was most intrigued by was just watching the vehicles do their thing. There was a lot of footage that I have never seen and quite a few vehicles that I have never seen on film. I plan on viewing all the vids the guy listed. How many videos are in this series? Be nice to have it on DVD if they have released it on DVD. Mord.
  22. Yeah, I think the best bet is to avoid having two installs (if you use Win 8) from here on out. Mord.
  23. I don't know if this has been posted before but I ran across this video on Youtube. I can't speak to just how groggy it is but it seems to be a pretty good overview of ACs a HTs, with some good footage of them moving and the like. There seems to be a plethora of WWII documentaries on YT lately, a lot of which I have never seen before. If you like this one there are more from the same series which is called the "German War Files", at least that is what they are labeled. Any way, here is the link. Hope you guys dig it. I thought it was pretty cool. Mord.
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