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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Still hoping someone could take this on. see previous page for pic of what I am talking about. Mord.
  2. Yeah, I've been wanting to find out what the full parameters are so I can release a Mac version of all my Sound mods for the Apple guys. Mord.
  3. I am pretty sure I can back this up. Before installing MG I made a copy of my CMBN folder and labeled in 2.01 so I could continue a PBEM I had going with DC. I then installed MG. But when I'd click the exe for MG the parachute icon would disappear off the main screen. It'd show up the next time I restarted, then vanish the next couple times. I eventually deleted the 2.01 folder and uninstalled 2.11 and have had some problems here and there ever since. Mord.
  4. Besides fire (cue Buzz) which I am figuring is just a matter of time before it's in the game, I think my number one graphical want/wish would be hit decals on vehicles. I'd love to see even more damage (like Freyburg listed), but hit decals would hold me over for a good while. Mord.
  5. To Hell and Back by Audie Murphy. It's mainly based in Italy as far as I remember—action packed book. You probably have already read it but if not check it out. It's one of my favorite first person WWII accounts. Mord.
  6. There is one little niggling effect (that has bugged me since I did my CMSF voice mod) that I think happens in WEGO because of RT, or at least seems to happen; When you issue a target order in WEGO you immediately get the units voice response, it happens way before you hit the go button. I always figured the immediate voice response was a remnant of RT because it happens just that once. I have never heard units shouting to fire at something when they target on their own either. Whatever is causing it it's one of those little things I hope BFC will look at some time. Mord.
  7. It's like you read my mind with this mod. I was gonna request or at worse, make one. There are two "non combat in the background" mods out but they both have this really loud wind blowing sound all throughout and it was driving me crazy. So, thanks, it will make my modding life easier without having to turn the sound off and will be cool in the next battle I play. Mord.
  8. But Steve dropped hint a while ago about about (paraphrasing very lightly) "not having amphibious vehicles...yet." Who knows what that means? Mord.
  9. It was putting both on the desktop, "activate" and "Launch CMBN Battle For Normandy". The previous icons up until MG were titled "CM battle for Normandy" Yeah, the 1.11 is loaded. The only other thing that may have happened is that when I exploded all the brz's (back during the previous install) I might have moved the 1.11 brz instead of copying it to the rez explode folder. Another issue I have noticed on three installs in a row, is that up until I install 1.11, infantry won't show up. But that's a whole 'nother issue. Normally I would suspect Norton but I have it down now and it doesn't scan anything to do with CM. At this stage everything seems to be ok. Mord.
  10. That was almost as bad as the picture. Mord. P.S. Speaking of which, what did they do with her gibblets.
  11. Ok. So I reinstalled everything and it seems to be working fine. I have a suspicion/question. All the way up to MG, during installation, when I'd click the box to add a desktop shortcut, the old one on my desktop would be replaced. But with MG and 2.12 the install creates a completely new shortcut so I end up with two. The original called "CM Battle for Normandy" and the new one, "Launch CMBN battle for Normandy". Last time around (when I had the problem with the Lynx) I deleted the newest "Launch CMBN..." Could it be that the older shortcut was somehow pointing to a previous version and screwing up the textures? Mord.
  12. Well Happy Thanksgiving fellow Panther Killers and Sherman Brewers. Twurkey anyone? Try and keep that out of your head when you sit down to feast. Mord.
  13. Pretty sure I do. I was very careful about going in order. I spent probably 45 minutes installing. But I'll do as stated above and then at least I'll know I am starting with a clean install. Mord.
  14. Well, there does seem to be an anomaly here. I clicked the exe in the actual CMBN folder (not Desktop) and the other Lynx showed up but was missing the same textures. What I have noticed is that 2.0 does not overwrite the Desktop icon when it installs (I don't think the last patch did either). I end up with two...I think I deleted the newer one. That may be the problem. I'll uninstall and do a full reinstall and report back what happens. But I know I installed 2.0, I was very careful. Mord.
  15. @Phil, I am running the PC version. @Vanir, LOL I don't know seems they've always been that way. Mord.
  16. are sticking out the bottom of the chasis of the vehicles. Mord.
  17. Must have something to do with the mdr files then, seeing that mods don't help it out. Mord.
  18. I seem to be missing some. Is this happening to anyone else? I am running 2.12. I didn't notice this before hand but it may have been this way. I installed both 2.11 and 2.12 without any mods in the z folder. I get this problem using mods and without using them. I was hoping you guys could check your game before I do any more investigating to see if it is something that was introduced in a patch. Mord.
  19. Seeing that us modders got a "pat on the back" thread, I figured you guys deserve your own. I know sometimes you take a back seat to the glitz and glam of the sparkly (well more like grimy) new vehicle mods, uniforms, sound FX etc. and can get lost in the commotion of the next cool thing. So, thanks fellas, for all that you do...Your craft is probably the hardest of the community—the time, skill, and plain hard work you put in is much appreciated. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we look forward to what you guys'll will produce next and pull off as the engine and editor progresses. ^5! Mord.
  20. Yeah, this was driving me crazy in my last PBEM. I kept clicking the unit thinking they had the fausts and it'd end being a machine gun crew or something else. Mord.
  21. You should've been around when CMX1 games were kicking strong...modding was through the roof. Mord.
  22. Thanks Buzz. Glad you like it. Well, one way of making it easier is put your favorite division portrait in the same folder as your division patch uniform mods, that's what I do. So if I load up a 1st infantry uniform in the mods folder, the portrait will load with it. Makes it quicker and you don't have to remind yourself. Mord.
  23. There's no camparrison in my opinion. CMX2 is to CMX1 what CMX1 was to Steel Panthers. I can't play CMX1 anymore, it just seems to basic, the Borg spotting alone kills it. CMX1 games were awesome in their time, very fun and enjoyable but CMBN/SF/Fi and A-Stan are exceptional. They are worthy successors...after you play a bunch you might change your mind. Mord.
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