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Everything posted by 86smopuim

  1. Any half wit would recognize that the ants are leaf-cutter ants, which grown mold, be-y :mad: tch! Pehaps u drink crappy typical yank beer, so you wouldn't know a fine ale if it walked up and kicked you in your overly stretched @ss!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Edited to add this ----> :mad: [ January 06, 2004, 12:48 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  2. Hhahahaha, u SUCK! :mad: :mad: :mad: Check out MINE, now thats a waffle worhty crest. ale, ants, maggots, TNT all in a field fo waffles. [ January 06, 2004, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  3. :mad: :mad: :mad: I have stones, where do I sign? What do I get? [ January 05, 2004, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  4. The New Year finds me pitifully low on PBEM opponents. Most opponents either bailed sometime during christmas :mad: :mad: :mad: , or found thier asses handed to them on a diamond encrusted platter. Someone :mad: make scenario with cartoon levels of violence, TNT, chucking, flames, limbs and what not. Some other sucker then challenge me said scenario. Sigs are the coin of the realm and you shall pay dearly. :mad: smope at ponyshow.com
  5. :mad: Christmas and a :mad: :mad: new year to u too. X :mad: X :mad: , smope
  6. I am playing it versus another human. On battle 3. Its.. like no other battle out there. Unreal. Things really speed up by battle 3, as the losses are so horrendous. At first it to 20 minutes to generate a movies, but now its down to about 2. ( P4 1.4gHz, 756k Memory) If you are playing verus the AI, set AI to Allied, and "Computer PLayer: free to place units", or you will be really bummed. As for moving units, selecting and moving 1 at a time is faster than group moving. I made an experimental version of this scenario by removing ALL the shell holes. That really sped things up in all repsects. I have it arround still if u'd like. Email smope AT ponyshow.com for it (Changes strategy quite bit, but hey..)
  7. Operation, CMBB Tank Warning! by Franko Intense. Battle field situation idealy matches AI capabilties. I haven't won it yet. First battle and a half I thought I was winning, by ALOT. I was wrong, by ALOT. Curse you Franko! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Special Request: Some maggot make a Goodale-Worthy Scenario, ya know, lotsa splody things, l33t SMG squads, fire, TNT and other neat-o stuff. Then some other maggot take me on in said scenario.
  9. Special Request: Some maggot make a Goodale-Worthy Scenario, ya know, lotsa splody things, l33t SMG squads, fire, TNT and other neat-o stuff. Then some other maggot take me on in said scenario.
  10. You hear that dalem, O Ye Right Wing Oppressor of the masses? You'll be the first to post in that thread, Sigs and Shame! An Aside: Dungeon Master had a cool Win/Lose sequence where you could torture your losing opponent.
  11. Ode to Goodale O friends, not these sounds! Let us chuck up something more pleasant, full of 'splodyness. TNT, beautiful divine spark, Daughter of Elysium, We enter, drunk with fire, O heavenly one, your holy shrine. Your magic once again blows apart With lips and faced divided, All Mankind become maggots With their crispy lips blown away. He who has the great good fortune To be friend to TNT, He who has :mad: :mad: :mad: , Let him mix his TNT with ours! Yes--and whoever has but one :mad: Somewhere in the world to call his own! And he who cannot :mad: , let him peng away, Weeping, out of maggot company. TNT is drunk by every waffler From Goodale's breast; Every good one, every bad one Follows his 'splody pathway. he gave us TNT, and musical dildoes, And one friend, tried unto death; Even to the maggot TNT is given, and the waffler stands before Goodale. Gladly, as his limbs fly through The magnificent plan of the heavens, chuck, my brothers, your own course Angrily, like Goodale off to conquest. Let TNT embrace you, O millions! This kiss is for the whole world! Brothers, above the starry firmament An ANGRY Goodale must surely dwell. Do you fall down, O millions? Are you aware of your Creator, maggots? Seek Him above the starry firmament! For above the stars Goodale dwells! [ December 20, 2003, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  12. 0Hahah, I agree. Tank Warning was Awesome.
  13. As mentioned abov ether eare several Meta Campaigns, out sid ethe CM engine itself ROQC, listed above(single Player) Biltongs Campaign Rules(single player) the very serious, multi player CMMC2, http://www.cmmc2.org/forums/ and the very not serious Onion Wars, multi player http://www.onionwars.net/ All of these are CMBB campaigns(at this time)
  14. I found Foster's Bitter in Shoprite, of all places. No, I'm not sending one, I'm drinking it. $2 for a 25 oz can in PA. That would be $8 for you in CA after all Grey's taxes...</font>
  15. I found Foster's Bitter in Shoprite, of all places. No, I'm not sending one, I'm drinking it. $2 for a 25 oz can in PA. That would be $8 for you in CA after all Grey's taxes...</font>
  16. Paybacks a bitch :mad: :mad: :mad: When I Am An Old Lady Then I'll live with my children and bring them great joy. To repay all I've had from each girl and boy. I shall draw one the walls and scuff up the floor Run in and out without closing the door I'll hide frogs in the pantry, socks under my bed. Whenever they scold me, I'll hang my head I'll run and I'll romp, always fritter away The time to be spent doing chores every day! I'll pester my children when they are on the phone. As long as they're busy, I won't leave them alone. Hide candy in closets, rocks in a drawer, And never pick up my clothes from the floor Dash off to the movies and not wash a dish. I'll please for allowance whenever I wish. I'll stuff up the plumbing and deluge the floor. As soon as they've mopped it, I'll flood it some more. When they correct me, I'll lie down and cry, Kitching and screaming not a tear in my eye. I'll take all their pencils and flashlights, and then When they buy new ones, I'll take them again. I'll spill glasses of milk to complete every meal, Eat my banana and just drop the peel. Put toys one the table, spill jam on the floor, I'll break lots of dishes as though I were four. What fun I shall have, what joy it will be Live with my children...the way they lived with me!
  17. My pinion CMBB vs CMAK, CMAK is not much better than CMBB. Its just a different theatre. CMBO vs CMAK CMAK is MUCH better. CMBO is more hollywood, CMAK more realistic. If you prefer west front/Afrika/Italy, I strongly suggest purchasing CMAK.
  18. Ok deal. Must win by a major. make it "fair-ish", I prefer italy/crete scenario. No side preference.
  19. Off Topic: Weren't you and I s'posed to go toe to toe with CMAK as soon as it came out. Kinda a Left versus Right mini mini tournamtent? If so, email me a double blind setup to smope no_f%#$ing_spam_at_ ponyshow.com?
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