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Everything posted by 86smopuim

  1. The fierce battle of Stalins Organ versus 86smopuiM is now over. So far, he has done the best against me of all u lot. 56%(Axis, me) to 44%(Allied, him), Draw. While not a certain victory on my part, its not the crushing defeat that he promised me. No sig for you! C'mon maggots, anyone else want to try?
  2. The oniobns campaign varies alot. I cant go into deatail, as there might be some of the vile Pink-0 fishies out there spying on what I say. Some battles are a total loss of forces, and some battles end up being just very light skirmishes. Depends upon operational objectives of both sides and how it plays out on the CM level.
  3. there are 3 campaigns that i know of out side the CM engine. They use the CM game engine to fight the abttles. The soonish to be single player Operation Storfang The very serious and detailed CMCC2 the not seiousm, but seriously fun Onion Wars [ November 12, 2003, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  4. another problem if you want dueling snipers, is that at range that snipers are willing to fire ?100m-200m+?, they pretty much can't be spotted. So you will end up with both snipers just sitting there staring into woods 200+m away. You'd need a toon to try to flush the opponents sniper out. [ November 09, 2003, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  5. Little does wallybob know he has just moved his OT-34 into a hornets nest of amphetimine addled elite german storm troopers :mad: , and try as he might his gun damaged KV-2 just isnt all that menacing. He wont be getting my sig any time soon. It's only 3+ turns until I put the finishing touches on the crushing defeat I about to hand stalins organ. :mad: That'll leave room for one more PBEM opponent if any of you no talent sig snatcher wannabees want to try his luck against The Might That is Me! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. GRGRGAAAAARRGH!!!! Uh, who are you agreeing with? The philistine or the bawl sack? :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  7. Just becuase I agree with you doesnt mean I dont hate you. Maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ October 29, 2003, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  8. read this. Not only is it very instructive, its hilarious. Ligur's scouting how-to.
  9. more physical memory an help jumpy camera action.
  10. In the scenario parameters, second screen from the parmeters button, make sure u have X number of small and large flags. Then go into the Map preview mode and move the flags about. Very odd. I see them in the scenario editor when the date is set to Sept 44. They should be at the bottom of the Armor section of the German units.
  11. :mad: I'm back and I am mad as hell. Just for that cute little comment, I'm gonna make u wait antoher day before I send you a turn. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. Does any grog know in which countries ?1901? US 3" gun served? Does any grog know where to get a shell? Any grogs have info on parts, accessories, etc for 1900-WW1 military stuff. 3", 5", 10" guns and 12" mortars?
  13. I will be away for about a week, polishing 10" naval guns. In the mean time, every one of u sunza bizwitches owe me a turn :mad: :mad: And Abbot, u owe me and master waffle chucker a setup :mad: :mad:
  14. Speaking of cold dead hands.... Wasn't Abbot or some other lip challenged maggot s'posed to be making a scenario so as I can pound MGoodwaffles face into the dirt again? Me: Eat some worms you assmonkey! Goodwaffle: mrrmppmmmmphfff Me: Had enough? No? Ok have some more!!! :mad: :mad: Goodwaffle: mplehmrrmmmrffff
  15. You can have my TNT when you pry it from my cold dead hands! :mad: :mad: :mad: Same goes for my BB disk! :mad:
  16. I reviewd your damn scenario in a positive fashion to counter those fanbois. :mad: :mad: :mad: Thats the last nice thing I do for u, EVER, maggot. :mad:
  17. I got beaten bloody senseless by Axe. I.. dont want to tlak about it. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  18. How about "There is a god of war, and MasterGoodale is his name, and 86smopuim beat him 98 - 2" </font>
  19. Haha, i am still playing thumpre. All indications show he going to kick my ass. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  20. all right flint chippers, u want a piece huh? Setups sent. We're playing for sigs now. Major gets my sig, or yours.
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