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Everything posted by 86smopuim

  1. A power outage :mad: , internet connectivity lost :mad: :mad: , and a fine collection of crispy lips to oversee kept me from my duties. Forgive. Eduhted fore speling.
  2. Any chance of one of u @ssmunches making a TNT filled scenario worthy of Goodale himself,full of Elite TNT chucking, then another of u b^tth@1r flossers challenging me to said game? No? I didnt think so you panty wastes. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Yes, this is very true. Try out HMGs, they are WAY better than in CMBO. Yes, sortof. Yes. And yes you can, by moving the way point. However I find the TaCAI most often ignores my changes and crawls towards nearest cover anyway. You can also change the waypoint to some other move type as well, but I find that the change rarely "sticks" until the units has reached cover and become un pinned. There are already substantial delay penalties for being pinned. You do have the ability, but the pinned unit mostly igores firing orders. See above [ November 30, 2003, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  4. So, none of ya have the stones to challenge Peng? Not surprising from this bunch of lower primates. Hell. you even cower from the likes of Joe Shaw. Pathetic, simply pathetic </font>
  5. Been there, done that - I'm the Gondorian spearman cowering behind rubble on the far side of hte river for 1/34 of a second in Osgiliath (or whtever it is) in The Two Towers! </font>
  6. I thought I was kicking ass the first battle and a half of the operation, but then it became painfully obvious, its game over. Has any one won it? If so, how?
  7. These dorks owe me turns: </font> Maggots :mad: </font></font></font></font></font>wally-bob QB pregenerated map, early war</font>Dave H, maggot extrordinaire, QB pregenerated map</font>goaTHumpre QB, the first and last PBEM he may ever win against any one :mad:</font> </font> Non-Maggots :mad: :mad: </font></font></font></font></font>BadJoke 'stab stab' the finn QB Auto Generated forces</font>Larsen Fruhlingsswind</font>GravesRegistration Operation Festung Breslua</font>Gary Sweeting Operation "To The Volga", battle 3</font>Dogface mayhem, scenario name un remembered</font>Zarquon</font> I owe this non-maggot a turn: </font> Bomber the crazy aussie.</font> There may be others, but they haven't sent me a turn in so damn long I have forgotten who they are. That leaves room for 1 more. Now which one of you @ss hair flossing sunza bizwitches has the stones to take me on? [ November 25, 2003, 03:14 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  8. The few times I have seen CMAK MGs in action, they seem even more brutal than in CMBB, is this just me?
  9. Sorry for the delay. I too me a while to debate whether I should kill my self due to all the smileys and crap polluting this thread, or whehter I should go about kicking the main offenders ass. The turn is in the mail.
  10. hmm, odd. I thought they sounded a little 'modern' too. I am not sur what that meant, or why, but that what I thought. Thats my favorite new sound. Overall, I think the sounds are f%^&*g fantastic, even down sampled.
  11. All this blathering and not a single :mad: For shame dave, for shame! :mad:
  12. You may have better luck on gamers hell than the other down load servers. 15 minutes for me. I only tell you this becuase I hate you and want to kick your ass sooner. obligatory :mad: :mad: :mad: [ November 20, 2003, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  13. [note]I am in no way connected to BF.C, so take what I say with a grain of salt[/note] I think the answer is thus: WAY back in day of CMBO, when a gun was targeting a tank, and said tank was moving and say, moved mometarily behind a building along its move path... your gun instantly stop tracking the tank. When the tank was momentarily out of sight, the gun would stop targeting the tank and rotate back towards its original facing. When a second or 2 later the tank came from behind the obscuring obstacle in its move path, your gun would have to re-aquire the tank. People, i.e. you lot, rightfuly wailed bloody murder. "Why doesnt my gun track the tank, it was only hidden for a second!!!? :mad: :mad: :mad: blah blah blah". So what you see is the fix for that "bug". The gun is tracking the probable location of the tank, even when out of sight, so it can pop one off when it reappears. [ November 20, 2003, 12:48 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  14. True. It generally guesses correctly, but not always. My guess it uses something other than CPU ID to figure out who's faster(A wise choice for game longevity). I think it depends upon CPU load/ memory at the time of the calculation. I wish I could pin this down how it is determined.
  15. True that the reviewer got a bum deal. I suspect it s a very abnormal experience. His bad experience counts as 1/3rd of the amazon score. Add your review to even up ratio of good exp versus bad, to make the score more in line with reality.
  16. 1 of the 3 Amazon.com reviews of CMBB Amazon.com CMBB page this guy gave it 1 of 5 stars. Go to amazon, give your honest review of the game. [ November 18, 2003, 09:23 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  17. Goodale has left the building? This is not the birthday present I was hoping for. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  18. Goodale has left the building? This is not the birthday present I was hoping for. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. dont know how that got in this forum... [ November 17, 2003, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  20. did you target any paticular unit? If not, try it. Or use area fire. Or Covered arc.
  21. :mad: :mad: :mad: You are correct sir. You are The Uber One. As you are so Uber, you send me te setup. This time it's for sigs.
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