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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. The saga continues: Another PBEM : I order a 76mm AT to take out a Panther(?) from 450m. The first shot (AP) was missed, the second broke up. At this point, the leader of the gun crew would IMO shout 'Damn, we need something stronger for this, load tungsten!'. Instead they fire 4 more rounds of AP - with 3 direct, but ineffective hits!!! This is no fun. One more scene : a german Armored car is surrounded by 4 half-squads in close range. They throw 6-8 handgrenades on it, most of them explode on or close to the AC. Okay, maybe I don't must expect that the car is taken out...but why it's not immobilzed with a half dozen grenades? Were the wheels made of steel, too? ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  2. Ehm, how have you found out that they fire in bursts??? Don't believe what your hear on the battlefield - the soundfiles are always the same, independent from the length of the burst. I must know it, cause I made them (I mean the mods, of course). ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  3. I want to know how much artillery usualy was assigned to Infantry platoons or companys or battallions etc. ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  4. Do somebody know the range of Rifle Grenades? ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  5. Hollow charges have the same penetration value at all ranges. And it still don't explain why the gunners don't try it. For what want they spare up the AP ammo? Halftracks? BTS, maybe you can clear this up?! ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  6. I have no idea what caliber is necessary to penetrate Pamela Anderson, but you better check the weapon stats for the 75mm Howitzer again: the AP sheels can penetrate up to 89 mm, the HE only a third of it. That's not good enough for the front turret, but it's good enough for the sides...and it don't explain why they don't try it. I would say : "BTS, we got a problem." ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club [This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 03-22-2001).]
  7. I ordered my 75mm Howitzer to fire on a tank from 200m distance. They had 30+ HE and 6 AT shells. They were able to fire 3 shells and made one hit on the Panther before they were taken out by the Panther. Now my question: WHY DO THESE IDIOTS FIRE WITH HE SHELLS ON A TANK WHEN THEY HAVE AT AMUNITION ????????????????????????????????????? ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club [This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 03-22-2001).]
  8. I recomment the Blitzkrieg Club. ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  9. Hi folks, I've updated the sound for the BAR and the MP-44. Enjoy! And don't forget to praise me ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  10. Hail to censorship or what? A CM-related question was asked. If you have nothing but a 'shut your mouth', then you will get nothing else back. To answer the question : I don't know a game that is worth to be compared with CM! ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  11. 1) Thanx, learned a new lesson 2) That's fine, too. ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  12. 1) Situation : Three squads move in over open terraine. I order my MG to fire on one of them. MG fires, the squads turn around and retreats. My MG continue to fire on the retreating squad for the rest of the turn, while the other two squads come closer without casualities. That's nonsense. After the first squad flees the MG should imediatly target the next squad. 2) When I wish to adjust artilleryfire out of LOS, I see only a red/black line and don't know when I'm outside the 'adjusting-zone', while I have a clear report when in LOS. And BTW, it's nothing post WWII that the fighting troops was used to adjust fire, not only special Spotters. Maybe we need a additional chain of command, from the squads to it's HQ to the Spotter? ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  13. Sorry, my mistake - I had two 8-inch guns instead of a gun and a howitzer. I better go to bed now .
  14. No, both have the same blast of 456m, I checked it.
  15. a) What is the difference between a gun and a howitzer, for example the 8-inch I can purchase for the US? Only a language question (I'm German): is a Mountain Ranger = Gebirgsjäger? Or is it simple called Ranger? ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  16. Yea-ha I'm currently killing a six-pack German beer and had an ear on the incoming artillery. The new sounds are more sharp and short, not like the 747 overflight we had before, I also shortened the delay between incoming woosh and exploding boom. Check the 'Guns' page. Let me know if you like it >HICKS< ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club [This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 03-03-2001).]
  17. 32 This means 88 years to - if I manage to avoid a marriage ! ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club [This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 03-03-2001).]
  18. . [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  19. . [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  20. That's something I really don't know: the VT shell is in princip a shrapnel shell, it explodes a few meters over the ground, yes? Why don't have the Axis this shells? They was already used in World War 1, maybe earlier, or I'm wrong here? ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  21. Hi folks, I've updated the sound for the 37mm gun and added an 'experimental' section where you can find sounds for unsupported weapons (maybe we should demand to implement them ), currently the quad-20mm and the quad-cal.50 ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  22. Have I missed something? Answer quick, threats like this will be locked very fast. ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
  23. I agree absolutly. That's the VERY BEST idea I've read in this discussion. But I think it will be difficult to realize. Something that should kept in mind - the games nows about the total strengh of both forces, and at some points it's simple math that one side won't be able to change the endresult significant. Maybe it's a first step if the programm recomment to cease fire? BTW, I'm not sure, but doesn't end a Close Combat scenario automatical, too? Do somebody know how they calculate this? ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club [This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 02-22-2001).]
  24. Ich hab zwar keine Ahnung um was es hier geht, aber um erlich zu sein, es interessiert mich auch nicht. Dies ist eine garantiert zweckfreie Botschaft ------------------ Keine Gefangenen! Visit my Combat Mission Sound Mods site! Scipiobase Join the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club
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