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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Skippio, CM2 is the one currently in production, dealing with the Ostrfront. CMII is the full engine rewrite, going into production after CM4 is complete. CMII will have all the whiz-bang features of today's video cards (meaning that by the time CMII comes out, those whiz-bang features will cost you about $40 dollars to afford), more physics effects like this collision thing, and a bunch of other stuff BTS isn't too clear about now. They arent even sure what the damn game will be based on! Rumor is, it's the hypothetical clash between NATO and the USSR.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh - I thought we would have the new (or intensely revised)engine already in CM2? This means, BTS needs only to update the units database!? In this case I want see every damned unit and vehicel from the eastern front, even if there was only a blueprint existing in May 45. BTW, I won't hear excuses about omiting rare units. We have Jagdtiger in CM, but only 48(!) were produced during WWII. BTW, where have you found the infos about the future of CM? [ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Point is, as BTS said over and over again, it would require some engine rewrite or another. It wont be in CM2, 3, or even 4. Maybe for CMII if they feel up to it. I agree it would be a nice feature, but a real b@tch to program.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't care what BTS wants. I'm customer :cool: Ehm, what is the difference between CM2 and CMII???
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Head Mahone: Yep, and your stupid ass "hi mom" crap is the height of intellectuality as well! -Head<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, I've missed that you're a fan of Shane McGowan. My Irish is a little bit rusty, but doesn't mean Mahone something like Sh!t? Or was it butt?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Splinty: When I was in the Army we had a family day that was held in the motor pool. One of the contests was, for $5.oo US you could take a shot at running over a junk car with a M113 APC. Now you would think that this would be easy,but it wasn't,most of the contestants (myself included)just ended up pushing the car around the contest area. I think that the track width and size of a M113 is comparable to that of a Sherman and most vehicals it collided with would just jam into the soil and become immovable without spending alot of time finding a fulcrum point to knock it over with. :cool:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The weight of the M113 is more compareable to an halftrack. Generally, I don't meant it literal when I said drive over a car. I'm pretty sure every car would be already knocked out when I just ram it with a tank, halftrack or only with a heavy truck.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Head Mahone: And I say your mates are full of sh!t mate! -Head<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And I'm sure the moderator will be enthusiastic about high intellectual conversation like this.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: ... you first must have some sort of collision avoidance coded into the game. Otherwise you will end up damaging your own vehicles trying to move a column down a road.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, that's another anoying point in CM. The simpliest solution would be the use of abstraction. An infantery unit can run 'through' a tank, cause the tank isn't programmed as obstacle for infantry - they are not a solid unit, they just run around it. So, why not program that friendly vehicels are not an obstacle for other own vehicels? In game abstractions: it looks like the unit drive through another unit, but in 'reality' the avoid each other. Would solve a lot of problems.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: I agree, I would like to see more fortifications and mines that are worth the money. But hey if we get bigger minfields in CM2 we gonna need mineclearing tanks. And as far as I know the Germans did not have one. Only a prototype. Come to think of it, did the russians even have one?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Both Russians and Germans had mineclearing units. They were called 'Prisoners of War'... but I don't think they were armored :eek: About cheaper minefields - I understand and agree to you're thoughts from the point of realism, and from the point of the defender. On the other side: have you thought about the fun if you must attack through a gigantic minefield??? BTW, Dschugaschwili, I like your ideas!!!
  8. IMO, vehicels - especially tanks - must be able to damage enemy units by driving over them. In CMBO I can drive a tanks into a Kübelwagen without effect for the car, that's very unrealistic. Same for guns. Usually tanks should also damage and/or cause moral loss on infantry units - at least when the infantery is pinned or unmovable. I also wonder why artillery has no effect on barbed wire & minefields, and why infantry can't destroy barbed wire - or can they?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by themaltese: Hi there! I am totally awestruck at CMBO! I was once a great fan of Panzer Commander, West Front, and East Front II. Now, CMBO combines Panzer Commander and West Front to a degree that's got me 100% addicted. When CM2 comes out, East Front II will be a thing of the past too! I do have one issue with CM, though, that I miss from the other games -- careers and promotions. It was a satisfying experience in both PC and WF to be "rewarded" with a medal or promotion after smashing my opponents! Is there a demand for incorporating careers and promotions into this already beyond excellent game? I, for one, would really like to see this addition. themaltese<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you want to make a military career by playing CM, join my ladder. 26 (or so) ranks to climb, 16 armys & 9 branches to choose from, quality rating, ladder image (also custom, if you want).
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LimShady: I noticed this too. See: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=6&t=001039 Chris<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I checked the scenario with the editor again: the tanks are not 'locked', but the mounted infantry is! I guess it was the idea that the infantery stay mounted til the first order phase...but it don't appears to be correct that I can't place the tanks together with the mounted infantry.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead: In regards to the disembarking, if there is a pending move order for the vehicle, the infantry tend not to hop off as tehy appear to fear becoming enmeshed in the treads Look at the infantry's command delay, then look at how long your pause is for the vehicle. If the two are nearly the same the infantry will stay in place and take the ride. Sometimes you need to leave a vehicle in place for nearly the entire 60 seconds.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I always try to give them 15 second between the infantry-delay and the tank-delay. They should get their asses up in that time
  12. In the 'Singling Shootout' scenario, I start with several tanks with mounted infantery. In the setup phase, I can't neither move the mounted infantry nor the tanks. Well, from some kind of view it make sense that I can't disembark the infantry, but why can I not move the tanks with the infantry on it? I've also noticed that the infantry don't always disembark when I give the order. :confused: Yes, they have enough time before the tank starts to move.
  13. I lost regularly vs the AI. And that's very good. This forces me learn more about tactics. Read my Sun-Zi or my tank encyclopedia again and again... And one thing I see again and again: it's not always tactics, it's often enough simple luck...my shell hit the enemy tank one moment earlier. Save a turn before calculation, then run the calculation three times for your turn, you have always another movie.
  14. ...another free soul become enslaved...
  15. Does exist a list that assigns all the BMP files to the vehicels/building...etctera? If so, where can I get it?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kverdon: We have all admired and supported the BTS manifesto of independant publishing. However, a recent discussion over on CDMAG's website has prompted me to do some investigation and further thinking. The truth is we've been had BIG TIME. Reviewing my Quicken account since the release of BTS's Combat Mission I can see hundred's of $$$$ that have been paid out to Amazon.com to cover book purchases covering historical opperations and units covering in CM. It is now obvious to me that BTS is really a black opps, secret subsidiary of Amazon.com. Steve and Charlie have really been getting commission on all book purchases at Amazon.com by customers that also purchased Combat Mission. THis is REALLY why CM is only available by the WEB, your CM and Amazon.com accounts are joined in a secret database. THE TRUTH IS OUT!!! Now BTS admitt that my dwindling bank account since the release of CM has been a evil plot between you and your corporate masters. <G> Damn!!! its those guys with the white coats again...... Kevin<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't believe him...the truth is: BTS is a Combat Training & Test programm. The BTS crew is not from planet Earth! It's a secret recruiting crew from Planet Rylos. The best CM player will be abducted to lead alien forces in a intergalactic war. I log out now...I feel they are coming for me... :eek:
  17. Can be seen this way, too : one less competitor. I don't know how much CM has been sold, but it seems the BTS way of sales seems to be not unsuccessful.
  18. I'm searching for informations about the (German) recoilless rifles. Someone can help?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: I looked at your sources. With all due respect, these "sources" appear to be nothing more than the extremely paranoid portions of the far, far, far right wing. The main page on the sprintmail site talks about the CIA trying to brainwash kids into "turning in their parents" (whatever that means) and such; the Amazon book is no longer in print. The one review, however, mentions that the authors describe how the US government conducted bio-war on its own citizens using black helicopters, etc., yadda yadda yadda and that all the books sent to his local bookstore had been purchased the day before by "men in bleck suits." Not very authoritative, I would say. MrSpkr<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, I made only a quick search in the net. Make it better if you are not contented.
  20. . [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackcat: Really? Do you have a source for this? Cheers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here's a page. Read the first passage. Info And here's a link to that book at Amazon. Amazon [ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skipper: Afaik, no chemical or bio weapon was used by any side on the Eastern front, although germans at some stage were seriously preparing to use some chemical stuff. Iirc, it was called Zyclon-B or some such. They even stockpiled of arty shells with this agent somewhere within Russia. Which has become known to the soviet intelligence. Whatever was the reason, the plans were withdrawn and the shells transported back to Germany. The source where I read this story was about soviet chemical warfare effort, particularly design and mass production of effective gas masks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Zyklon-B was used in Auschwitz. The Germans had stockpils of Talbun, Phosgen and Lost(mustard gas), but never really planned to use them - Hitler personal order, as far as I know.
  23. This is the first time I heard about it. My only informations about bioweapons in WWII was Churchills plan to bomb Germany with Anthrax, but war was over before they start - thanx god, cause I'm German :eek: !
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