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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Menu bar: Colors -> Adjust -> Hue/Saturation/Lightness Decrease saturation and increase lightness
  2. Just have seen this today. I've ordered my FT to area target a building. After three bursts, the building starts to burn, enemy troops start to leave it, but my FT still continued his area fire. Looks wrong to me. When I give an area target to a gun, and the building starts to burn, the gun stops to fire. Annoying here, the FT has given away most of his few ammo before the turn was finished, so I have lost 4 bursts (of 9) for nothing.
  3. It was? Generally I think the new model works mostly okay. I tested the 37mm vs a T-34/41 and made 4 frontal turret hits of 20-30 shots, all penetrations (at 225m), but non of them lethal, IRRC the tank was not even shocked.</font>
  4. It was? Generally I think the new model works mostly okay. I tested the 37mm vs a T-34/41 and made 4 frontal turret hits of 20-30 shots, all penetrations (at 225m), but non of them lethal, IRRC the tank was not even shocked.
  5. Unfortunatly, this is not modeled in CMBB, too. Or am I wrong here? BTW, Kloss, you should not make the beta testers responsible for everything. Beta testers only find problems and make proposals, but BTS make the decission if something must be changed or not. So you should not put them in charge for a problem that they may have noticed and may have reported to BTS.
  6. I think the problem - if there is any - is not the unmodeled(?) size of the turret, but the 'curved' armor. I have the impression that curved armor is easier to penetrate - is this realistic? I don't know. I propose somebody with enough time shall run tests to verify the suspected weakness of curved armor. I have a club to lead, mods to make and games to play. If there should be really a problem, inform BTS and expect a correction after the engine rewrite in ~ 3 years from now.
  7. Well, okay, there might be enough space behind the Schreck/Faust in a large building, also considering the abstraction. But I'm pretty sure this is not true for a small building, especially not for a peasant shack. A small building is about 7-8 meters, a peasant shack 5-6 meters. All the walls inside of the building or the very large Russian ovens etc are only abstracted, but still exists - at least I assume that all small buildings/shacks have not only one room and are completly empty. However, I agree that abstraction is an important factor here, and we can't forbid our mean to act as morons . Most of the answers above agree that is is at least very dangerous to fire such weapons from inside of buildings - so wouldn't it make sense that there is a chance that troops inside of the building can be injured - if not even killed - by such actions? Just change the status to 'pinned' is IMO stupid. From the manual : 'Hey, let's fire this weapon - this will be so exciting that we won't go anwhere else'. Or - 'Hey, this blast is strong enough to inflame the building. How good that we know it can't hurt us!!!'
  8. Well, maybe you should take your Panzerschreck and fire out of a window with a wall two meters behind you. Let me know about the result when you are able to use your hands again .
  9. Well known : when one of these weapons (or any other weapon of this kind) is fired we have a jet of flames 4-5 meters behind the weapon. Because of this, it is important that nobody is behind the weapon, and that the area behind the weapon is free, otherwise would the blowback torch your own arse when it is fired. Okay, outside of buildings can all this be abstracted. But inside of a building, especially the small ones? I think it shouldn't be possible to fire such weapons from inside of a buildings.
  10. IRRC Steve from BTS once said that even the crater sprites slow down the performance. It has something to do with VRAM, and CPU/GPU load. I'm not 100% sure about it, it's a long time ago, and I'm an very old man (33).
  11. The Jaeger squad with lot's of SMG is correct, AFAIK, I have seen the same TOE table in the Nafziger collection (I assume this source is right, it qoutes original WWII German TOE). What the sense should be? Jaeger troops are not just light infantry. Their speciality was (and still is) fighting in difficult terraine like woods and cities - I must know it, I was in Jaegerbattalion 66 during my military service Both offer only limited LOS, so a hight load of close combat weapons make sense. However in CMBB does only Jaeger/GB 43 squads use this TOE. I don't know about the real historical reasons - maybe the Fuehrer decided about it by inspirations given to him from his flatulences. [ October 25, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  12. It applies to all years and all German troops except Tankcrews and Volkssturm. [ October 25, 2002, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  13. <div align="center"> Download at WarfareHQ </div> [ October 25, 2002, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  14. Same problem here. When I make a setup with the German version, the US player can't read the file. At least not ALL US players. It helps sometimes when the US player makes the setup, but in several cases the game still hangs when the US player try to open the file that I send him back. Zipping the file does not solve the problem, so it can't be mail client problem. I contacted BTS about this (and other possibly related issues) and also send a setup I made with the German version. They had no problems to open my files, nor were they able to dublicate the other problems I reported. To be true, their answer gave me the feeling that they suspect I just would try to make fun with them. [ October 24, 2002, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  15. Mh, I remeber I have read several times that they indeed had NON winter uniforms in 1941, partially because Adolf had expected to be finished with USSR before the Winter. So they collected all types of warm clothing with the 'Winterhilfe' - including nice fur coats for ladys... maybe somebody want to create this mod
  16. BTW, why does the smoke trace use this weird polygons and not the 'normal' white smoke puffs? [ October 22, 2002, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  17. BTW, I wonder if I should use the same set for all branches. There were (AFAIK) no different Winter camo than the plain white, and even this one was often only improved. So there were no markings on it to differ between Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe or SS troops. Some input would be nice.
  18. I wonder why it is easier to spott them then the troops that use them? I would assume that the foxholes/trenches are camoed very well - at least this was teached to us in my military service. If I'm not (again) the only one who thinks so - is known if there will be any changes on that in upcoming patches?
  19. I bump my earlier question up again : where does Matt host his CombatMissionHQ? What is the pricing of this? He has tons of mods there and I suspect he needs a giant bandwith for his site. ***rrt-rrt-rrt-chicka-pfft*** I have checked this : both battlefront.com and combatmission.com goes to the same IP. So BFC is already sponsoring a mod site. I guess the bold headed one only needs somebody who makes the work for him [ October 20, 2002, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  20. I'm running into the same problem, made a scenario and found out that it could be better played as operation. It would be nice if the editor could be revised for this. I just wonder - has anybody ever attempted to decode a scenario file? Is it possible?
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