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Everything posted by Diceman

  1. Opened up my browser this morning to see that another Enron high level executive, Jeffrey McMahon, has resigned. I took up accounting as my major because it's a profession [sic] with the highest level integrity [sic]. If I have to do one more paper on sleazy greedy top executives cooking the books, and sleazy greedy auditing firms violating AICPA and GAAS standards for the sake of sleazy independence compromising consulting fees: I"M GOING TO HURL!! Sorry folks just had to vent some steam there. Now where was I? Oh yes, PepsiCo’s carrying of obsolete bottles as inventory was a violation GAAP standar... Oh dam. Now I need a new keyboard.
  2. I'm just not quite sure what to do with this one. You see, I have no desire whatsoever to ever be anywhere near your bowels. And, all the slobbering is just plain disgusting. I'm starting to feel the unease that my Lord felt when faced with the attentions of this errant equine. Positively horrible. Sir Hiram, I'll trade you all your Monday's for the ability to rid myself of this 4 legged stalker.</font>
  3. Ahh, Joe, Sire, long time no see. Glad to see you’re all settled in to your new job and all. Been frightfully busy as of late. Full time, college, full time job, and a full time family have just gotten the better of me. You wouldn't believe the monstrous FUBAR my boss dumped on me at work that I'm supposed to turn into a benchmark example of reimbursable collections. But I won't bore you or anyone else with the drudged details. You might try a little polish on those boots. They're a bit scuffed up.
  4. Feeling a bit elitist today are we? Please pass your feelings toward the little Easter Bunny cartoon onto PawBroon , the esteemed colleague of the MBT who first posted the picture here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=send_topic;t=024273;f=1 I think he'll especially appreciate the fragile mind part. It is apparent you consider yourself superior to the working man by right of birth and education. There's a reason that behind every successful officer, there stands a good NCO. Prose just doesn't cut it on the battlefield, for on the battlefield intellect is not measured by the artistic use of language, but by the artistic use of terrain, men, and equipment. It is the NCO who shines in the muck, the blood and the horror of battle, not the panty-waists above him who hide behind their sheepskins when it's time for the dirty work. If you have a shred of honor you'll accept my challenge to test will and intellect on the battlefield. How about a clear fall day, meeting engagement moderate tree coverage, modest hills, meeting engagement, mechanized, 2000 points. Pick a side.
  5. Originally quoted by Yeknodathon That was come out of the fog, NOT come out of the closet you Cretin Been taking your cues from the seedier side of the forum eh? Betcha know all the lyrics to the Village People too! Why Disco when you can Rock and Roll!! Edited because the post looked like it was hacked by a blind woodsman. Twice even. [ April 15, 2002, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: Diceman ]
  6. Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. What you didn't notice I was gone? That's O.K., neither did I. Well I suppose it's time for an update, as if any of you blokes care. Sock Monkey (I've been suffering a painful bout of real life, and unlike many of you I don't have access to the forum at work; was that supposed to be bolded?) just upped and surrendered in the middle of the game. Something about loosing an entire company of troops in less than 90 seconds. Gammoned bomb go BOOM, squad go bye bye. You gotta love it! Yeknodathon continues to be lost in the fog, at least for the most part. One trigger happy squad has exposed my position, and artillery is walking its way toward me like some invisible monster from a cheap Japanese movie, breathing fire and death all the way. Fionn , so glad to see you back in the forum proper, you kilt wearing poodle walker! I've wanted to test my mettle against you for years. I'll even write a turn by turn AAR on this if you’re so disposed. Consider the gauntlet thrown down.
  7. Ooooh shiny ones! How about a pachyderm. I have a special place in my heart for pachyderms.
  8. Best of luck. I know the feeling of real life interfering with the hobby. Don't be a complete stranger. Cheers Eric
  9. A quick update, then back to mid term preparations: my supplier could not locate the ZIS-30 model. I just got notification in the mail yesterday. I may finish my T34s over spring break, but that'll be the only additional inputs I'll be adding to the contest. Cheers Eric
  10. Ohh you must be talking about this fellow here: You forgot Salmon Slayer and UberSergeant. At first I didn't know who or what you were talking about. In regards to what you're alluding to: it was a private conversation, and as such has no place on this or any other public forum without my permission. Have you gone daft? Has your obsession with getting digs in on my Sire Joe Shaw driven you over the edge? Could you imagine the ugliness that could fall upon the MBT should posting e-mail conversations with intent too stir up trouble be considered acceptable behavior? This forum lost the wisdom and insight of one Fionn Kelly in part because of e-mail message abuse, and I'll have no part of it, and will not discuss this subject further. OGSF , either your dairy cow has stopped giving milk because your Jack Ass keeps molesting it, or Yeknodathon is your squire. (Note the correct spelling) Hard to tell with that accent of yours. I can barely understand a word you say. If he is indeed your squire, please rein him in. In all candor Yeknodathon and I have already discussed this, and he proved himself to be a true gentleman. There. If that last remark doesn't put a dent in his reputation nothing will!
  11. Oh, that was a joke! A sexual innuendo. I didn't get it. You've never had latrine duty have you? CESSPOOLS can make you feel like that sometimes. Don't worry it comes off in the wash.
  12. I humbly accept this honor Sire. I could serve under no finer Knight. :cool: In a hushed whisper: You'll understand of course if I don't put this on my resume . My first act as a quire will of course be the public humiliation of our friend Sock Monkey. I've sent him an attack/defend quick battle (with good weather) with myself as the defender. I predict that not only will I withstand Monkey Boy’s onslaught (sic), I'll run him off the board with his prehensile tail between his legs. Diceman Out
  13. Hehehe...easy...snicker…chuckle... Ha! I'm neither easy nor cheap. No wait that's not true. If she's big busted I'm easy, but not cheap. No wait, if she's...well never mind you get the drift. But what's that got to do with you anyway? Oh yea, you were dancing around like a giddy school girl after one too many strawberry daiquiris. You won't feel violated tomorrow, if I indulge your giddiness today will you? I suppose the question of who violates who can only be settled on the field of dishonor. Setup coming your way.
  14. Sound off like you got a PAIR son, like you got a pair! No sense in me wasting my time emasculating you on the battlefield if you're already a eunuch. Oh and a sense of humor! You got to show a sense of humor. If you can't laugh in the face of sudden destruction then SODD OFF! Nothing worse than seeing a grown man go home and cry to his mommy over a little ambush gone well.
  15. Originally posted by myself in the recently terminated MBT (may it rest in peace) cough...hack...cloak..ack...invisibility...phthhht...wont see...ack...coming...phhttt. Responce by Joe Shaw: Yea that was pretty weak but what was I supposed to do with "cloak of invisibility", make a reference to Harry Potter? I have gone too far. Military locker room humor. My appologies. [ February 24, 2002, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Diceman ]
  16. I'm sure it was a wondrously articulate, elitists, snobbish, and caustic diatribe. Dambed I missed it. Speaking of missing - Yeknodathon: my e-mail system is suffering a conspicuous absence of a setup from you. If you got a message from some wanker called Eric Scurlock, or discus@peoplepc.com, that's me you Idjit. If you can pull yourself away from that Milwaukee Vibrator, crotch rocket, thumper, or whatever bucket of bolts you wish you could be riding, if it wasn't February, make your purchases or send a counter setup.
  17. Behold: St Lo from Hill 122. For the life of me I can't figure out which mods I used except for Gunnergoz's FGB1 grass, which I modified by drawing grid lines through it. I'm still working on the actual operation. I spent a great deal of time making this map as realistic as possible. Should realy show the horror of bockage country.
  18. Only when I feel like ripping apart some Armor just for kicks, or otherwise feel like getting into something a bit light hearted I don't have to put much thought into, which isn't often.
  19. Spectacular Tiger II. What air brush you use? I could never get that kind of control out of mine.
  20. Those models are done by real professionals. Some of the contributors are engineers who can and do build models for a living; other names will be recognized by collectors of WWII armor reference material. Most if not all of the models pictured at the sight have been extensively modified with aftermarket brass detailing, and resin aftermarket or scratch built corrections to the always imperfect (at least to the discerning eye, or dial caliper) out of the box models. Spray gun question: Usually, but not always, the spray gun is used only for the base coat, with the exception of giving the tank a "sun faded" look. I've seen some artificial shadowing done with the air brush, but that's only effective for dioramas where the model will be viewed from a single angle. Most weathering is done using the complementary techniques of washing and dry brushing. Washing a tank involves taking the base color, darkening and thinning it, and then "washing" the entire vehicle with the thinned dark paint. The thinned paint will settle into the recesses of the model giving it depth. You then "dry brush" the raised portion of the model with a lightened version of the base coat - increasing the illusion of depth. There are other weathering techniques also but those two are the fundamentals. The following picture is Mark Fergel's T34/76 from the missing links site: I'm guessing the following weathering techniques were used on this model (there may be more) 1. Washed 2. Dry brushed 3. "Gucci dusting" -the dirty look on the lower half of the vehicle. 4. possibly lightly oversrayed to give the paint a "sun-faded" look) 5. Brushed with pastel chalks to give it the dusty look on the rest of the vehicle. ..And the artist may have some tricks up his sleeve I don't know about. BTW those are fuel tanks. At least they were diesel driven. Crews often removed the external fuel tanks from their vehicles. They may have been filled with diesel but they were still a dangerous way of extending the tanks range. Hope this was useful. Cheers Eric
  21. The thought has crossed my mind... To see my latest contest submissions look here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=023004;p=6
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