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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Maximus would call the kettle a "stupid Republican".
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by REVS: I've just popped in for a moment to check on the forums, and I suspect some chaps are rusted on to the side of the ship! They're never not there. A fella posts a problem, and I can guarantee you there's a smal clique of 20 or so names who are always there with a reply, moments later. Steady on, lads, you need at least 30 minutes out and about each day, just walking, to avoid the effects of heart disease, gangrene, bed sores and the like. Are you getting enough exercise there? Are you truly battlefield fit, or have those last 2570 pizzas taken their toll? I'm worried about the alarming, unmilitary level of combat-readiness of some our more expert troops. They know the theory, but I don't think they could carry a water bottle 100 metres, let alone a bazooka.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've read Panzer Battles For Bearded Historians five times now, and the consistency of mud at 11.24am in the Huertgen Forest on Dec 24th 1944 PROVES that Rommel was the best commander of WW2. The reason the Germans lost WWII is because of the dynamic shatter gap of the 75LPG tank gun (lang.) at medium ranges of thirty-five yards, NOT because HItler ordered ten-million Whermacht soldiers to shoot themselves in the brains at 10.00am on Mar 4th 1945.
  3. Is this book a real story (or collection of personal experiences). Or is it a fake? If it is a fake, does it really matter and is it a good read anyway? Thanks.
  4. Just checked it out, very nice. RESUMABE DOWNLOADS!!! You need to put some files up but the organisation is sound.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Hey, had to see it to believe it. Great work on the tunic. However I used DD's pants instead. Same basic color and look, just had DD's wrinkles in them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Muhaha I love Maximus' guarded compliments: "Overall it is brilliant, but this detail here is awful."
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gunnergoz: Yep, memories aplenty! I recall with fondness and horror the rusty fallschirmjaeger helmet I got from an Italian farmer in Verona in the '60's. The horror part is that I sold it for pennies years later when I had a lapse in sanity...sob, choke I'll say this, you guys got a lottta guts and damn few brains handling old live ordnance like that! God Bless you and count your fingers often!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In the Forties and Fifties following WW2, children on the Channel Islands went to school wearing German jackboots and carrying daggers!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: Damn! he never said if tank turrets would be able to turn independent of the hull on command. Isn't that just like BTS thinking of work instead of just me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is an essential feature.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutPL: For God's sake, WHY?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ScoutPL is obviously still traumitised by the election of George Bush!
  9. I know the Hetzer you refer to, I saw it in Bayeux just the other week. I don't remember any history on the plinth (nor was there any for the other AFVs outside the museum). Try telephoning/emailing the curator. BTW anyone going to Bayeux should definitely check out the Tiger (MASSIVE) and Panther guns
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rupert_2: Lol I nearly fell of my chair when I saw your post !! Sorry, it is a good effort though...... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rupert_2: It just looks a bit Mid-West America to me... Though who I'm I to say...I couldn't 'Bloody' do anything as near as good as that !! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lol I'm waiting for Billy Bob Feckwitt to step outside that barn and say, "whersh my Combat Mission?!"
  12. This is a superb idea. Your system would mean that a player could fire in the middle of wooded areas, and behind buildings. At the moment, a spotter can SEE the woods and trees, but he cannot fire into them without calling in non-LOS fire, which is inaccurate. Now we need someone to represent this idea in a graphical mock-up, so that others can support this suggestion.
  13. If any of you guys want to provide movies of the battle for people to watch, I could provide the webspace (post-battle).
  14. If any of you guys want to provide movies of the battle for people to watch, I could provide the webspace (post-battle).
  15. This is on the BBC tomorrow afternoon, could be worth watching: I'll let you guys know if it is repeated on the History Channel.
  16. This was found in a British television listings magazine (don't read if easily offended)
  17. Well I don't think you can convert from pbem to tcp/ip. You can do it the other way around by saving the game while playing over tcp/ip, then opening the file.
  18. I know exactly what you guys mean, the other day I could have sworn I saw an encampment of French soldiers in a near by field. Anyway, after playing Combat Mission I decided to start my own National Socialist party. Already I have been soliciting support from right wing business interests. I fired up CM once again and had a good look at the weaponary. With the new funding I purchased a number of firearms for the new organisation. Already we have many supporters in continental Europe. We plan to occupy the London Stock Exchange on Friday and every major European Government will have been overthrown by the following Sunday. Once Europe is in our National Socialist hands (and France has been liquidated) we shall engage in a massive re-armament and integrate all European Armies into a new super organisation, with myself as supreme commander. Then an incident will be arranged in America concerning a European radio station and American agitiators. The United States will be under our control by July 1st (just before tea time). And it was all thanks to Combat Mission.
  19. You are all talking bollocks. The way to play infantry in CM is to either (1) pin down the enemy infantry, then destroy it, (2) out number the enemy infantry locally then wear it down, (3) pit one infantry squad with superior firepower to another enemy infantry squad. So really... it all depends on the situation. Just don't run headlong into enemy machine guns, build up and support the attack slowly, and you will be okay.
  20. Too true, Fred. If there can be many Peng threads, all competing to be the true heir, then there should at least be a single Anti Peng Thread which is an antidote to Pengness (whichever form it takes). [ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: M. Bates ]
  21. Anyone who has had enough of: "THE PENG THREAD GOES TO OUTER MONGOLIA (PART IV)" Et cetera, post here so I know that I am not the only one
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mcgivney: I'm soooo off topic I couldn't find CM with a stepladder and a radio telescope. So, lock me Amadeus without hesitation, moderators.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Isn't starting this thread the equivalent of a blind man trying to walk across a six-lane car highway, despite all the noise, AND being surprised when he gets hit by a car, then dies?? In answer to your question, WW2OL looks like an expensive version of Quake 3.
  23. Most of the off-topic threads about WW2 films or modern weapons etc., get moved to the General Discussion Forum. Flame fests or Threads-About-The-Peng-Thread just get locked. If anything it would be better if stupid threads were locked quicker (in an ideal world).
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