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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Well I started a thread about PBEM being inherently easier for the German player, and all these brown-nosers start to pile in. These brown-nosers never put forward any original thougts of their own, all they do is cut and paste quotes out of context, and then vent all their "wit". Then I start to become aggressive (my mistake). The same above can apply for anyone. ------------------ "War is like the cinema. The best seats are at the back... the front is all flicker." - Monte Cassino by Sven Hassel
  2. I like Rugged Defense, it is very accessible and functional, and is used by lots of players.
  3. Well, Jeff Heidman does not usually say anything stupid, and yet again I would have to agree with him. It is obvious that people on this board are either accepted or ostracized if they do not go with the flow. I rarely bother posting. I mean, Combat Mission is a game, but someone tries to go along from a gaming perspective, you get these historical egg heads who answer the question from a real life perspective. And so in the end it is whoever has read the most history books who never gets shouted down.
  4. I was hoping it would chronicle the relationships between the Axis powers.
  5. Duh, I didn't know that. I joke of course. My Yahoo account is not working, so I am using this forum and my new account to get in touch with people. Just changing my profile (which I have done) will not in itself advertise the fact that I have a new address. MOSTRO: your email address as published at Rugged Defense is not working, perhaps they have a small error in the spelling.
  6. My email used to be eolfreddy@yahoo.co.uk, it is now m.batespbem@btinternet.com I realise that I had already changed last month, but with the new address I will no longer be using a web-based email address. Yahoo email has been down nearly all weekend, and in my opinion it is a bag of ****e. Master Bate's new email = m.batespbem@btinternet.com Thank you.
  7. My advice is always to look out for spotting rounds. You will nearly always have time to move your units well out of the way before the barrage begins.
  8. I like draws. I had a great battle with Stoffers where I had a last stand on this hill, with a Churchill Avre supporting my infantry with its 280mm gun. It chewed lumps out of the storm troops, and then I retreated again braving an artillery barrage, to a last last stand, and the game ended in a draw. Definitely the closest game I have ever played!
  9. Try and open the sound file in Sound Handle, then convert it in Soundapp. These instructions are pretty crap, but Soundapp is a good Macintosh program for converting sounds. I'm sure someone will have a better answer!
  10. Slightly off topic I know, but lots of Combat Mission players must use Yahoo mail for their PBEM. At the moment I can get to the sign in page, but when I click to enter my inbox, nothing happens. Anyone else having problems? My cookies are on, but a lot of people are waiting for my turns...
  11. Cyberfox, how about this: United States of America vs Europe. You could different states versus different European countries. I am sure the numbers on each side would be quite similar.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Would penalties consist of lining up 5 PzKwIV's or Sherman M4A1's at 1000 metres (depending on which side you're on of course) with whoever brews up the most tanks in a 60 second turn winning?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, the PzKwIVs would roll out on to a grassy hill to the reverberating noise of the German national anthemn, which naturally gets booed. Then the "Ronsons" would trundle up opposite to a dreary chorus of God Save The Queen. Next, two of the five German tanks get toasted, then three of the UK tanks, until eventually one is left on each side. In the penalties, the last German tank scores five direct hits, but the UK tank misses two of its own, and the spectators miserably sing, "stand up if you won the war".
  13. Yeah, good idea, but what would determine who represents each country? Would each country have a captain? Sounds promising tho If the UK and Germany are competing, make the tournament an alcohol free zone and keep those two teams at least 500 yards apart Please don't let it go to penalties
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But he's soooo objective. He even said so himself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehe. I have nothing against America - it's a nice country nice ppl shops trees cars buildings etc etc - but CavScout is like a faulty record player "Can you believe that the Germans would go to war with the industrial strength of the USA, can you believe that the Germans would go to war with the industrial strength of the USA, can you believe that the Germans would go to war with the industrial strength of the USA, can you believe that the Germans would go to war with the industrial strength of the USA, can you believe that the Germans would go to war with the industrial strength of the USA"
  15. My name is Master Bates, I live in Staines. ------------------ "War is like the cinema. The best seats are at the back... the front is all flicker." - Monte Cassino by Sven Hassel
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Somefink<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL.
  17. Waterloo was good from an "epic" perspective. Saving Private Ryan was too talky, and the visual effects are very gimmicky.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Exactly what is the criteria for locking threads? Obviously flamming and personal insults would but recently it seems that anything that "people can't agree" on is locked.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Any thread by CavScout which drones on about the might of American World War 2 uber-might.
  19. After the war German pieces of equipment were offered to various European communities, presumably for exhibit, but these were turned down. If you have ever seen the extravagance with which the Germans buitl their concrete fortifications in Normandy for example, you can well understand why the locals did not want more German equipment!
  20. That is a good qustion. I recomend the Mad Dog mods. I downloaded the graphics with lo-res grass, and with no sound effects. Download speed friendly, I think you will find.
  21. If someone had started a topic headlined, "The USA is **** - its official", it would have been locked.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know this might be heresy but I think that Germany was largely a defeated army by 1944 when the US(and Allies) finally met them in any strength. Lots of children and old men filling out their ranks, especially in the West. In fact I would go so far to say that Overlord was unecessary in the final victory as the Russians had it pretty well in hand by then.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is very true, after the loss of an army at Stalingrad, it was not long before the Germans began to "scrape the barrel". What does it matter if the Germans or the Americans were a little bit better some of the time than the other? Just who cares?
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I've been in New York and London, both had streets full of beggars. None of that for me, thank you very much.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And there is no begging in France, China, etc etc??
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