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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. There aren't any books that could help your playing knowledge, but there is a list of war related books at the CMHQ. Play plenty of Quick Battles against the computer and look at the tips and techniques forum to improve.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What's all this stuff about using Wordpad and having to cut and paste, etc.?? The file is ready to go "as is"...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Often the PBEM data is not attached, so it has to be copied and pasted from the email. Just select some text at the beginning and then shift-click at the end to select it all. BTW, Yahoo is better than Hotmail if you must use a web email account.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>governments are made up of people, they will always contain corruption, mistakes, and simple stupidity<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes. The European Union for example.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It means, Bates, that your simplistic, overarching, jingoistic statement does nothing for a serious conversation about a serious topic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I will carry on contributing in any way I like as long as I keep to the forum rules, so please ignore me and stop taunting other contributors.
  5. My favourite WW2 books so far are Wheels of Terror, Comrades of War, The Bloody Road to Death, O.G.P.U. Prison, and The Commissar, all by Sven Hassel. ------------------ "War is like the cinema. The best seats are at the back... the front is all flicker." - Monte Cassino by Sven Hassel
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I'd just like to publicly post my appreciation for someone muddying otherwise clean waters with an ugly comment.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've read that about four times now and I still think what the **** is that?! Maybe it will make more sense tomorrow morning but I doubt it, that's like saying two negatives equal a positive or saying, "Many thanks to all the murderers out there who make our lives a misery."
  7. American politicans and their voters should stick to their guns. As a capitalist, and proud of being so, I like to see America bringing down trade barriers. At the moment the US is the only "antidote" to all the largely socialist European countries with their "high and mighty" attitude. I am not sure what this topic was originally about, but as it is now about US foreign policy, I thought I'd add my views.
  8. So... what is going on? do you mean the tournament thing at the CMHQ? I tried reading the instructions for that but it seemed to be more about simulating the communication of WW2 rather than playing Combat Mission games. Is Rob in charge of the Allies then?
  9. I think that there is some kind of tournament, but God knows how you get information on it.
  10. I didn't see any news, I just saw a 480KB picture.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I really would like to see a CM based game for the Napoleonic period. The break in the action in CM makes it much easier to control large formations.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree, the CM engine is perfect for that kind of warfare. Imagine the cavalry charges and cannon fire and infantry squares!!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Please keep your personal life personal and if you want to discuss Buenos Ares, your PBEM battles, your Counterstrike proficiency or any other rambling thought in your head, do it elsewhere.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just no one wants to chat with you, "Elijah Meeks". Chill out, be civil everyone
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It's very simple. One player on a team opens the PBEM file as normal and gives orders to his units. He DOES NOT hit the GO button. Instead, he uses ALT-S to save the game as a .cmb file, which he sends to his partner. His partner saves this file in is Saved Games folder and opens it using the "Play Game" option instead of the "Join MP Game" option, and enters orders for his units. When he's done, he hits the GO button, which saves the file as a PBEM text file. He then sends this to one of the players on the other side. They repeat the process and eventually one of them sends a PBEM text file back to the 1st player. All that needs to be done in advance is to decide who's on which team and what units each player controls. If this is a QB, unit assignments are best handled using the same procedure as with turns. That is, the 1st player creates the game, saves it in the set-up phase, sends this to his partner, then they decide who gets what and a general plan of battle. After they decide this, the 1st player sets his stuff up, saves as a .cmb, sends to the 2nd player, who hits GO and sends to the other side. The other side does the same procedure to complete the set-up phase.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's a really simple way of playing!! Why not have 4 player, where 2 players are controlling the infantry, and the other 2 players controlling the armour.
  14. Don't let the buggers get you down. As long as you have a tank, you have a chance. If your tanks are gone you are a Dead Man, however.
  15. If you must have a rule, then why not just make it no Sherman Jumbos or King Tigers. All this making rules gets a bit much. In practice I agree with with voluntary codes, but come on guys, it's a simulation of tactics, and if you take care and preparation, then you can win whatever the enemy units. I figure that if he is investing in heavy units, then he is lacking in other places. Any light tank and an infantry team can defeat any tank however big it is!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>No<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Haha, that made me laugh...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do you guys have any ideas to contribute regarding rules and scoring etc?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Captialistdog, please use a league system with a set number of "fixtures". So if there were 12 countries, then each country would play each other twice. The league could end and restart every three months, and the "Commanding Officer" or General or whatever of each country would be responsible for making sure his country team is playing fairly and regularly, he could also post reports to the forum.
  18. Open wide Mr Troll. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have a question, why do people get angry when America makes movies about Americans? Surely there has to be movies by Brits about Brits or by Canadians about Canadians! Or is this just a weird acceptance that America (Hollywood) makes better films and you wish they'd do one about you country?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's just as stupid as saying that Hollywood should stop employing British actors, because their own actors are not good enough. I do NOT believe that, I am just outlining an equally stupid statement. CavScout, why do your posts always have to be America vs The World? BTW, Starship Troopers is just misunderstood, it has good action scenes and is intentionally funny in places, it's a kind of gung-ho "Us versus the Foreigners" parody. ------------------ "War is like the cinema. The best seats are at the back... the front is all flicker." - Monte Cassino by Sven Hassel
  19. Brown-nosers was a bit strong and I regret that, even printing it twice. It's difficult to converse using just the electronic word sometimes, I just wish people wouldn't rile others so much, myself included, I still stand by what I said in that I feel the Germans have an advantage, especially at the start of the game when their armour in "overwatch" can give them a headstart. Instead of replying immediately to someone and letting rip, everyone should wait for a few seconds and think about what they are going to say, obviously this only applies for people like me who have a problem with holding tone and temper, but also CavScout et al
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Chuckle - actually that was kinda my point but I accept your correction. Saxons, Britons, Angles, Normans, Picts, Celts. Jeez no wonder we are confused<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehe. It's funny, the Britons get swamped and retreat to France, then they sail back to England with the Normans, they get routed by the Saxons, who in their pursuit end up losing the battle. So in a way the Britons has the last laugh! BTW, if England had been named after the Saxons instead of the Angles who took all the credit, England would be called Sexland (Middlesex, Essex, Wessex etc etc.)
  21. No easy way round this. install the extensions which worked the best, and then reinstall Combat Mission. Providing you still have the original Mod stuffit files, it should not be too painful
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>p.s. before people get the wrong impression most English high school students beleive the British WON the battle of hastings in 1066 and the Normans lost, so this isnt an American disease. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, no, no. First of all the British weren't in existence at the Battle of Hastings - unless you count the French-based Britons who were routed. Everyone knows that the Normans won fair and square, and the Norman Conquest is not viewed in a negative light at all, more the beginning of the nation (the English national flag is actually the Norman flag, but minus some thin yellow markings). If you take American movies, on the whole they are of a very high quality, and are a commerical success the world over. Obviously there are some problems: 1) Titanic. Changed character nationalities and inserted some horrible actions by the ships crew which never actually happened. 2) U-571. Need I say more? 3) Saving Private Ryan to an extent. But people get this out of perspective. No one has a go at the French or British for making films which are only about their own countries.
  23. Count me in for Britain, I can supply my anti-tank expertise and supply of tea bags
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