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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi Knaust, you sly old dog... I am sure you are still a tough old boot and I am looking forward to our game. It will have to wait until I do the set up for the Cpl. Cpl I had a look at it last night and it is causing me problems. I am waiting on replies from T and KR who have been sent their turns several days ago. Guys let me know if you did not get my replies? Cpl, I shall have a look at Rear Guard again tonight and see if I can crack the puzzle, it is a damn good position to be put into and will show the mice from the men. (All of course depending on your opponent.) So KR / T did you get my turns or is Real Life delaying your responses? H
  2. Hi Jason, What sort of range do they not get spotted these larger AT Guns? H
  3. Hi Jason, What sort of range do they not get spotted these larger AT Guns? H
  4. Hi, John Kettler has a good question. It can only be answered by your opponents John. If they are willing then you can achieve anything. If they are not then it maybe a problem. I would suggest they consult you here or when fixed via e-mail. H
  5. Damn I guess I am going to have to do the set up for that noisome Cpl after all. H P.s. Ohhh yeah and do an AAR, to avoid the baseball bat from Florida.... [ January 27, 2003, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  6. Andreas, what are you doing in here.... Fancy submitting one of your scenarios... Give us something to pull out our hair? Perhaps a small German attack on a hill? Right must bugger off as I have to do some work... H P.s. Cpl until this is decided you can guess my set-up will be on hold. [ January 27, 2003, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  7. It would seem that the tourney should continue and if there is enough discontent with the players the scenario should be pulled. I am happy either way. As long as I get to stay in the tourney and it continues. Rune you are a gent and no-one thinks bad of you (IMO, as I can not speak for the whole world). H
  8. Hmmmm, I do hope the problem is not a serious one and I have a small confession to make so that this is kept above board. Rune sent myself a copy of a certain scenario which I will not name as it will give away who designed it, and hence spoil the FOW. He did so in an honest mistake and I do not blame him one jot. Now this was at the time the tourney was starting and I have not opened any of the games he sent me. Including the scenario in the tourney. I repeat I have not looked, peeked, done anything with it. Upon realising what I had I sent an e-mail to TB and Rune explaining what I had and that I had not opened it. I offered at that point to step out of the tourney. TB and Rune trusted my word and I continued. Now I know people don't know squat about me and all you have is my typed word but I have not touched the game and it is not in my nature to open it. (In fact I removed it from my hard disk.) I am happy to do as is agreed by TB, Winecape and whoever. I am a good player and I do not need to cheat to do well and I hope if I am allowed to continue the games that my ability shines through. Except against that damn Cpl who has my number and will no doubt do far better than me. I think the tourney should continue and if any other tourney player has the scenario, and I think it is only one thne could they let TB and KF know. Also could TB and KF assess the scenario and see if it could skew the results if either side knew the others starting forces etc? I seem to remember the tourney always needs a bit of a crisis every now and then to make it interesting so lets hope it can be resolved. If other people have the scenario it would not bother me if the scenario was a balanced affair. Another option is to pull the scenario as I am guessing only one is affected? H P.S. Cpl I have still not done your set up as I have spent the weekend doing DIY and getting the new study sorted. Sorry. P.P.S Off to bed and I am hoping this will be sorted when I check in the morning. [ January 26, 2003, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  9. Lazy *od!!! But an interesting question none the less... H
  10. Fair point John, But the men will still be in LOS of the projectiles comming through the doors and windows and loop holes... Occchhhh. H [ January 24, 2003, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  11. ROFL.... Don't worry about excuses for losing, or winning. I know your game young man... Just remember fools rush forward... Heh Heh Heh..... H
  12. Prelude to the weekend... KR is still holding up Christmas. T is off on a jolly weekend. That can mean only one thing. H will be doing a set up for the Cpl.... Comming your way soon... H
  13. KR You are truly a past master at building yourself up. I see you will win no matter the outcome of the game. Of course what you fail to mention is what you get to attack with!!!! I am beting on Ski's. I can assure you that I don't get much to defend with, and with the blizzard I will not see you until you are within SMG range. And we all know the power of the Russian SMG squads. I am truly dead meat in our game and I will be lucky to have any men crawl away from the field of battle. H
  14. Ohhhh excellent bets.... No pressure on you KR. That is my territory selling myself down so it looks good when you win. I know you will win through. All but one of my games see me defending and that is hard to do. I tend to prefer attacking. Anyway it surely can not be as bad as attacking at night through Barb Wire against a site with stone buildings and good internal lines of movement. Of all the games this one makes me most nervous as I have yet to see how snow affects the troops. A fun learning experience for both of us. I hope you are beating up the Cpl!!! I have yet to start on him. H
  15. Set up done for T and sent. Pity he does not like my Zip program. Cpl you are next and I shall be looking at the map soon. KR are you still with us? What will Santa bring my men? I hope some new socks and some winter woolies. H
  16. Until JK gets settled in... Good to see another Brit in the games... I have just finished a hard day of painting and after the marathon session last night I must spend some R&R with my beloveded.. Sorry T and the Cpl I will do the set ups this week. You can not rush this phase as it can win the war. H
  17. Last turn sent to MD who has been a brick in completing the game in a long session. It is late here and I am off to bed to be lazy.... Now two games are finished I can do the setups for the remaining games. AAR sent for the Beast and another will be sent on Sunday. I guess I am just lazy... Beware Cpl Carrot your days are numbered... H
  18. The beast is finished and MD is awake and dishing out turns. About two thirds through that game and when he goes off line I can do a set up. Her in doors willing... H
  19. Bertram turn sent back to you. Are you there? Knock three times if you can hear me.... H
  20. Yawn....... Did someone say something.... Snorrrrrrrrrrr.... BTW, MD sent a turn this morning. While Bertram slacked yesterday and did not keep me occupied at night. I had to do house accounts instead.... :eek: Will do T's set up next, perhaps this weekend... H
  21. I woooookeeeee Up this mornnninng and what did I seeee.... Noooothhinnnng in my turn box...... From Micky D..... (Think Jazz music... Nice....) H P.s. I might get another setup done tonight as I have a pass out. Yipppeee....
  22. Bertram can you send me the Allied password for our game as you have sent me your file and I presume you want me to start doing your turns? H
  23. Hi, Not a problem KR. I have been sent a setup by T and will be looking at that next and then after that I might look at a game for the Kiwi.... My game with Bertram has about 8 turns left and I think I am nearly half way through with MD. Our game is one of the oddest maps I have seen in a long while and I am not sure how it is going to play. I guess I need to learn what and what you can not do in snow.... H
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