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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I almost got into one of these via the GROGNARDS wargame club, but the whole thing crapped out.

    Since then I've been really wanting to give it a go.

    If this one fills up, perhaps some of us leftovers could start up a second MP game?

    I'd prefer to play Allies.

    I could process my turns any weekday... sometimes ify on weekends.

    The TUTORIAL scenario may be a good one to test this process with...


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  2. Just for the record, I have an AMD K6-2 @380mhz, 80 MB ram (soon to go up), and a 16mb Voodoo 3 3000 PCI.

    Combat Mission runs fine... perhaps a little sluggish or choppy on the large maps, but then I also have many, many mods installed. (although they are mostly lo-res.)


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  3. What the hell is with the moving sig? Freaking me out!

    Ahem... anyway... I bought Shogun BEFORE I bought CM. I'm a big samurai fan, and for about a week I thought Shogun was the ultimate wargame. For what it is... it is very, very good!

    After a week I d/loaded the CM Demo... and I TRIED to go back to Shogun, but instead found myself shelling out $50 to BTS...

    I then sold Shogun on EBaY to pay off the Credit Card.

    If you like BOTH WWII and, well, Shoguns... then I say GET CM NOW! (Combat Mission IS the better game!) If you really, really prefer Feudal Japan... then go ahead and get Shogun, it IS a very good game... in fact it's the best Samurai wargame on the market.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  4. I DID own Rogue Spear...

    I use a PC, not MAC.

    Rogue Spear is GREAT, but it ran a little slow on my PC, and I pretty much wore it out playing it as much as humanly possible, so I sold it. Kinda miss it nowadays...

    Oh, SHADOW 1st HUSSARS... you're Mom says that you are not to play with others until your bedsheets are dry.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  5. I JUST had a Sherman, running from house to house (with a known AT gun able to get a shot BETWEEN the houses) suddenly stop all movement right between the houses (even though it had a FAST MOVE order) and sit like a duck till the AT gun blew it to hell.

    (It was NOT bogged, etc...)

    I have no explanation for the behavior... but I chalk it up to AI screw up, and not actually any sort of bug.

  6. Originally posted by Sig:

    Interesting reactions.

    Am I totally wrong if I assume that in the case a TV company would present a gladiator show with real killing (gee, after all they have to earn their money and it's their own life.) some of you would find arguments to defend it?

    As I said: interesting reactions.


    Depends... are the Gladiators participating of their own free will? (OR Death Row criminals?)



    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  7. Also, what about looking up the Original battle of the story (Baden-Baden) and checking to see what officers were arrested there.

    What I mean is, is it possible he mixed up the name of the arrested officer?

    I'd love to check into it myself, but have to run off to Hell... er... Work.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  8. Originally posted by Forever Babra:

    Unfortunately, a search for "Mormon Wives" will take the unwary internet surfer straight to the cesspool. Now, if that doesn't make someone activate parental controls, nothing will... biggrin.gif


    ... and JSHANDORF, I agree. I've always been sickened when comparing the salary of your average TV Sports figure, and that of someone who risks their life to help others (Police, Armed Forces, etc.)

    Not that I believe the Country or States could afford to PAY each Cop and Soldier that amount! But if they are not making that amount of Cash, then someone who plays with balls for a career CERTAINLY isn't worth that kind of money.

  9. Originally posted by iggi:

    The show's name has to be good for CM. smile.gif

    We are all going to be watching it with a nice cold beer.

    I agree... people doing any sort of a search for it on the internet are going to HAVE to come across something CM related. Might kick up a lot of accidental business for BTS.

    (Heck, if you do a search for Normandy, WWII, Hedgerows, Bocage, or Tank Pics you come up with a ton of CM sites.)

    I'll be kicked back with a cold one watching...

    Any idea when it starts?

  10. Originally posted by Wilhammer:

    I am far more worried about the effect something like this has on very young minds.

    A wargame like CM is not going to be played by very many under the age of 12, but the show will be watched by many ages easily.

    It shows war and killing as a game for earning money. Money earned for killing.

    Anyone who joins the armed forces is learning how to kill... how to be a killer. All soldiers are in theory getting paid to kill.

    At least this show would depict things like hostage rescues, etc. Good things. Not some gun toting thugs shooting whores for crack money. Also, the violence level should theoretically be LESS than your average TV Drama, because the main focus will be on the game elements, and not on realistic depiction of bodily injury.

    Someone said that this is totally different than wargaming because the PRODUCERS of the show are in it for the money...

    However, I'm pretty sure BTS has made a decent showing off of CM's sales.

    I'm still not convinced this show is anything bad...

    It beats the heck out of stupid ideas like SURVIVOR or TEMPTATION ISLAND.

  11. Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    Nah, the US Military is busy protesting black berets. They'd probably appreciate the press coverage. smile.gif

    Not to mention the Navy, which is busy sinking boatloads of Japanese students.

    The US Armed Forces could certainly use some good press!

    I just DO NOT see what it would hurt. It would probably attract many more recruits than that stupid Army Of One slogan some Forrest Gump came up with.

  12. Manx and Tiger, great work!


    The new BRUSH, listed as Hi-Res on the website, is actually Lo-Res (better for me anyway!)

    The Priest, listed as Lo-Res, actually has a Hi-Res side panel.

    The Achilles (FINALLY! YAY!) is listed as Lo-Res, but is in fact Hi-Res.

    Probably wouldn't even have noticed these nits, except I Lo-Res out all my stuff (you can hardly tell... REALLY!)


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 03-11-2001).]

  13. Hmmm.. I reread my last post and it sounded like a flame. This was not my intent... I only intended to disagree. I apologize for that and blame quitting smoking...

    However, I STILL disagree that the TV show is ANY different than a video game. In fact, the TV show will more than likely have ZERO blood or other such "effect."

    Certainly the TV show will not have real people actually being KILLED, which is something I probably would have a disagreement with.

    I can understand the argument that real life "secret" tactics should probably not be displayed for all too see... I guess I agree there. But as to the content of the TV show, I still say its no worse than if a bunch of us sat around watching Fionn and MadMatt play a game of CM for a $500,000 prize. Its just a game, like paintball... which is also televised (but you have to search for it.)

    I honestly see no difference between this and "Who Wants To Be a Millionare", except that I would actually WATCH this show.

    Personally, I'd MUCH rather watch some good tactics in action, than watch some morons play with a ball... or puck... or anything else "professional" sports has to offer.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 03-09-2001).]

  14. Whoah!

    Thanks for that bit of info Bruno! I do occasionally use Crews to watch over rear force VL's...

    I guess I will ALWAYS retreat them off the field from now on.

    In a way, it kind of makes sense that they should not be able to hold a VL... but then in a way it does not...

    I've often read of Kitchen crews, etc., being used as last defense in WWII battles, so I used that reasoning for occasionally gaurding a rear VL with crews.

    Hope this makes sense... my mind is fragmented... quitting smoking is a B!@tch!!!

  15. I ALWAYS retreat crews and empty mortars teams off the map (unless I DESPERATELY need them to watch over a victory location for me) and have never had my "team" auto surrender in a game... so it really should not sway it so much that you need to worry over it.

    I say retreat them and save yourself the points!


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  16. I'm not a professional soldier (though I do have some police and security experience), but I still totally disagree that this TV show is ANY different than us playing wargames.

    As described, this TV show will re-enact situations that real life soldiers may have to face. Of course, just like CM, the show (game) can never completely recreate "real life" combat. It is a GAME, that can be won (just like CM, or any other WARGAME).

    It closely resembles paintball, another "wargame." It also sounds like it will resemble Rainbow 6 and Rogue Spear... and even the Delta Force PC games... once again, all GAMES.

    The show is stated as being a GAME. If you are going to say its wrong, then you may as well say that CM is wrong too...

    So what if CM is only "pixels"... it still looks and plays as realistic as is possible on todays home PC technology. I would not say it, but some could easily say the same things about CM as The_Capt is saying about this TV show.

    BTS sells CM to MAKE MONEY... the network does the same with this TV show.

    The only difference with this show is that people can watch it on TV...

    You cannot tell me that some of us would not watch a TV show where people played games of CM for cash prizes.

    As an added bonus, this TV show may actually make some people go out and sign up for the police force or armed services.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  17. Yuppers, that screenshot is amazing!

    I guess you command a squad of soldiers in that game. I sure wish it was releasing before 2002.

    The other game is a flight sim in WWII Pacific. Kinda like B-17 II, in that you can take different positions in the plane, and the graphics are once again just plain spectacular... just like a movie.

    Unfortunately, that one ALSO does not release until 2002... AAARGH!


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

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